Eyes and Ears diseases and conditions Flashcards
a-: without, not
chromat: color
-opsia: vision
Congenital deficiency in color perception that is more common in men; also called color blindness
Refractive disorder in which excessive curvature of the cornea or lens causes light to be scattered over the retina, rather than focused on a single point, resulting in a distorted image
a-: without, no
stigmat: point, mark
-ism: condition
Degenerative disease that is mainly caused by the aging process, in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively cloudy, causing decreased vision, and that is treated with cataract surgery (phacoemulsification)
Retinal damage in patients with diabetes marked by aneurysmal dilation and bleeding of blood vessels or the formation of new blood vessels causing visual changes
diabetic retinopathy
retin/o: retina
-pathy: disease
Small, purulent, inflammatory infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid; also called sty
Deterioration of the macula, resulting in loss of central vision; most common cause of visual impairment in persons older than age 50
macular degeneration
Unusual intolerance and sensitivity to light that occurs in some disorders, such as meningitis, eye inflammation, measles, and rubella
phot/o: light
-phobia: fear
Separation of the retina from the choroid, which disrupts vision and results in blindness if not repaired
retinal detachment
retin: retina
-al: pertaining to
Strabismus in which there is deviation of the visual axis of one eye toward that of the other eye, resulting in diplopia; also called cross-eye or convergent strabismus
eso-: inward
-tropia: turning
Results from any condition that prevents sound waves from being transmitted to the auditory receptors
Inability of nerve stimuli to be delivered to the brain from the inner ear as a result of damage to the auditory (acoustic) nerve or cochlea; also called nerve deafness
Rare disorder characterized by progressive deafness, vertigo, and tinnitus, possibly secondary to swelling of membranous structures within the labyrinth; also called endolymphatic/labyrinthine hydrops
Ménière disease
Inflammation of the middle ear, which is commonly the result of an upper respiratory infection (URI) and may be treated with tympanostomy tube insertion
otitis media (OM)
ot: ear
-itis: inflammation
med: middle
-ia: condition
Progressive deafness secondary to ossification in the bony labyrinth of the inner ear
ot/o: ear
scler: hardening; sclera (white of eye)
-osis: abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
Ringing or tinkling noise heard constantly or intermittently in one or both ears, even in a quiet environment, that usually results from damage to inner ear structures associated with hearing
Sensation of moving around in space or a feeling of spinning or dizziness that usually results from inner ear structure damage associated with balance and equilibrium
is a condition in which the aqueous humor fails to drain properly and accumulates in the anterior chamber of the eye, causing elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). The increased IOP leads to degeneration and atrophy of the retina and optic nerve
is the most common form of glaucoma that results from degenerative changes that cause congestion and reduce flow of aqueous humor through the canal of Schlemm. This type of glaucoma is painless but destroys peripheral vision, causing tunnel vision
open-angle glaucoma
This type of glaucoma is a medical emergency. This type of glaucoma is caused by an anatomically narrow angle between the iris and the cornea, which prevents outflow of aqueous humor from the eye into the lymphatic system, causing a sudden increase in IOP. Symptoms include severe pain, blurred vision, and photophobia. Glaucoma eventually leads to vision loss and, commonly, blindness
closed-angle glaucoma