Non communicable diseases Flashcards
Non communicable diseases
A disease that cannot be transferred to other people
Not contagious
What happens when someone gets cancer?
A cell becomes cancerous
It has a mutation in its DNA
It divides and makes copies with the wrong DNA rapidly
Creates a tumour
What is a benign tumour and its characteristics?
A group of cancer cells that does not invade other parts of the body Grows slowly within a membrane
Easily removed
What is a malignant cell and its characteristics?
A group of cancer cells that invades and spreads to other parts via bloodstream
Forms more tumours in other parts of the body
Divides quickly
When a cancer cell invades the blood stream and makes more tumours at other parts of the body
Stages of metastasis
Tumour secrete chemicals
Chemicals cause blood vessels to grow around it
Cancer cells detach from the tumour into the bloodstream
Cancer cell squeezes through capillary wall into the tissue
Secondary tumour formed
Chemical/ agent that causes cancer cells
Risk factors of developing cancer
Viruses are linked with cancer eg HPV
Chemical carcinogens in smoking
Alcohol intake
Ultraviolet radiation when in the sun for too long (ionising radiation)
Diet/ fat/salt intake
How does smoking increase risk of a heart attack or stroke?
Damages lining of arteries, including coronary arteries
Encourages build up of fat = stroke or heart attack
Chemicals increase risk of blood clotting = heart attack or stroke
Disease in lungs that includes:
Chronic bronchitis = inflammation of bronchioles
Emphysema = walls of alveoli break down, reducing the surface area for gas exchange in the lungs
How does smoking increase risk of COPD?
Smoking damages bronchiole and can destroy alveoli
Airway is inflamed and mucus builds up there
Patient is breathless and has difficulty getting enough oxygen for respiration
How does smoking strain the heart?
Nicotine increases heart rate, straining it
How does smoking oxygen in us?
Inhalation of carbon monoxide reduces amount of oxygen that can be carried by blood
Effects of pregnant women smoking
Increases the risk of miscarriage
Babies increased risk of asthma/ other respiratory problems
Long-term physical and intellectual development of the baby/child is affected
Increased risk of birth defects
Birthweight is reduced
Coronary heart disease
When fat builds up around the coronary heart disease
Less oxygenated blood is taken to the heart
Heart cells can’t respire
Blocked arteries are known as?
Drugs that lower cholesterol levels
Tubes that are inserted to unblock narrow blood vessels
What is type 2 diabetes
Body cells no longer respond to affect of insulin
High blood sugar levels
Causes of diabetes
Blood sugar level intake is high because consuming more fattening foods
Increased blood lipids/glucose
Risks of obesity
High blood pressure
Build up of fatty deposits in arteries = cardiovascular diseases
What is the main organ that excess alcohol effects?
Liver as it breaks down the alcohol
What is fatty liver disease?
Build up of lipids in liver because of fat
Alcoholic hepatitis
Inflammation/ swelling of the liver
Scarring of the liver potentially by hepatitis
Short term effects on drinking alcohol on the brain
slows reaction time (increased time) trouble walking
impair memory
slurred speech
changes in sleep and mood patterns
increased anxiety and depression
Reaction speed vs reaction time
Slow reaction speed = increased reaction time
Quick reaction speed = decreased reaction time
Long terms effects on drinking excessive alcohol
brain shrinkage
memory problems
leads to psychiatric problems
may result in the patient requiring long-term care
Effect of pregnant mothers drinking excess alcohol
smaller in size
has a smaller brain with fewer neurones
will have long-term learning and behavioural difficulties
has distinct facial features