Respiratory Pathology - 2 Flashcards
What is the primary description for Restrictive Lung Diseases?
What is the primary description for Obstructive Lung Diseases?
FEV1/FVC ratio for Restrictive and Obstructive Lung Diseases
Restrictive - Normal
Obstructive - Decreased
FVC for Restrictive Lung Diseases is ____
FEV1 for Obstructive Lung Diseases is ____
What are 3 Obstructive Lung Diseases?
Chronic Bronchitis
Obstructive lung diseases are most often caused by?
How is Chronic Bronchitis diagnosed?
Persistent cough with sputum production for 3 months out of 2 consecutive years
What is the pathophysiologic mechanism for Chronic Bronchitis?
Mucus gland hyperplasia –> Damaged epithelium
= Increased mucus and thickened muscle
What is the pathophysiologic mechanism for Chronic Bronchitis?
Mucus gland hyperplasia –> Damaged epithelium
= Increased mucus and thickened muscle
What is the term used to describe Chronic Bronchitis patients clinically?
Blue Bloaters
Blue Bloaters
- Chronic Bronchitis
= Overweight and Cyanotic, increased hemoglobin and peripheral edema, rhonchi and wheezing
A patient presents as overweight, cyanotic, increased hemoglobin, peripheral edema and with rhonchi and wheezes. What is the likely diagnosis?
Chronic Bronchitis
– Blue Bloater
Why do Chronic Bronchitis patients have elevated hemoglobin?
Smoking induces carboxy hemoglobin which shifts the O2 dissociation curve to the LEFT and the compensation is to create more hemoglobin
What is Emphysema?
Irreversible air space enlargement DISTAL to terminal bronchiole
Air space enlargement distal to terminal bronchiole
What are the 2 most common types of Emphysema?
Centrilobar - enlargement of resp. bronchioles only
Panlobar/Panacinar - enlargement all distally
What type of emphysema usually presents with smokers that have chronic bronchitis and why?
- chronic bronchitis constricts terminal bronchiole so dilation starts at respiratory bronchioles and moves distally
What is the term used to describe emphysema patients clinically?
Pink puffers
Pink Puffers
- Emphysema
= Older, thin, severe dyspnea and quiet chest
A patient presents that is older and thinner with severe dyspnea and a quiet chest. What do you suspect the underlying disease is?
- Pink puffer
What will be seen on CXR and chest shape correlation with Emphysema?
Enlarged lungs with flattened diaphragm
- Barrel chest with increased AP diameter
What will be heard with auscultation of breath sounds with Emphysema?
Diminished breath sounds with prolonged expiratory wheezes
Normally, describe the function of Alpha1 Antitrypsin
- Liver produces and secretes it
- Coats the lungs to protect them
= (-) Neutrophil Elastase that is produced by WBCs to breakdown bacteria because it is harmful to lungs