SA: Pregnancy and Female Disorders Flashcards
Pregnancy dx (order of preference)
Palpation (28d)
Hormonal test (relaxin, produced by placenta, d21-35)
Radiograph (d40-43)
Pregnancy management
Regular exercise (few dystocia)
Weight control
Nutrition (last trimester↑ 50%, multiple small meals)
Fish oil (omega3)
6 week rule
Factors that influence the transfer of drugs across the placenta/mammary gland/ testis barrier
Placental blood supply
Age of gestation
Placental drug metabolizing capabilities
Drug size
Drug lipid solubility
Duration of drug exposure
Maternal/fetal pH differential
Maternal/ fetal drug protein-binding differences
Which abx are safe during pregnancy?
Amoxicillin and clavamox always safe
Fetal viability
Use ultrasound looking @ the heart
Pulsewave or M-mode (waves of contraction)
Safe after d40 for fetuses
Best done one week prior to due date
Used for # of fetuses, help in management decision, measure fetal head and maternal pelvic canal
Predict whelping
Body temp drops 24 hrs prior (drop in P4) → 98F
Transient drop, take 2-3x daily (not in all bitches)
Gestation length of bitches
65d from LH peak
63d post OV
61-63 post breeding date (most inaccurate)
56-57d after onset of diestrus
Gestation length of queens
Average 63d (58-70d)
Fetal wasting
30% of pregnancies, have at least one fetal resorption (3-4= high risk pregnancy)
US to confirm
Tx of fetal wastage
Evacuation of uterine contents if all puppies/ kittens are dead (PGF2a)
Prolonged gestation
Confirm pregnancy test first with good information from client
Primary uterine inertia (no labor)
C-section needed
Singleton pregnancies
1-3 dogs (supposed to have litters)
Not enough signal to throw bitch into labor
Whelping/ queening area
Whelping box with pig rails
One week prior to due date
Washable bedding*
86-90F (↓ with time), humidity 55-60%
Abnormal vaginal discharges during pregnancy
Hemorrhagic (could be normal or abortion)
Purulent discharge (pyometra or dead uterus)
Abx if necessary
Uterine torsion
Acute abdomen: pain, distress or asymptomatic until dystocia
Dx with exploratory laparotomy
Tx of uterine torsion
K9 estrus control
Sx (non-breeding animals)
Megesterol Acetate (anestrus and proestrus)
Mibolerone (>30d before heat)
Deslorelin (6-12m suppresion)
GnRH vx
Feline estrus control
Melatonin implants (2-4 month suppression)
K9 mammary neoplasia
3.4% incidence, 10-11yr
4 and 5 glands most common
Small breed dogs
Adenoma or adenocarcinoma