External oblique
O - lower 6 ribs
I - Iliac crest, linea alba via aponeurosis
A -Rotate torso towards contralateral side
NS - Spinal nerves T7-T12
The _____ is the thickened part of external oblique aponeurosis
inguinal ligament
The left external oblique is running the same direction as the ____
right internal oblique - allowing them to work together
Internal oblique
O - Iliac crest and inguinal ligament
I - Lower 6 ribs, linea alba via aponeurosis
A - Trunk rotation to ipsilateral side
NS - lower 6 intercostal nerves
Transverse abdominis
O - Iliac crest, lower 6 ribs, thoracolumbar fascia
I - Linea alba via aponeurosis
A - When left and right work together they increase abdominal pressure (force expiration, valsalva maneuver, child birth, pooping)
NS - lower 6 intercostal nerves
How does the valsalva maneuver work
abdominal muscles push abdominal viscera posteriorly and diaphragm pushes them down - helps to supper lumbar vertebrae
Rectus abdominis
O - Pubic bone close to pubic symphysis
I - Cartilage of rib 5-7 and zyphoid process
A - Flexion of trunk, if thorax is stable: posterior tilt.
NS - lower 6 intercostal nerves
What occurs if rectus abdominis is too overpowering
flatten lumbar vertebrae causing back pain
What is an inguinal hernia
when small intestine enter inguinal canal
What is the entrance and exit of the inguinal canal
Entrance: deep inguinal ring
Exit: Superficial inguinal ring
How long is the inguinal canal? where does it sit?
4-5 cm
Immediately above mid section of inguinal ligament
What is the purpose of the inguinal canal
Passage for testies in embryonic stage - allows them to migrate outside of abdominal cavity - too hot in there for normal function - and into scrotum
Where do the testees develop?
posterior abdominal wall posterior to kidneys
what are the 5 main layers of abdominal wall
- Perioneum
- transversalis fascia
- Traversus abdominis
- Internal oblique
- External oblique
When travelling from posterior abdominal wall to scrotum what layers do the testees pass through? do they penetrate them?
Transversalis fascia
Internal oblique
Aponeurosis of external oblique
no! take them with them
What muscle because the cremaster once the testees pass through it
internal oblique
Organs completely surround by peritoneum are called ______
intraperitoneal organs
Organs not compltely surrounded by peritoneum are called ____
retroperitoneal organs
Which organs are moveable
the intraperitoneal ones
Which organs are intraperitoneal?
Stomach, spleen, liver, duodenum (1st and 4th segment), jejunum, ileum, transverse colon and sigmoid colon
which organs are retroperitoneal
Duodenum (2nd + 3rd segment), pancreas, colon, kidneys, rectum
What is peritoneum
large serous membrane lining abdominal cavity
The peritoneum can be divided into..
an outer parietal layer and an inner visceral layer
The parietal peritoneum a ____ innervation making it pain _____
pain sensitive
The visceral peritoneum a ____ innervation making it pain _____
The abdominal part of the foregut is suspended by
double layer folds of peritoneum (mesenteries) both ventrally and dorsally
The dorsal mesentary of the foregut forms ____ hanging down from the _____
the greater omentum
Greater curvature of the stomach
The part of the lesser omentum stretched between the liver and stomach is called the _____
hepatogastric ligament
The part of the lesser omentum attaching the liver to the duodenum is called the ____
Hepatoduodenal ligament
The lesser sac is continuous with the greater sac via
an opening called the omental foramen
Where do you find the portal triad
within the free border of the lesser omentum