Sept18 A1-Drugs in pregnancy Flashcards
pregnancy related changes in drug metabolism
- higher GFR
- higher CO (HR and SV), lower BP
- decreased gastric emtpying, prolonged transit time, GI reflex, nausea and vomiting, decreased intestinal motility, less metabolizing enzymes
- increase or decrease in fct of certain liver enzymes (CYP1A2 decreased activity)
caffeine metab change in pregnancy
increased half life (a lot) because of decreased CYP1A2 activity)
thalidomide is what
anti-nausea drug
what would happen to children of pregnant mother who took thalidomide
phocomelia (thalidomide embryopathy): no upper limbs
% of babies born in Canada every year with a major malformation visible at birth
general principles of teratology (study of birth defects)
- susceptibility to a substance varies with dev stage (gestational age)
- each agent (substance) can access specific developing tissues
- abnormal dev may be manifested as death, malformation, growth retardation and or functional decficit
- more exposure = more manifestation of abnormal dev (from no effect to lethal)
time of maximal sensitivity to thalidomide
when limbs are developing
-so most sensitive time to a substance = time when the organs this substance affects are developing
teratogenic agents in humans
- radiation
- infections (TORCH, Zika virus, etc.)
- maternal and metabolic imbalance (diabetes is an important one)
- drugs and envrionmental chemicals
important teratogenic drugs in humans
- ethanol
- retinoids
- tetracyclines
- thalidomide
zika effects
- microcephaly (small head)
- fetal brain defects
zika transmission
- vertical
- during intercourse
- from mosquito bite
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is what
- all the lifelong lasting disorders and symptoms related to having been exposed to alcohol in utero (CNS abnormalities, growth retardation, facial abnormalities)
- more alcohol = more effects
leading cause of developmental disabilities in Canadian children
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
major problem of FASD
effect on IQ
other sx of FASD
thin upper lip, specific facial features, etc.