Sept14 M2-Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Flashcards
real risk of developping breast cancer in a pt with a BRCA1 mutation
+- 65%. depends on RFs (age, FMHx, etc.)
function of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes that THEY BOTH SHARE
DNA repair
2 cancers with top incidence in men
- prostate
2. colorectal
2 cancers with top mortality in men
- lung
2. colorectal
2 cancers with top incidence in women
- breast
2. lung
2 cancers with top mortality in women
- lung
2. breast
% of women who get breast cancer in their lifetime
10% (bc of cumulative chance as you get very old)
how many women get cancer at age 40
4 out of 1000
most important RFs for breast cancer
- FHx
- age
% of breast cancer due to highly penetrant autosomal dominant genes
most common breast cancer gene mutations
genetic testing (BRCA1 and 2 testing) in breast vs ovarian cancer
- breast = only very specific people with a significant risk and FHx
- ovarian: EVERYONE should get genetic testing bc is a more genetic ca
most certain rule as to who should get testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2
all women <80 with HGSC of the ovary, fallopian tube and peritoneum (all pathologies)
most common way of genetic testing done today
testing for big gene panels (screening)
single gene testing is less used now, is more for diagnosis
functions of BRCA1 gene
- DNA repair via homologous recombination
- chromatin remodelling
- transcriptional regulation
- G2-M cell cycle checkpoint control
- ubiquitylation reactions