Sexually Transmitted Infections Flashcards
Trichomoniasis key patho presentation
Strawberry Cervix
Secondary herpes can be distinguished from primary by what two ways?
- Less severe symptoms
2. Crosses Midline when secondary
Crabs vs Scabies site of attack?
- Crabs=Hair
- Scabies=Skin
2 types of High risk HPV number types that cause cancer
- 16
- 18
If you’re aged 9-14, then you need _____ doses of HPV 6-12 months apart.
2 Types of low Risk HPV number types that cause condylomata
- 6
- 11
(smaller number means better)
Strawberry cervix with frothy discharge= Pathomnognic for ______
Granuloma inguinale is caused by Klebsiella usually and the Pathognomonic finding is the ______ body (bacteria in leukocytes)
What’s tricky about Tertiary Syphilis’ CNS presentation?
Can show up decades later
Name the 4 Genital Lesions that hurt
- Chancroid
- Bartholin Block
For syphilis screen first, do a _____ test, then a _______ test if first test is positive. If second test is positive, then latent syphilis exists. If second test is negative, then use a Different test
- Treponemal
- Non-Trepnemal (RPR)
Mucopurulent cervix is pathognomonic for _____
Pain level of Granuloma Inguinale?
Gonorrhea is a Gram-_____ coccus from Neisseria Gonorrheoea
Name the 4 Genital lesions that itch
- Yeast
- Scabies
- Crabs