BT: Abortion Flashcards
When are significant # of embryos lost after conception in dairy cattle?
Oocyte migration in the uterus (drops to 50%) → leading problem is endometritis (first 42 days)
Critical samples to submit to a dx lab when investigating abortion in herds
Entire fetus
Fresh tissues(lung, liver, kidney, etc.)
Formalin-fixed tissues (brain, lung, heart, eyelid, etc)
Fetal fluids (abomasal, thoracic, fetal heart blood)
Etiology of trichomoniases
Extracellular flagellated protozoa: tritrichomonas fetus
CS of trichomoniasis in bulls
No symtoms
Older bulls = chronic carriers because of deeper preputial crypts
CS of trichomoniasis in cows
Venereal infection
Early pregnancy loss (< 3m), 7-9 wks after infection
Abortion < 5 m
Local immune response (IgG1 and IgA)
Inflammatory response in cows from trichomoniasis
Cervicitis, endometritis, pyometra, salpingitis
Herd presentation of trichomoniasis
Poor pregnancy rate
Prolonged calving interval
↑ pyometra
What infections/ diseases cause fetal mummification
Neosporosis (Neospora caninum)
Relationship between timing of infection with BVDV and outcome of pregnancy
Later the infection, ↑ outcome of pregnancy =
Early: infertility, early embryonic death
Late: maybe abortion, born with abs
Persistently infected calf
Infected with BVD 18-125d
Embryos maintained and born after cow infected
Pathology of a persistenly infected calf
Embryos infected before immune system developed
Grows and multiply in body → shedding virus → infects other calves
Arthrogryposis multiplex / Curly calf syndrome
Lethal autosomal recessive genetic defect in angus breed
How is arthrogryposis multiplex prevented
Genetic testing of animals with carriers in ancestry
American Angus Association designates carries with AMC and AMF (only AMF registered)
Outcomes of arthrogryposis multiplex
Permanent contracture of forelimbs and hindlimbs
Abnorm. curvature of spine
Small and lack muscle development
Cleft palate
Stillborn, die after birth
Crooked calf syndrome
Produced by Lupine toxicosis (ingestion)
Acute fatal neurologic disease
Consequences of crooked calf syndrome
Cleft palate
Muscle atrophy