Reproduction Flashcards
Oviduct (Fallopian tube)
Eggs travel along this tube on the way to the uterus
Eggs (ova) are made, stored and released in here
This is a narrow opening between the vagina and uterus
Lining of the uterus
This thickens every month in order to receive a fertilised egg
The vagina
Speed enter the body here
Fills with blood and becomes erect before sexual intercourse - to help pass sperm into vagina
Sperm are made here
Holds the testicles outside the body to keep sperm cool
Sperm duct
Sperm travel along this on the way to the urethra
These make and add fluid to to the sperm which give them energy to swim
Sperm leave the body through this tube
Sperm + fluid
Qualities of sperm
Streamlined shape - to easily and quickly glide to the egg
Tail - to help it swim towards the egg
Enzymes - to fight the egg shield
Nucleus - contains the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
What is puberty?
The time when children’s bodies change and their reproductive system becomes fully working
What happens in puberty?
Chemicals called hormones make puberty start
For girls, their hormone (oestrogen) is made in the ovaries
For boys, their hormone (testosterone) is made in the testicles
What is the hormone for GIRLS and where is it made?
Oestrogen - made in the ovaries
What is the hormone for BOYS and where is it made?
Testosterone - made in the testicles
When does the height spurt in most girls end?
Around 14
When does the height spurt in most boys end?
Around 16
When does the growth of the penis start in most boys?
Around 12
What takes longest to develop in girls?
What takes least time to develop in boys?
What gender starts puberty first?
What changes do girls go through?
Breast develop, period, hips widen
What changes do boys go through?
Voice breaks, broad shoulders, facial hair, erection, penis grows, testes grow
What changes do boys and girls go through that are very similar?
Pimples, armpit hair grows, pubic hair, grow taller, hormones, feelings
What happens during the menstrual cycle?
Abdominal cramps, sickness, big mood swings, bloating, food craving
What are the three hormones in the menstrual cycle?
FSH, LH, Oestrogen
Describe the hormone FSH
It is made in the pituitary gland. It causes an egg to mature in the ovary. Also, it stimulates the ovaries to release the hormone oestrogen
Describe the hormone oestrogen
It is made in the ovaries. It stops FSH being produced - so that only one egg matures in a cycles. It also stimulates the pituitary gland to release the hormone LH
Describe the hormone LH
Causes the mature egg to be released from the ovary
What is the main reason for sex?
To reproduce
What does the amniotic fluid do?
Protects the foetus and gives it room
What does the umbilical chord do?
It’s where oxygen and nutrients travel across the placenta from the mother to the foetus
What is gestation?
The time between fertilisation and the offspring being
What type of fertilisation do mammals make? Does this make more or less eggs?
Internal - less
What is the uterus?
Where the foetus develops
What is internal fertilisation?
Where the sperm and egg meet inside the body
What is external fertilisation?
The sperm and egg meet outside the body. Females lay eggs and the males spray the sperm
What animals do internal fertilisation?
Mammals, birds
What animals do external fertilisation?
Fish and amphibians
Why do animals like fish lay so many eggs?
So there is more chance of a few surviving
What is internal gestation?
Where the embryo develops inside and is provided with shelter and food
What is external gestation?
Where the animals hatch from eggs
What animals do internal gestation?
What animals do external gestation?
Birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, platypus
What is the first stage of fertilisation in flowers?
The bee visits