Sept12 M1,2-Breast Cancer Flashcards
RFs for breast ca
- > 50
- FHx breast or ovarian ca
- PHx BRCA1 or 2 mut or bx with breast lesion
- estrogen: early menarche, late menopause, late age at first term pregnancy, nulliparity, HRT
- lifestyle (weight, sedentary life, alcohol consumption)
3 screening methods
- mammography (every 2 years for 50-75)
- self breast exam
- clinical PE
most common breast ca presentation + others
- mammogram
- painless mass
- skin changes
- nipple abnormalities
(IMP) most common site of dev for breast cancer
upper outer quadrant
(IMP) where beast cancer arises
terminal duct lobular unit
possible breast pathologies
- fibrocystic changes (non atypical OR atypica hyperplasia either ductal, lobular of flat epithelial)
- in-situ CA (ductal and lobular)
- invasive CA
- fibroepithelial lesions (fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumor)
- papilloma
(IMP) tx of non atypical fibrocystic disease
no tx
tx of atypical fibrocystic disease (hyperplasia) like ADH (atypical ductal hyperplasia) or ALH (atypical lobular hyperplasia)
consider surgical excision
fibrocystic changes on histo
- cells of cystic spaces have apocrine metaplasia
- sweat gland like
- eosinophilic
3 types of in situ CAs of the breast
- DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ): precursor to invasive CA. HAS CADHERIN.
- LCIS (lobular): precusor lesion + marker of increased risk for invasive CA. NO CADHERIN
- Paget disease (DCIS extendign in skin by travelling in duct)
- NOT invasive
two main subtypes of LCIS
- classic
- pleiomorphic
classical LCIS tx
follow up
DCIS and pleiomorphic LCIS tx
DCIS vs invasive CA
DCIS didn’t invade the stroma
DCIS most common detection
CALCIFICATIONS on mammography
-DCIS doesn’t form a mass
DCIS subtypes
- low grade (less likely ca)
- high grade (higher risk of invasive ca)
high grade DCIS on histo
- atypia
- mitosis
- necrosis
- calcifications
Paget disease symptoms
- eczematous (red) nipple
- red bc inflammatory reaction to cancer cells
LCIS vs DCIS on histo
- LCIS more detached cells bc no cadherin
* cadherin positive = DCIS
3 types of classification of invasive CA
- histological classif (ductal, lobular, mucinous, medullary, tubular)
- based on R expression (ER+ or ER-, HER2+ or HER2-, triple negative)
- molecular classif (luminal A, luminal B, HER2 enriched, basal type)
link between molecular classif and R classif
- luminal A and B = ER+, HER2-
- basal type = triple negative
most common type of breast ca
ductal CA NOS (histo classif) NOS = not otherwise specified. that’s the name and that’s it
(IMP) lobular CA: what Rs and markers
- ER+
- PR+
- HER2-
- cadherin negative (like LCIS counterpart)
(IMP) medullary CA charact, Rs, etc.
- triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-).
- circumscribed
- differs from all other breast cas in that it is circumscribed
(IMP) tubular CA markers
- ER+
- PR+
- HER2-
- like lobular and tubular*
(IMP) ductal CA markers
can be postive or negative for all, it’s variable
mucinous CA markers
- ER+
- PR+
- HER-
- like lobular and tubular*
3 breast cancers that are ER+, PR+, HER2-
- tubular
- lobular
- mucinous
breast invasive CA with good prognosis
- medullary CA (best prognosis)
- ductal
- tubular
receptor/molecular classification of breast invasive CA
- ER+, HER2-
- HER2+ (ER+ or ER-)
- triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-)