Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) Flashcards
What is an Aircraft according to Federal regulations?
Device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air. Includes airplanes, airships, balloons, gliders, helicopters.
According to Federal regulations, what is a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air?
An Aircraft.
What document specifies Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA)?
14 CFR Part 91
What does CFR stand for?
Code of Federal Regulations
In what part of 14 CFR is the Minimum Safe Altitude specified?
part 91
What is a Resolution Advisory (RA)?
A display indication given to the pilot recommending a maneuver to increase vertical separation relative to an intruding aircraft.
What is a display indication given to the pilot recommending a maneuver to increase vertical separation relative to an intruding aircraft?
A Resolution Advisory (RA)
What system issues a Resolution Advisory (RA)?
The traffic alert and collision avoidance systems (TCAS II)
What do Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) do?
Establish rules, regulations for operation of aircraft and give direction to promote safety of flight.
What regulations establish rules, regulations for operation of aircraft and give direction to promote safety of flight?
Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
Who issues FARs?
the FAA administrator
What do FARs apply to?
all aircraft operating in U.S. airspace.
Do FARs apply to all aircraft operating in U.S. airspace?
Within how many nautical miles of water off the US coast do FARs apply?
3 nautical miles
Within how many nautical miles of airspace off the US coast do FARs apply?
12 nautical miles
According to FAR 91, who has final authority for the operation of the aircraft?
The pilot
When may a pilot deviate from FAR 91?
In emergencies
What set of regulations can a pilot deviate from in case of emergencies?
FAR 91
Can pilots operate aircraft in a way that endangers the life and property of others?
May a person (pilot or ATC) operate in a way which create a collision hazard?
Under what circumstances may aircraft formations be flown?
With prior coordination or passengers for hire on board.
Must pilots be familiar with all available information regarding their flight?
What aircraft type has right-of-way over all other aircraft?
Aircraft in distress
Do aircraft in distress have right-of-way over all other aircraft?
If two similar type aircraft are converging, which one has the right of way?
The one to the right of the other
If two aircraft are approaching head on, how are they to deconflict their flight paths?
Each pilot is to move to the right
What is the protocol if an aircraft is overtaking another?
The overtaking aircraft is to pass on the right.
Which has right of way when an aircraft is landing:
- The aircraft on final or enacting a landing
- Airborne or ground traffic
- The aircraft on final or during landing have right of way.
What is MSL?
Mean sea level. It’s a means of measuring altitude. EX - 10,000’ MSL means 10,000 feet above mean sea level.
What does IAS stand for?
Indicated Airspeed
What is the maximum speed below 10,000’ MSL?
250 knots
Below what MSL measured altitude is the speed limit for aircraft 250 knots?
10,000 feet above MSL
Below 2,500’ AGL and within 4 nautical miles of a primary airport in class C or D airspace, what is the maximum indicated airspeed allowed of aircraft?
200 knots
Below what AGL altitude, within 4 nautical miles of a primary airport, and in class C or D airspace is the speed limit for aircraft 200 knots?
2,500 AGL
At and below 2,500’ AGL, within how many nautical miles of a primary airport in class C or D airspace is the speed limit for aircraft 200 knots?
within 4 nautical miles of a primary airport
At and below 2,500’ AGL, within 4 nautical miles of what structure in class C or D airspace is the speed limit for aircraft 200 knots?
A primary airport
At and below 2,500’ AGL, within 4 nautical miles of a primary airport in what classes of airspace is the speed limit for aircraft 200 knots?
Class C or D airspace.
If an aircraft cannot maintain the maximum speeds prescribed by FAR 91 due to aircraft performance, what speed does the FAR say they must use?
Their minimum safe speed.
Under what conditions is it acceptable for an aircraft to use its minimum safe speed instead of the maximum speed allowed according to the FAR 91?
If it cannot travel the maximum speed allowed due to aircraft performance.
What is the maximum IAS below class B airspace shelf or below the class B VFR corridor?
200 knots
Below what class airspace shelf is the maximum IAS 200 knots?
Class B airspace shelf
Below what class airspace VFR corridor is the maximum IAS 200 knots?
Class B VFR corredor.
What is the minimum safe altitude for a VFR aircraft relative to the highest obstacle when near cities or other populated areas?
What is the minimum safe altitude for a VFR aircraft relative to other aircraft when near cities or other populated areas?
When near what areas must a VFR aircraft fly 1000’ above the highest obstacle and within 2000’ radius of other aircraft?
Cities or other populated areas
What is the minimum safe altitude for a VFR aircraft over water or non-populated areas?
Over what areas is the minimum safe altitude for a VFR aircraft 500’
Water or non-populated areas.
What is the minimum safe altitude for helicopters?
any altitude provided it is in compliance with any route/altitude specifically designated for them and does not pose a hazard to people or property on the ground.
What is the required altimeter setting at or above FL180?
At or above what flight level is the required altimeter setting 29.92?
What is the required altimeter setting below FL180?
The current setting reported by a station within 100NM of the aircraft on its route.
In what 3 scenarios is a pilot not required to comply with ATC?
An emergency situation exists
An amended clearance is issued
Responding to a Traffic collision avoidance system resolution advisory (TCAS RA)
What is TCAS?
Traffic collision avoidance system
What is an RA?
resolution advisory
If an emergency situation exists what must the pilot do vis a vis ATC?
Notify ATC as soon as possible
If an emergency situation exists, may a pilot be requested to submit a report?
What does the FAR 91 require about departure procedures?
Comply with all published departure procedures.
What does the FAR 91 require about noise abatement programs?
Comply with noise abatement programs
What altitude does the FAR 91 require turbine aircraft to climb to as early as practical?
1500’ AGL
Must aircraft obtain clearance to operate (taxi, land, etc.)?
What are the airspace requirements for Class A airspace required by the FAR 91?
IFR pilot rating IFR flight equipment IFR clearance Two-way communication Transponder with mode C
What class airspace requires: IFR pilot rating IFR flight equipment IFR clearance Two-way communication Transponder with mode C
Class A
What are the airspace requirements for Class B airspace required by the FAR 91?
ATC clearance
Two-way communication
Transponder with mode C
Appropriate navigational equipment
What class airspace requires: Two-way communication Appropriate navigational equipment Transponder with mode C ATC clearance
Class B
What does VMC mean?
visual meteorological conditions
What class airspace requires: Two-way communication Minimum altitude for turbine aircraft: 1500’ AGL traffic pattern entry, until beginning landing decent Left turns, unless instructed otherwise Helicopters: avoid fixed wing traffic flow
Class C/D airspace
What are the airspace requirements for Class C/D airspace required by the FAR 91?
Helicopters: avoid fixed wing traffic flow
Two-way communication
Left turns, unless instructed otherwise
Minimum altitude for turbine aircraft: 1500’ AGL traffic pattern entry, until beginning landing decent
In the event of radio failure in VMC, what must pilots do in class C/D airspace?
maintain visual contact with the tower for light gun signals
What are the airspace requirements for Class E airspace required by the FAR 91?
Comply with any established traffic pattern
Two way communication with towers, within 4NM and from SFC-2,500’ AGL
What class airspace requires pilots to:
Comply with any established traffic pattern
Two way communication at airports with towers, within 4NM and from SFC-2,500’ AGL
Class E
What are the airspace requirements for Class G airspace required by the FAR 91?
- maintain communication
- prior to 4NM from the airport,
- from SFC-2,500’AGL
What class airspace requires pilots to: maintain communication prior to 4NM from the airport, from SFC-2,500’AGL
Class G
What airspace requirements does the FAR 91 have for Non-towered airports?
Left turns unless markings/lights indicate otherwise
Helicopters avoid fixed wing traffic flow
What document establishes the eligibility and requirements for the performance and certification of air traffic controllers?
FAR 65
What document establishes the medical requirements for air traffic controllers.
FAR 67