Sept10 A1-Hormone Replacement Therapy Flashcards
HRT def
using E and P
normal E drop in men and women in life
- women increase mid 20s then big drop at menopause but stays good amount
- men drops slowly throughout life (elderly men more estrogen than elderly women)
normal testo drop in men and women in life
-men drops slowly in life and always have much more than
-women same slow drop but always much less
menopause def
permanent cessation of menstruation resulting from loss of ovarian fct
FSH and LH after menopause
high levels bc no P and E
why less P and E after menopause
- no more coming from follicles (theca cells and GCs)
- comes fro mother sources
source of estradiol and estrone after menopause
estradiol from adrenals
estrone from adipose tissue
receptors for estrogen
- nuclear Rs ERalpha and ERbeta. turn on gene expression. diff effect in diff tissues
- GPCRs for E
location of estrogen R in the body + most important ones that HRT works on
- brain
- heart
- liver (so E can regulate prot synthesis)
- breast
- uterus
- bone
- HRT especially for osteoporosis and heart disease*
ERalpha and beta diff and significance
- sequences are similar but still differ
- diff organs have diff ratio of ER alpha and ERbeta number of Rs.
- can use diff ER agonists or antagonists that bind ERa and ERb with diff ratio to get diff effects
Rs for progesterone
- PRa and PRb (nuclear)
ERa and ERb vs PRa and PRb
- ERa and ERb = 2 diff genes
- PRa and PRb = 1 gene undergoes alternative splicing
Rs for progesterone are where
- hypoth
- systemic (metabolism)
- endometrium
- mammary glands
name of HRT with estrogen only
not called HRT but called ERT (estrogen replacement therapy)
why add P with E to make HRT
give HRT to women with a uterus to avoid increased risk of endometrial cancer than comes from ERT
early sx in menopause
don’t last long, short-lived. weeks to months
- hot flashes
- insomnia
- moodiness