Sept11 M2-Histo_Pituitary_Gland_Mammary_Gland Flashcards
glands in embryo
- form from endoderm and ectoderm
- lining of columnar epithelial cells undergoes induction from adjacent tissues or neural cells (tube)
- eptih proliferates and invaginates
glands in embryo: 2 things that can happen after epith invagination
- secretory portion at end (base) stays connected to duct and surface lumen
- duct deteriorates, cells die. mass of secretory cells is now separate
glands in embryo: 2 things that can happen to separated mass of secretory cells
- cells organize into cords (like in pituitary) assoc with fenestrated caps system with fenestrated endoth cells
- endocrine cells organize into follicules (like in thyroid) surrounded by fenestr capillaries
development of exocrine glands (mammary, salivary, pancreas)
- ducts form and split into smaller acini with end glands
- formation of several lobes in mammary gland, subdivided into lobules by CT
- duct system is intralobular (in lobules) or interlobular (out of lobules, between them)
cords of anterior pit
- cells assoc with capillaries called sinusoids (large caps)
- cords ass with caps, embedded in CT
follicle def (like thyroid)
circle of cells with follicular secretion in middle (like colloid with TH)
pit gland embryo dev
- invagination of ectoderm at base of mouth (for ant pit)
- floor of diencephalon also produces an invagination (for post pit)
- both come together to form the pit
- duct system from mouth detaches from invagination of ectoderm to leave the ant pit alone attached to post pit
parts of pit
- pars nervosa (post pit)
- pars distalis (ant end of ant pit)
- pars tuberalis (ant pit part in middle, on top of both ant pit and post pit, surrounds the infundibulum)
- pars intermedia (ant pit part close to post pit. = most post part of ant pit)
pit dev relation to bone
- bone forms mesenchymal tissue around
- bone depression (sera pulsica) where ant pit and post pit go)
pars intermedia is a remnant of what embryo structure
Rathke’s pouch
ant pit vs post pit on histo
ant pit is darker
what do you see in pars intermedia
zone of attachment of post pit (neurohypophysis) to hypoth
median eminence
nuclei of hypoth going into median eminence to post pit
- supraoptic nuclei
- paraventricular nuclei
- send long axons penetrating the infundibulum, the median eminence and then PN*
2 arteries supplying pituitary
- superior pit artery
- inferior pit artery
what sup pit artery does
- supplies infundibulum (pituitary stalk = connection between ant pit and post pit) and PT a bit
- makes a rich cap network called primary capillary plexus (found in the MEDIAN EMINENCE)
- portal veins connect primary cap plexus to a secondary cap plexus that is in the ant pit
supraoptic and PV nuclei of hypoth (to post pit) are in what part of hypoth
posterior part. are dorsal nuclei
ventral nuclei of hypoth are what nuclei + do what
- are the ventral medial nuclei, the infundibulary nuclei and the dorsal medial nuclei**
- send long axons to the infundibulum and pars tuberalis for the ant pit
- produce neurosecretory hormones regulating ant pit
main categories of cells in ant pit
- chromophils (stain) and chromophobes (don’t stain) (resting, degranulated cells)
- folliculostellate cells
chromophils subtypes
- acidophils (stain with eosin)
- basophils (bind hematoxylin)
2 kinds of acidophils (can’t distinguish on EM)
- somatotrophs
- mammotrophs (lactotrophs)
somatotrophs fct
- make somatotropin (GH)
- GH goes to liver to make it produce somatomedins (insulin like growth factors 1 and 2)
- IGF1 and IGF2 go to epiphyseal plate of bone to promote elongation by chondrocytes
what hypoth releasing hormones from ventral nuclei controls somatotrophs
- somatotropin releasing hormone (SRH) (or GHRH). stimulates GH release
- somatostatin (inhibits GH release so called GH inhibiting hormone or GHIH)
mammotrophs (lactotrophs) do what
produce prolactin
what hypoth hormones from ventral nuclei control lactotrophs (mammotrophs)
- PRH (prolactin releasing hormone). stimulates its release
- dopamine (or prolactin inhibiting factor = PIF). inhibits its release
what hormone from elsewhere in the body stimulates prolactin release by mammotrophs
3 categories of basophils
- corticotrophs
- tyrotrophs
- gonadotrophs