Muscles - Head + neck Flashcards
Orbicularis Oris
O - Anteromedial surface of maxilla and mandible
I - Skin of fascia of lips
A - Compression and protrusion of the lips
N - Facial Nerve
Orbicularis Oculi
O - Orbital part: Medial part of the orbital margin. Palpebral part: Medial palpebral ligament. Lacrimal part: Lacrimal bone
I - Skin surrounding the orbit, lateral palpebral raphe, oper and lower eyelids
A - Closes eyelids, scrunches eyes, opens tear duct
N - Facial Nerve (CN7)
O - Buccinator ridge of mandible, Alveoloar process of maxilla, pterygomandibular raphe
I - Angle of mouth and lateral portion of upper and lower lips
A - Builds substructure of cheeks, draws mouth unilaterally
N - CN 7 (facial)
O - Lateral to the nasal notch of maxilla
I - Midline of aponeurosis at the bridge of the nose
A - Flattens nose - widening nostrils
N - Facial nerve (CN 7)
O - Zygomatic arch
I - Lateral side of angle of mandible
A - Elevation, adduction and protrusions of the mandible
N - Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN 5)
Medial Pterygoid
O - Medial side of lateral pterygoid plate
I - medial surface of angle of ramus of mandible
A - Protraction and elevation of the mandible, contralateral movement
N - Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN 5)
Lateral Pterygoid
O - Superior head: Infratemporal surface of greater wing of sphenoid bone. Inferior head: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
I - SH: Capsule and articular disc of TMJ. IH: Condyle of the mandible
A - Protraction of the mandible and aids in mastication
N - Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN 5)
O - Temporal fossa and temporal fascia
I - Coronoid process and ramus of mandible
A - Elevation of mandible, retraction of the mandilbe
N - Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN 5)
O - U: External occipital protuberance, nuchal ligament, spinous process of C1-C7 and supraspinous ligament. M: Spinous process of C7-T5, supraspinous ligaments and distal end of nuchal ligament. L: Spinous process and supraspinous ligaments of T5-T12
I - U: lateral 1/3 of clavicle. M: Acromion process, scapular spine. L: medial portion of scapular spine
A- Elevation, retraction, depression, upward rotation
N - Accessory nerve
Splenius capitis -
O - Spinous process of C7-T3, nuchal ligament, and supraspinous ligament
I - Mastoid process
A- Extension of head and cervical spine. Ipsilateral rotation of head. Lateral flexion of neck
N - CN 2 and CN 3
Splenius Cervicis
O - Spinous process of T3-T6 and supraspinous ligament
I - Posterior tubercle of the transverse processes of C1 and C2
A - Extension of head and cervical spine, Ipsilateral rotation of the head, lateral flexion of the neck
N - Lower cervical nerve
Levator scapula
O - Transverse processes of C1-C4
I - Superior angle of scapula
A - Elevation and downward rotation of scapula
N - Anterior rami of the 3rd and 4th cervical nerves and dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
Scalenus Anterior
O - Anterior tubercles of the transverse process of C3-C6
I - Scalene tubercle at 1st rib
A - Elevation of upper ribs, flexion and ipsilateral inclination of the cervical spine
N - 4th, 5th, 6th cervical spine nerves
Scalenus Medius
O - Posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C2-C7
I -1st rib
A - Elevation of upper ribs, flexion and ipsilateral inclination of the cervical spine
N - 3rd - 7th cervical spinal nerves
Scalenus Posterior
O - Posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C4-C6
I - 2nd rib
A - Elevation of upper ribs, flexions and ipsilateral inclination of the cervical spine
N - 6-8th cervical spinal nerves
O - Ant: Digasteric fossa of mandible. Post: Mastoid notch of temporal bone
I - Meed on intermediate tendon
A - Elevates hyoid and depresses the mandible
N - Nerve to mylohyoid muscles
O - mylohyoid line of the mandible
I - Body of hyoid, median raphe
A - Elevates hyoid, depresses mandible, elevates tongue
N - nerve to mylohyoid muscle
O - Styloid process of temporal bone
I - Body of hyoid
A - Elevation and retraction of hyoid, lowering of mandible
N - Facial nerve
O - Genio tubercles on mandible
I - Hyoid bone
A - Depression of mandible, elevation of hyoid
N - Communicating branch of C1 spinal nerve to hypoglossal nerve
O - manubrium and sternal end of clavicle
I - Hyoid bone
A - Depression and stabilization of hyoid bone, aid in phonation and swallowing
N - Ansa cervicalis,
O - Sup: Intermediate tendon. Inf: Upper border of the scapula
I - Sup: Hyoid bone Inf: Intermediate tendon
A - Depression and stabilization of the hyoid and larynx
N - Ansa cervicalis
O - Manubrium
I - Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
A - Depression and stabilization of the larynx
N - Ansa cervicalis
O - Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
I - Lower border of the hyoid bone
A - Depression and stabilization of the hyoid - elevation of larynx during swallowing
N - 1st cervical nerve
Longus Capitis
O - traverse processes of C3-C5
I - basilar part of the occipital bone
A - Flexion of the head and neck
N - 1-3rd cervical nerve
Longus Cervisis
O - Sup oblique: transverse processes C3-C5. Vertical part: Anterior surface of bodies of vertebrae T1-T3 and C5-C7. Inferior oblique part: Anterior surface of bodies of T1-T3
I - Sup oblique: anterior arch of atlas. Vertical part: Anterior surface of C2-C4 vertebral bodies. Inferior oblique: transverse processes of C5-C6
A - Flexion, rotation, and external flexion of the cervical spine
N - 2-8th cervical spinal nerves
O - Sternal head: Anterior surface of manubrium. Clavicular head: Madial 3rd of the clavicle
I - mastoid process and the lateral part of the superior nuchal line
A - Flexion the head and the neck ipsilaterally. Rotate head contralaterally
N - Accessory nerve