Respiratory System Flashcards
pertaining to the lungs
ary-pertaining to
Molecular exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the body’s tissues; also called breathing
pulmonary ventilation
Pertaining to the thorax or thoracic cage (bony enclosure formed by the sternum, costal cartilages, ribs, and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae)
Pertaining to a blood vessel
vascul: vessel (usually blood or lymph)
-ar: pertaining to
the respiratory system is associated with the medical specialty of pulmonology, also known as pulmonary medicine. This branch of medicine focuses on the treatment of diseases involving the structures of the lower respiratory tract, including the lungs, their airways, and the chest wall (thoracic cage).
name parts of the respiratory system
-bronchial tubes
-breathing muscles
All of these organs work together to perform the mechanical and, for the
oxygen (O2) is inhaled into the lungs and absorbed into the bloodstream. Carbon dioxide (CO2) leaves the bloodstream and enters the lungs where it is expelled during exhalation.
external respiration
O2 in CO2 out
- O2 and CO2 are exchanged at the cellular level.
- O2 leaves the bloodstream and is delivered to the tissue cells, where it is used for energy.
- In exchange, CO2 enters the bloodstream from the tissues and is transported back to the lungs for removal.
Internal respiration
Tonsils and adenoids are part of the immune system that trap germs and help to prevent throat and lung infections.
They can also cause tonsillitis, glandular fever, quinsy and cancer.
a mass of soft tissue behind the nasal cavity that are part of the immune system. They contain white blood cells that fight foreign invaders. They can be affected by infections, enlargement, or obstruction
-medical term for throat
-takes in air from the nasal passages
-takes in food and drink
-vibrations of its muscles help you talk
-located on top of the neck and is essential for breathing, vocalizing, as well as ensuring food doesn’t get stuck in the trachea and cause choking
-can be subject to bacterial infection
- also known as the windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi of the lungs, allowing the passage of air, and so is present in almost all animals with lungs.
- extends from the larynx and branches into the two primary bronchi
-the passageways that connect your windpipe to your lungs
two main bronchi in your right and left lungs that divide and branch off into smaller segments, like tree branches. At the end of your bronchi, the alveoli exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
surgical repair of the nose
watery discharge from the nose
paralysis of the larynx
inflammation of the larynx
dialation or expansion of the bronchi
visual examination of the bronchus
-is a double-layered serous membrane that covers each lung and lines the thoracic cage
-This lubricated cavity allows the lungs to move freely during breathing.
pleuralgia or pleurodynia
pain in the pleura
inflammation of the pleura
pleuritis or pleurisy
abnormal condition of blue coloration
difficult and painful breathing
slow breathing
rapid breathing
normal breathing
pus in the thorax
swallowing air
Abnormal sounds heard during inhalation or expiration, with or without a stethoscope
abnormal breath sounds either with or without a stethoscope
Fine crackling or bubbling sounds, commonly heard during inspiration when there is fluid in the alveoli; also called rales
Dry, grating sound heard with a stethoscope during auscultation (listening for sounds within the body)
friction rub
Loud coarse or snoring sounds heard during inspiration or expiration; caused by obstructed airways
High-pitched, musical sound made on inspiration; caused by an obstruction in the trachea or the larynx
Continuous high-pitched whistling sounds, usually during expiration; caused by narrowing of an airway
Excessive acidity of blood as a result of an accumulation of acids or an excessive loss of bicarbonate caused by abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body
Life-threatening buildup of fluid in the air sacs (alveoli), caused by vomit into the lungs (aspiration), inhaling chemicals, pneumonia, septic shock, or trauma, preventing enough oxygen (O2) from passing into the bloodstream
acute respiratory distress syndrome
Absence or decrease in the sense of smell
Total absence of O2 in body tissues; caused by lack of O2 in inhaled air or by obstruction that prevents O2 from reaching the lungs
**Total absence **of O2 in body tissues; caused by lack of O2 in inhaled air or by obstruction that prevents O2 from reaching the lungs
-sphyxia: pulse
a-: without, not
Inflammatory airway disorder that results in attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath that gets worse with exercise or activity, and coughing (with or without sputum)
Collapse of lung tissue, which prevents the respiratory exchange of O2 and CO2 and is caused by various conditions, including obstruction by foreign bodies, excessive secretions, or pressure on the lung from a tumor
atel: incomplete; imperfect
-ectasis: -dilation, expansion
Acute or chronic inflammation of mucous membranes of the bronchial airways caused by irritation, infection, or both
Group of viruses including COVID-19 that cause mild to life-threatening respiratory tract infections
Acute inflammation of the nasal passages accompanied by profuse nasal discharge; also called a cold
Acute respiratory syndrome that occurs primarily in children and infants and is characterized by laryngeal obstruction and spasm, barking cough, and stridor
Genetic disease that is one of the most common types of chronic lung disease in children and young adults and causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive tract, possibly resulting in early death
cystic fibrosis
-cyst: bladder
-ic: pertaining to
fibr: fiber, fibrous tissue
-osis: -ab
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which makes it difficult to breathe and is characterized by loss of elasticity of the lung tissue and causes the small airways to collapse during forced exhalation
emphysema (COPD)
Hemorrhage from the nose; also called nosebleed
epi-: above, upon
-staxis: -dripping, oozing (of blood)
Greater than normal amounts of CO2 in blood
hyper-: -excessive, above normal
-capnia: carbon dioxide (CO2
Deficiency of O2 in blood; usually a sign of respiratory impairment
hyp-: under, below, deficient
ox: oxygen
-emia: blood condition
Deficiency of O2 in body tissues; usually a sign of respiratory impairment
hyp-: under, below, deficient
-oxia: oxygen
Acute, contagious respiratory infection characterized by sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain
Inflammation of the middle ear, commonly the result of an upper respiratory infection (URI) with symptoms of otodynia; may be treated with myringotomy or tympanostomy tubes
otitis media
ear infection
-itis: inflammation
med: middle
-ia: condition
ot: ear
Otitis Media with the presence of fluid, such as pus or serum
Acute infectious disease characterized by a “whoop”-sounding cough; also called whooping cough
Inflammation of the pleural membrane characterized by a stabbing pain that is intensified by deep breathing or coughing
pleur: pleura
-isy: state of; conditio
Collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity, causing the complete or partial collapse of a lung
pneum/o: air, lung
-thorax: chest
Is that a typo? It says his blood oxygen level is 50 that’s too low! It’s not a typo, it’s HYPOxemia! no wonder his respiration is impaired!
Deficiency of O2 in blood; usually a sign of respiratory impairment
Nosey People Like To Believe Lies and Baloney meat
Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and breathing muscles
These are my body guards Tony and Addy, they hang out in my throat to protect me from sickness. I called the immune system and asked them to send over their strongest guys for protection. Well, are they strong? They’re alright, sometimes they get infected and they get cut out!
Tonsils and Adenoids
How is Addy so strong? Well, techinically he’s a big softy, but he has great weapons! What kind of weapons! White blood cells, they fight off infection for him!
There’s my friend Poxia, she is the girl who dosen’t have oxygen in her tissue. Make sure you say Hi to Poxia! Ok Hipoxia!
low levels of O2 in body tissue which leads to respiratory impairment!
La la la la la la! wow you have a great voice! Thank you, I get it from my la la la larynx!
larynx “voice box”
what do you call diarrhea of the nose?
Mr. Bronchi you look so happy! oh well I am Ecstatic!! I was contricted and now I am dialated and extended!
dialation or expansion of the bronchi
Are you single? No, I’m pleura! Plus I can’t go out I have a serous job lining the lungs and the thoracic cage so the lungs can move freely!
-is a double-layered serous membrane that covers each lung and lines the thoracic cage
-This lubricated cavity allows the lungs to move freely during breathing.
Dys breathing really hurts me! Breathing shouldn’t hurt like Dys!
difficult and painful breathing
I’m all out of oxygen in my lungs and my tissues, I have AN OXIgen problem
She said she has too much CO2! No cap?
ummm, yes cap, a lot of cap, she has too much cap!! In fact, her blood is full of cap!
Greater than normal amounts of CO2 in blood
Capnia- CO2
NO SMOKING! I can’t emphasize this enough! You won’t be able to COPD when your lungs are not longer elastic and the small airways collapse when you exhale!
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
His bronchi sound rhonchi, he must have obstructed airways!
Loud coarse or snoring sounds heard during inspiration or expiration; caused by obstructed airways
While on a run, the girl heard a high-pitch squeak with each STRIDe she took, she didn’t know if it was the sound of her sneaker taking a stridor if it was something obstructing her trachea or larynx!
During the show Mr. Tussis said we could cheer and whoop when we see an acute infectious disease! Why would you cheer when someone has a really bad cough. As per Tussis, it is allowed!
Acute infectious disease characterized by a “whoop”-sounding cough; also called whooping cough
Mr. Cory Za has an inflammed nasal passage and doesn’t look so good. Wow, why kick him when he’s down, that’s just cold!
Acute inflammation of the nasal passages accompanied by profuse nasal discharge; also called a cold
hEy, U seem to be breathing normally!
Breathing normally
Brady is so slow, he walks slow, he talks slow, he even breathes slow!
slow breathing
spitting or coughing up blood from lungs
trachea “windpipe”
toxic particles become trapped in the lungs and cause symptoms and disability such a “black lung” or “miner’s lung” disease
special X-rays of the vessels of the lungs
Pulmonary angiography
mucus or phlegm coughed up from the respiratory tract