Integumentary System Flashcards
Diseases and Conditions
The constant FRICTION in the relationship was quite abrasive!
ABRASION-Scraping or rubbing away of a surface, such as skin, by friction
Her FURry uncle lived in his dirty CAR that was filled with bacteria. He awoke with pus pockets on his ABS (cess)!
ABSCESS-localized collection of pus in an infected area (staphyloccocal)
FURUNCLE- abscess that originates in the hair follicle
CARBUNCLE- a bunch of furuncles in the subcutaneous tissue
They were going to ALOPE, but she realized he was BALD when his toupee flew off his head!
ALOPECIA-absence or loss of hair especially in the head (baldness)
Alyssa is a PURE friend, however the wound on her leg was oozing PURULENT material so I knew it was infected!
Purulent material- Purulent drainage refers to thick, milky discharge that comes out of a wound. It usually means you have infection
COME on DO I always have to wake up with a new BLACKHEAD on my face
COMEDOS- A blackhead
COMEDO-Discolored, dried sebum plugging an excretory duct of the skin; also called blackhead
My cats PUS and PAP are so adorable, ULE want to squeeze them
Pustules and Papules-small skin lesion filled with purulent material
Inflammatory disease of sebaceous follicles of the skin
I am CERTain that if you touch your tissue with an agent that is:
radioactive or
you will get a…
Burn affecting the epidermis and part of the dermis and characterized by redness, blistering or larger bullae, and pain with little or no scarring
second-degree burn
Severe burn characterized by destruction of the epidermis and dermis with damage to the subcutaneous layer, leaving the skin charred black or dry white in appearance with insensitivity to touch
Third-degree burn
CARCIN, OMA goodness I haven’t seen you in so long, what are all those things growing on you! Well, you were always so abnormal but this is bad!
CARCINOMA Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body; also called malignant cells
carcin- cancer
Malignant tumor that originates in melanocytes and is considered the most dangerous type of skin cancer, which, if not treated early, becomes difficult to cure and can be fatal
Closed sac or pouch in or under the skin with a definite wall that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material
can you see that PIL O’ hair that is growing under the skin? If you can, you are aN IDOL, because it has a wall around it!
PILONIDAL- Growth of hair in a dermoid cyst or in a sinus opening on the skin
Can You See The fatty material from the sebaceous gland
Sebaceous-Cyst filled with sebum (fatty material) from a sebaceous gland
my ex seems ta think my face is red because I was crying but my capillaries are just swollen
Eczema-Redness of skin caused by swelling of the capillaries
The diabetic man drank too much Mountain Dew. His family GANGed up on him and cut off his supply of the GREEN soda so he could avoid death!
gangrene- Death of tissue, usually resulting from loss of blood supply
External or internal loss of a large amount of blood in a short period
Hemorrhage of any size under the skin in which the skin is not broken; also known as a bruise
**Notice a contusion is not elevated and the skin is not broken!
Skin discoloration consisting of a large, irregularly formed hemorrhagic area with colors changing from blue-black to greenish brown or yellow; commonly called a bruise
Ecchymosis- A bruise, black and blue
My friend PETE has these CHIA seed sized spots on his skin, they looks like red dots
Petechia- minute, pinpoint hemorrhagic spot of the skin that is a smaller version of an ecchymosis
Hematomas are elevated
Elevated, localized collection of blood trapped under the skin that usually results from trauma
The blood that pools under the skin causes the elvation, a contusion is not elevated!
there was a very hairy lady,HIR SUIT was full of hair, she wore a suit because she produced a lot of testosterone and was manly!
Hirsutism- Ëxcessive growth of hair in unusual places, especially in women; may be caused by hypersecretion of testosterone
occurs in women with high angrogen levels, high testosterone levels
This guy gave me the ICK because his skin was dry and scaly like a fish!
O SIS, be nice he has a defect in his keratinization! It runs in his family!!
Ichthyosis- Genetic skin disorder in which the skin is dry and scaly, resembling fish skin because of a defect in keratinization
The little girl was IN her bed PETting her dog and the bacteria from his paws gave her a skin infection, I told her to GO wash her hands but now she has crusty pustules everywhere!
impetigo-Bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture
can start with a small cut that gets infected!
Children with eczema hav
My patient Mr. Ke Loid produces too much collagen so when his wound healed he had a lot of scar tissue!
Keloid-Overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a skin injury (especially a wound, surgical incision, or severe burn) caused by excessive collagen formation during the healing process
My sis Soria, has these red patches on her skin with silvery flakes on top, she looks like she has salmon skin, she will have it for a long time, it’s chronic.
I call her my Salmon skin soriasis
psoriasis- Chronic skin disease characterized by itchy red patches covered with silvery scales
human mites cause scabies when they have babies under your skin, there contagious itch can be quite the bitch!
scabies-Contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite
Areas of pathologically altered tissue caused by disease, injury, or a wound resulting from external factors or internal disease
skin lesions
Very general term for any altering of the skin
What do you saya Tinea, there’s a fungus among us! If it’s on your tootsies it’s called athletes footsies, if it’s round with a swirl, it is ringworm!
Tinea-Fungal infection whose name commonly indicates the body part affected, such as tinea pedis (athlete’s foot); also called ringworm
the patient was bedridden for such a long time that he started to develop damaged skin on the bony parts of his body that were in contact with the bed. Over time the cells in the area died prematurely
ulcer-Lesion of the skin or mucous membranes marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing of damaged tissues
Skin ulceration caused by prolonged pressure, usually in a patient who is bedridden; also known as decubitus ulcer or bedsore
The man tried to help the stray cat, he picked it up and brought it to safety. He soon noticed hives, red elevated itchy patches on his skin. He looked at the cat and said, it hURT to CARRY ya because I am allergic to you!
urticaria-Allergic reaction of the skin characterized by eruption of pale red elevated patches that are intensely itchy; also called wheals (hives)
The Witch Verruca had warts all over her body! People called her Viral Verruca the warty witch!
Verruca-Rounded epidermal growth caused by a virus; also called wart
Small blister-like elevation on the skin containing a clear fluid; large vesicles are called bullae (singular, bulla)
The man had dark skin with milky white patches, he looked like parts of him were white but really he just has vitiligo
Vitiligo-Localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by milk-white patches; also called leukoderma
Smooth, slightly elevated skin that is white in the center with a pale red periphery; also called hives if itchy
wheal (hives)
All allergic reaction
An abscess that originates in the hair follicle
Scraping or rubbing away of a surface, such as skin, by friction
localized collection of pus in an infected area (staphyloccocal)
a series or collection of furuncles located in the subcutaneous tissue
refers to thick, milky discharge that comes out of a wound. It usually means you have infection
Purulent material/purulent draining
Discolored, dried sebum plugging an excretory duct of the skin
name two types of small skin lesions filled with purulent material
papules and pustules
Mild burn affecting the epidermis and characterized by redness and pain with no blistering or scar formation
first-degree burn
Burn affecting the epidermis and part of the dermis and characterized by redness, blistering or larger bullae, and pain with little or no scarring
second-degree burn (partial thickness)
Severe burn characterized by destruction of the epidermis and dermis with damage to the subcutaneous layer, leaving the skin charred black or dry white in appearance with insensitivity to touch
third-degree burn
Uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body; also called malignant cells
carcin- cancer
Closed sac or pouch in or under the skin with a definite wall that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material
Chronic skin disease characterized by itchy red patches covered with silvery scales
Contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite
Fungal infection whose name commonly indicates the body part affected, such (athlete’s foot); also called ringworm
Lesion of the skin or mucous membranes marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing of damaged tissues
Redness of skin caused by swelling of the capillaries
Death of tissue, usually resulting from loss of blood supply
minute, pinpoint hemorrhagic spot of the skin that is a smaller version of an ecchymosis
Ëxcessive growth of hair in unusual places, especially in women; may be caused by hypersecretion of testosterone
Overgrowth of scar tissue at the site of a skin injury (especially a wound, surgical incision, or severe burn) caused by excessive collagen formation during the healing process
Rounded epidermal growth caused by a virus; also called wart
Localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by milk-white patches; also called leukoderma
Allergic reaction of the skin characterized by eruption of pale red elevated patches that are intensely itchy; also called wheals (hives)
Growth of hair in a dermoid cyst or in a sinus opening on the skin
pilanidal Pilo-Hair nidus-nest
pilanidal cysts
-usually occurs in the tailbone at the top of the opening of the buttock
-most common in men
-must be surgically drained
-caused by an embryonic malformation leaving a remnant of a neurocanal
oil producing glands
sebaceous glands
the medical term for pus in the skin
Bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture