Environmental Chemistry Flashcards
What type of gas do cars release that cause ACID RAIN?
Nitrogen oxides
What gas do living plants and animals release that also causes ACID RAIN?
Carbon dioxide
What 2 gases does burning fossil fuels release that cause ACID RAIN?
Carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
What gases cause acid rain?
Sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides
How are harmful gases such as sulphur dioxide released into the atmosphere to cause acid rain?
Volcanoes, burning fossil fuels, car engines, loving plants and animals
How is acid rain formed?
Acidic gases are released into the atmosphere
They dissolve in moisture in the air
Clouds cool and release acid rain
It falls on the land and rivers
What are some effects of acid rain?
Weathering of rock -fizzes and releases CO2
Pollution in the air (asthma)
Fish die - sea becomes more acidic
Soil is more acidic - trees die, more CO2 less oxygen
How much more acidic is acid rain than normal rain and why?
1000x because it contains nitric and sulphuric acid
Where does the nitric acid come from in acid rain
Combustion of nitrogen and oxygen
Where does sulphuric acid come from in acid rain
Combustion of fossil fuels
Carbonate+Acid—> Salt+Water+Carbon Dioxidde
What is pollution?
The introduction of substances into the atmosphere that may have an adverse effect on living things
How does carbon get from the atmosphere to oceans?
How does carbon get from the atmosphere to plants?
How does carbon get from plants to dead organisms and soil
By dying
How does carbon get from plants to animals
By getting eaten
How does carbon get from plants to the atmosphere?
How does carbon get from animals to the atmosphere?
How does carbon get from animals to dead organisms and soil
By dying
How does carbon get from dead organisms and soil to the atmosphere
How does carbon get from the ocean to the atmosphere
How does carbon get from fossil fuels to the atmosphere?
What are the effects of global warming
Rise in sea levels, floods, droughts, frequent storms, rise in temperatures
What gases cause global warming?
Carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, car exhaust fumes, burning fuels
What happens in global warming (key points)
The sun warms the earth by emitting SHORT WAVES. Some is of the heat is absorbed but most of it gets reflected back into the atmosphere as LONG WAVES but gets trapped from escaping since CO2 and H2O absorb the long waves and emit it back in ALL DIRECTIONS including back to earth
What is an EXOthermic reaction?
Where heat energy (EXits) is given out of the substance into its surroundings
What is an ENDOthermic reaction?
Where heat energy (ENters) is taken in from the surroundings to the substance
What is a physical reaction
Can be reversed
What is a chemical reaction
It is irreversible
What is the symbol equation for nitric acid
What is the symbol equation for sulphuric acid
What is the symbol equation for carbonic acid
Mass of the reactants must equal…
The mass of the products
What is combustion
Burning. Needs oxygen, heat and a fuel. Removing one of these will make the fire go out.
What is a fuel
Something that gives off energy when it is burned
What is complete combustion
When there is ENOUGH oxygen for the fuel to burn completely
What is the word equation for complete combustion
Hydrocarbon + oxygen –> carbon dioxide + water
What is a hydrocarbon
Fuels: carbon and hydrogen
What is INcomplete combustion
When there ISN’T enough oxygen for the fuel to burn completely
What is the word equation for incomplete combustion
Hydrocarbon + oxygen –> carbon MONoxide + carbon(soot) + water
Why is carbon monoxide dangerous
It kills, can’t see, taste or smell it
What is the symbol equation for complete combustion
CH4 + O2 –> CO2 + H2O
What is the symbol equation for incomplete combustion
CH4 + O2 –> CO + C + H2O
What is a catalyst
A chemical that speeds up a chemical reaction
What gas is released when volcanoes erupt and is also a cause of ACID RAIN?
Sulphur dioxide