Required practical: nervous system + ruler Flashcards
What is needed for this practical?
2 people and a ruler
Step 1
Person 1 sits on a chair with good upright posture
Step 2
Person 1 places forearm of their dominant arm across the table with hand hanging over edge to catch the ruler
Step 3
Person 2 holds metre ruler vertically so the 0cm mark is between their thumb and index finger
Step 4
Person 2 signals they will drop the ruler soon then does so at a random time
Person 1 catches it as soon as possible
Step 5
Measure where person 1 caught the ruler based on where their thumb is
Step 6
Repeat test several times and calculate mean then convert to reaction time using a conversion table
Step 7
Person 2 and 1 switch places
Independent variable
Many other that we could investigate:
Person 1 having reaction time tested vs person 2
Number of tries/ practise had
Dominant hand/ non dominant
Effect of certain chemicals eg caffeine
Dependent variable
Reaction time
Control variables
Starting distance between thumb + first finger on the ruler
Measure ruler length at the top of the thumb when caught
Keep lighting and background noise same
How do we measure effect of caffeine on reaction time?
Compare normal reaction time to after drinking some cola
Problem is other chemicals in cola?
So use caffeine free cola and also compare that