Blood system disease and conditions Flashcards
Blood disorder characterized by a deficiency of red blood cell (RBC) production and hemoglobin, increased RBC destruction, or blood loss
an: without, not
-emia: blood condition
Failure of bone marrow to produce stem cells because it has been damaged by disease, cancer, radiation, or chemotherapy drugs; rare but serious form of anemia
Deficiency of erythrocytes resulting from inability to absorb vitamin into the body, which plays a vital role in hematopoiesis
Group of hereditary anemias characterized by less hemoglobin and fewer RBCs in the body than normal; usually seen in people of Mediterranean origin
thalass/o: sea
-emia: blood condition
Group of hereditary bleeding disorders characterized by a deficiency of one of the factors necessary for coagulation of blood
hem/o: blood
-philia: attraction for