Separation Flashcards
What is separation?
Spacing of aircraft
What 2 things does separation achieve?
Safe and orderly movement of aircraft
What 2 things is separation applied to?
Protected airspaces
What is block altitude?
A range of altitudes an aircraft is cleared to operate in.
Reduced vertical separation minima.
What does reduced vertical separation minima allow?
Allows 1000’ instead of 2000’ vertical separation above FL290 when applicable.
What is vertical separation?
Vertical distance between aircraft
What is lateral separation?
Lateral distance between aircraft at the same altitude.
What does lateral separation often require aircraft to do?
Operate on:
different routes or in
different geographical regions
What is Longitudinal Separation?
The longitudinal spacing of aircraft at the same altitude by a minimum distance in units of time or miles.
What is the difference between longitudinal and lateral separation?
Lateral: Requires operation on different routes or geographical areas.
Longitudinal: Distance expressed in units of time or miles
What is visual separation?
Aircraft visually avoiding each other.
What is runway separation?
Separation requirements for aircraft operating on the runway.
What is Same Course?
courses whose angular difference is less than 45 degrees.
What is a Crossing course?
courses whose angular difference is between 45 and 135 degrees.
What is an opposite/reciprocal course?
Courses whose angular difference is between 135 and 180 degrees.
Up to what flight level is the vertical separation requirement 1000’?
Below FL410, what is the vertical separation requirement?
Between what flight levels is the vertical separation requirement 2000’?
FL410 to FL600
Between flight levels FL410 to FL600, what is the vertical separation requirement?
Above what flight level is the vertical separation requirement 5000’?
Above FL600 what is the vertical separation requirement?
If an aircraft does not have the equipment to allow 1000’ vertical separation, what flight level is it assigned to?
Below FL280 or
Above FL430
Between what flight levels can an aircraft that does not have the equipment to maintain 1000’ vertical separation not level off?
Between FL280 and
Between the flight levels where it cannot level off, what vertical separation is an aircraft that does not have the equipment to maintain 1000’ of vertical separation required to maintain from other aircraft?
Within a block altitude, what vertical separation must aircraft maintain?
Standard separation
How many feet of vertical separation is required below an aircraft dumping fuel?
In Special Use Airspace, what is the vertical separation from the airspace limits required for FL290 and below?
In Special Use Airspace, what flight level requires 500’ of vertical separation from the airspace limits?
In Special Use Airspace, what is the vertical separation from the airspace limits required for FL290 and above?
In Special Use Airspace, above what flight level requires 1000’ of vertical separation from the airspace limits?
How many degrees of non-RADAR lateral divergence must aircraft achieve in departures?
45 degrees
How many miles of lateral separation must an aircraft achieve within 40 miles of a single RADAR antenna? (terminal)
3 miles
How many miles of lateral separation must an aircraft achieve if more than 40 miles of a single or multiple RADAR antennas? (terminal)
5 miles
How many miles of lateral separation must an aircraft achieve below FL600? (en route)
5 miles
How many miles of lateral separation must an aircraft achieve above FL600? (en route)
10 miles
How many minutes of Longitudinal non-RADAR separation must an aircraft achieve?
10 minutes
How many miles of Longitudinal non-RADAR separation must an aircraft achieve?
20 miles
What are the Longitudinal RADAR separation standards for aircraft?
Same as lateral
For visual tower separation, who separates the aircraft?
For visual tower separation, how many aircraft must the controller be able to immediately communicate with if attempting to separate 2 aircraft?
For visual tower separation, how many aircraft must the controller be able to observe if attempting to separate 2 aircraft?
Up to what FL can a radar center attempt visual separation?
If attempting to visually separate two aircraft, how many aircraft must a RADAR center be in direct communication with?
If attempting to visually separate two aircraft, how many aircraft must a RADAR center be able to communicate with?
If attempting to visually separate two aircraft, what must the pilot of one of the aircraft visually identify to the RADAR controller?
The other aircraft from which he is attempting to visually separate
Upon identifying the aircraft from which the pilot of another aircraft is attempting to visually separate, what must the RADAR operator instruct the original pilot to do?
maintain visual separation with the other aircraft
If one aircraft is attempting to maintain visual separation from another aircraft, what must the second aircraft be informed of by the RADAR controller
That the first aircraft is applying visual separation
What should an aircraft do if it is attempting a visual approach and has other aircraft approaching the airfield in sight?
Follow the other aircraft
What should an aircraft do if it is attempting a visual approach and has the runway in sight?
proceed visually
If visual separation is not applied, what type of separation should the RADAR center apply?
RADAR separation
Who provides separation in the airport/runway environment?
Tower controllers
What 2 criteria have to be met before a second aircraft can depart a runway after a preceding aircraft?
The preceding aircraft has:
- Crossed the departure end
- Turned to avoid conflict
Must a departing aircraft start its takeoff roll if a landing aircraft is on the runway?
What criteria has to be met before a second aircraft can land at a runway after a preceding aircraft?
Preceding aircraft must have exited the runway
On an Intersecting Runway, what 2 criteria must be met before an aircraft begins its departure roll regarding a preceding departure aircraft?
The preceding aircraft must:
- Be through the intersection/flight path
- Have turned to avoid conflict
On an Intersecting Runway, what must a departing aircraft wait for before beginning its departure roll regarding an arriving aircraft?
The departing aircraft must wait until the arriving aircraft:
- Clears the runway
- Is through the intersection
- Is holding short of the intersection.
On an Intersecting Runway, what must an arriving aircraft wait for regarding the preceding aircraft before landing?
The preceding aircraft must be
- Through the intersection or
- Off the runway or
- Holding short of the intersection prior to aircraft crossing the landing threshold
What 5 circumstances are Holding Procedures used for?
- Arrival delays
- Flow control
- Spacing
- Traffic en route
- Weather at destination
What are the 4 segments of a holding pattern?
- Holding Fix
- Abeam
- Inbound Leg
- Outbound Leg
What is the holding fix?
Fix used to define the holding pattern
What is the Abeam?
Point in space 90° from the holding fix, on the outbound leg
What is a holding pattern?
Basically a gigantic oval an aircraft can fly around while waiting to land
What is the inbound leg?
Radial, course, airway, or route to the holding fix
Where does the Outbound leg of a holding pattern begin?
The abeam point
When does the Outbound leg of a holding pattern begin if an abeam point cannot be determined?
when the outbound turn is complete
Who issues the length of an outbound leg segment?
The controller
What is a standard holding pattern below 14,500’ MSL?
One minute legs
Right turns
What is a standard holding pattern above 14,500’ MSL?
1.5 minute legs
Right turns
What are the vertical separation requirements for aircraft in a holding pattern?
Vertical separation must be used when aircraft are holding over the same fix
What are the lateral separation requirements for aircraft in a holding pattern?
Holding patterns cannot overlap each other or other protected airspace