Respiratory Infections I (25) Flashcards
Dr. Erol
What is mammalian tuberculosis? Who does it affect?
a re-emerging, granulomatous diease in animals and people
practically ALL species of vertebrates
____ TB is still significant zoonosis in non-industrialized countries of the world
What is the causative agent for tuberculosis in cattle? It is a [mild/severe] disease
mycobacterium bovis
What is the distribution of bovine TB?
once a world-wide problem, but lots of TB-free countries now
eradication programs still in progress
What is the status of bovine TB in the US?
How is m. bovis transmitted?
humans: ingestion of unpasteurized dairy products or undercooked meat
cattle (reservoir host)
- aerosol
- ingestion
- cutaneous, genital, congenital
M. bovis is very rare in countries with _____ and ______
pasteurized milk
bovine tuberculosis eradication programs
How does tuberculosis (Mtb or Mb) affect people?
cervical lymphadenopathy (scrofula) - lupus vulgaris
localized skin isease “butcher’s wart”
pulmonary disease
genitourinary disease
What are signs of tuberculosis in animals - general?
progressive emaciation, lethargy, weakness, anorexia, and a low-grade fluctuating fever
What are signs of tuberculosis in animals - respiratory?
bronchopneumonia causes a chronic, intermittent, moist cough with later signs of dyspnea and tachypnea
destructive lesions of the granulomatous bronchopneumonia may be detected on auscultation and percussion
What are clinical signs of tuberculosis in cattle? What can be involved?
evident only in advanced cases, can still appear to be in good health
loss of condition
mammary tissue - marked induration of affected quarters and enlargement of supramammatory lymph nodes result
A cow has marked induration of affected quarters, swollen lymph nodes, and loss of condition. This is a microscopic appearance of a tubercle. How did the cow most likely acquire this disease? What is the causative agent and illness?
mycobacterium bovis - bovine tuberculosis
A cow necropsy revealed post-mortem lesions in the uterus and lung. What could this be?
bovine tuberculosis
How do you diagnose bovine tuberculosis?
tuberculin skin test, based on delayed-type hypersensitivity
Where do you test for tuberculosis for preliminary screening of cattle? Re-testing?
caudal fold
single cervical - cervids
comparative cervical - re-test