NAVAIDs Flashcards
Radio Navigational Aid
Radio Navigational Aid
- Electronic
- Airborne or on Surface.
Provides - Guidance info
- Position data
What is an airborne or surface electronic device that provides guidance info or position data to aircraft in flight?
Radio Navigational Aid
Global Navigational Satellite System
Global Navigational Satellite System
Any satellite navigation system.
- Predetermined
- geographical position
- used for navigation
Precision approach
Approach procedure in which vertical guidance is provided
Distance Measuring Equipment
What does Distance Measuring Equipment do?
Calculates slant range distance from aircraft to ground station
What radar system does Distance Measuring Equipment operate like?
Secondary radar in reverse
Transponder on ground, interrogator in aircraft
What navigation system operates similarly to secondary radar in reverse?
Distance Measuring Equipment
How accurate is Distance Measuring Equipment?
- Under 200 NM
- within 1/2NM
- or 3% of distance
- (whichever is greater)
Is Distance Measuring Equipment limited to line of sight?
Where is Distance Measuring Equipment least accurate?
Over ground station at high altitude
On what band does Distance Measuring Equipment transmit?
Ultra High Frequency (UHF)
Instrument Landing System
What are the 4 Instrument Landing System components?
- Localizer
- Marker Beacons
- Glideslope
- Approach Lights
What is a Localizer?
- Radio transmitter
- provides horizontal guidance
- to a runway centerline
What band does a localizer transmit on?
What is the localizer’s reliable vertical signal range?
- 18 NM from antennae
2. 1000’ above highest terrain and 4500’ above antennae
What is the localizer’s reliable lateral signal range Up to 18 NM from antenna?
10 NM from course
What is the localizer’s reliable lateral signal range Up to 10 NM from antenna?
10-35 NM from course
Where is the localizer located?
departure end of a runway
What does the localizer transmit behind it?
a “back course”
How is a localizer identified?
I- followed with the Morse Code identifier
Is ILS usable if Localizer is out of service?
What do marker beacons identify?
points on an instrument approach
Are marker beacons used in all ILS’s?
What aural signal does does an aircraft receive when passing over a marker beacon?
Morse Code
What visual signal does does an aircraft receive when passing over a marker beacon?
colored light
What is a glide scope?
- proper path of descent for an aircraft
2. the radio beam that marks #1
What does the glide scope provide?
Vertical guidance to the runway
At about what distance does the glidescope provide vertical guidance to the runway?
about 1000’ from approach end on the localizer’s front course
What band does the glidescope transmit on?
What is the typical glidescope descent angle?
3 degrees
About how many feet out is the outer marker of the glidescope intercepted by the aircraft?
About how many feet out is the middle marker of the glidescope intercepted by the aircraft?
What is the reliable range of most glidescopes?
10 NM (some exceed this)
What do approach lights provde?
Visual references for the pilot
What is an Inertial Navigation System?
Navigational device on board an aircraft
Does an Inertial Navigation System need outside input from devices outside the aircraft?
What tools does an Inertial Navigation System use?
navigation computer
Does the accuracy of an Inertial Navigation System degrade over time?
When is an Inertial Navigation System aligned?
A point prior to departure
At what rate does the accuracy of an Inertial Navigation System degrade?
1-2 NM / hr
Global Positioning System
Is the GPS satellite based?
What is the lowest number of GPS satellites observable from any point on earth?
What information does GPS transmit?
What is the minimum number of GPS satellites needed for 2-D accuracy?
What is the minimum number of GPS satellites needed for 3-D accuracy?
What type of information can GPS transmit with 3-D accuracy?
What is the percent probability that GPS can get the horizontal position of a target within 100m or less?
What is the percent probability that GPS can get the horizontal position of a target within 300m or less?
Is GPS affected by weather?
What systems aid/enhance GPS accuracy/reliability?
Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring?
on aircraft
verifies satellite data integrity
Wide Area Augmentation System
Wide Area Augmentation System?
ground based
allows GPS navigation for arrival/departure
What type of guidance (vertical or horizontal) does WAAS allow?
Vertical (like a glide slope)
Nondirectional Radio Beacon
What is the least accurate NAVAID?
Non-directional Radio Beacon?
- a radio transmitter at a known location
2. used as an aviation or marine navigational aid.
How does a Non-directional Radio Beacon help naviagation?
- Transmits a radio signal
- Pilot hones in on the signal
- Aircraft equipment points in the direction of the signal
- Can be used to transmit voice
What can interfere with a Non-directional Radio Beacon signal?
- Weather
2. Other NDBs at night
What is an NDB referred to as when used in conjunction with an ILS?
compass locator
Tactical Air Navigation
What organization uses Tactical Air Navigation?
Is TACAN more accurate than VOR?
Can TACAN penetrate solid objects?
On what band does TACAN transmit?
What information does TACAN provide pilots?
- Bearing
2. Distance
How many degrees around the system does TACAN transmit to pilots?
Does TACAN have the same classifications/range as VORs?
Does TACAN use channels or frequencies to transmit?
Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range
Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range?
- short-range radio nav system
2. aircraft with a receiving unit can determine its position and stay on course
What is the primary NAVAID in the NAS?
Can VOR penetrate solid objects?
In what direction is Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range oriented?
magnetic north
In what direction around the transmitter can VOR transmit?
360 degrees
What is Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Ranges transmission accuracy?
1 degree normally
What does VOR Transmit?
- Morse Code identifier
2. voice identification
Can Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range transmit voice communications?
What are the 3 classes of VOR?
Terminal (T) Low Altitude (L) High Altitude (H)
Where is Terminal VOR used?
in navigation around a terminal area
Up to what altitude can Terminal VOR transmit?
Up to what distance can Terminal VOR transmit?
25 NM
How is Low Altitude (L) VOR normally used?
to navigate airways
Up to what altitude can Low Altitude (L) VOR transmit?
Up to what distance can Low Altitude (L) VOR transmit?
40 NM
What is High Altitude (H) VOR used for?
to navigate all ATS routes
What is High Altitude (H) VORs range Below 14,500’?
40 NM
What is High Altitude (H) VORs altitude limit to which it can transmit to a distance of 40 NM?
What is High Altitude (H) VORs range from 14,500’ - 17,999’?
100 NM
What are High Altitude (H) VORs 2 altitude ranges to which it can transmit to a distance of 100 NM?
- 14,500’ - 17,999’
2. Above FL450
What is High Altitude (H) VORs range from FL180 - FL450?
130 NM
What is High Altitude (H) VORs altitude range to which it can transmit to a distance of 130 NM?
FL180 - FL450
What is High Altitude (H) VORs range Above FL450?
100 NM
VHF Omni-Directional Range/Tactical Air Navigation
VHF Omni-Directional Range/Tactical Air Navigation?
VOR and TACAN combined.
What does VHF Omni-Directional Range/Tactical Air Navigation (VORTAC) transmit?
Morse Code identifier for VOR and TACAN
Do VOR frequencies and TACAN channels have standard pairings?
Area navigation
Area navigation?
- Method of IFR
2. aircraft choose any course within a network of navigation beacons
flight management system
What does FMS allow?
pre-programming routes
How is the flight management system updated?
constantly via aircraft navigation systems
How are Area navigation routes constructed?
series of waypoints
Can published RNAV routes be flight planned?
Are random Area navigation routes direct and point-to-point?
Do random RNAV routes require ATC radar monitoring?
What are the 4 advantages of Area navigation?
- Pilots fly preferred routes
- Less time/fuel used
- Can reduce ATCs need to vector
- Provides instrument approaches
Air Traffic Service
Air Traffic Service?
service which regulates and assists aircraft in real-time to ensure their safe operations.
What are the 3 types of ATS routes?
Air navigation
Colored Federal airways
Other named routes
What are the 3 types of Air navigation routes?
VOR airways
RNAV routes
Jet routes
What class airspace do VOR Airways serve?
Class E
What class airspace do Jet Routes serve?
Class A
What flights levels do Jet Routes serve?
FL180 - FL450
What class airspace do RNAV Routes serve?
Class A & E
What flights levels do High altitude RNAV Routes serve?
FL180 - FL450
What flights levels do low altitude RNAV Routes serve?
Below FL180