What are the borders of the axilla?
base = skin of armpit
Apex = behind middle 3rd of clavicle
Anterior wall = Pec major, minor, and subclavius
Posterior wall= subscapularis, lats, teres major
Middle wall = first 4 intercostal spaces, intercostal muscles, serratus anterior
Lateral wall = coracobrachialis muscle/humerus
Pec minor
O - Lateral surfaces of ribs 3-5
I - Coracoid process
A - Brings tip of shoulder anteriorly and inferiorly
N - Medial pectoral
Pec Major
O - Medial 1/3 of clavicle, manubrium, sternal body, first 6 ribs
I - Lateral lip of intertubercular groove
A - Adduction, medial rotation, horizontal adduction
N - Lateral pectoral
What are the 3 sets of pec major fibres
Where ~is coracoid process located
below lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Serratus anterior
O - Anterolateral aspect of ribs 1-9
I - mostly inferior angle of scap but also medial border
A - Upward rotation of glenoid, protraction of scap, stabilize scap, aids in adduction of GH
N - Long thoracic
O - Superior aspect of 1st rib + costal cartilage
I - middle 1/3 of inferior surface of clavicle
A - Axial rotation of clavicle
N - nerve to subclavius
O - Supraspinous fossa
I - Greater tuberosity
A - Abduction
N - Suprascapular
O - Infraspinous fossa
I - Greater tuberosity
A - Lateral rotation
N - suprascapular nerve
Teres Major
O - Lateral border of scap
I - Medial lip of intubercular groove
A - Medial rotation, adduction,
N - lower subscapular
Teres Minor
O - Lateral border of scap
I - Greater tuberosity
A - lateral rotation, stabilization of GH joint
N - Axillary
O - Ant: Lateral clavicle Mid: Acromion Post: Spine of scap I - Deltoid tuberosity A - Ant: Flexion, med rotation, adduction Mid: Abduction Post: Lat rotation, extension, adduction, N - Axillary
O - Subscapular fossa
I - lesser tuberosity
A - Medial rotation
N - Upper and lower subscapular nerve
What are the contents of the axilla
- Cords of brachial plexus
- Axillary artery and vein
- 5 groups of lymph nodes
What are the 5 groups of lymph nodes in the axilla
- Pectoral or anterior group
- Subscapular group
- Venous group or lateral group
- Central group
- Apical group
Where is the pectoral/anterior group of lymph nodes located ? where do they receive lymph from?
Sandwiched between pec major and pec minor
Receive lymph from lateral half of breast
Where does the subscapular or posterior group collect lymph from
posterior aspect of thorax
Where does the venous or lateral group collect lymph from
upper limb
Where is the triangular space?
Between Teres major, Teres minor, and long head of triceps
What does the triangular space contain
Circumflex scapular artery
Where is the Quadrangular space located
between Teres major, Teres minor, Long head of triceps, Humerus,
What does the quadrangular space contain
Axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral artery
Where is the triangular interval located
Teres major, Long head of triceps, Humerus
What does the triangular interval contain
Deep brachial artery and radial nerve
Which nerve is commonly impinged during healing of humerus fracture? how long does this last?
axillary nerve
6-12 months until callus of immature bone tissue is removed