Renal - Physiology Flashcards
Fluid compartments
- Potassium location
- % of body weight
- Total body water
- Plasma volume measured by…
- Extracellular volume measured by…
- Osmolarity
- Potassium location
- HIKIN’: HIgh K INtracellular.
- 60–40–20 rule (% of body weight):
- 60% total body water
- 40% ICF
- 20% ECF
- Plasma volume measured by radiolabeled albumin.
- Extracellular volume measured by inulin.
- Osmolarity = 290 mOsm/L.

Glomerular filtration barrier
- Responsible for…
- Composed of…
- Pathology of the charge barrier
- Responsible for filtration of plasma according to size and net charge.
- Composed of…
- Fenestrated capillary endothelium (size barrier)
- Fused basement membrane with heparan sulfate (negative charge barrier)
- Epithelial layer consisting of podocyte foot processes
- Pathology of the charge barrier
- The charge barrier is lost in nephrotic syndrome, resulting in albuminuria, hypoproteinemia, generalized edema, and hyperlipidemia.
Renal clearance
- Cx equation
- Cx vs. GFR
- Cx < GFR
- Cx > GFR
- Cx = GFR
- Cx = (Ux * V) / Px = volume of plasma from which the substance is completely cleared per unit time.
- Cx = clearance of X (mL/min).
- Ux = urine concentration of X (mg/mL).
- V = urine flow rate (mL/min)
- Px = plasma concentration of X (mg/mL).
- Cx vs. GFR
- Cx < GFR: net tubular reabsorption of X.
- Cx > GFR: net tubular secretion of X.
- Cx = GFR: no net secretion or reabsorption.
Glomerular filtration rate
- Inulin clearance
- GFR equations
- Normal vs. reduced GFR
- Creatinine clearance
- Inulin clearance
- Can be used to calculate GFR because it is freely filtered and is neither reabsorbed nor secreted.
- = (Uinulin × V) / Pinulin = Cinulin
- = Kf [(PGC – PBS) – (πGC – πBS)].
- GC = glomerular capillary
- BS = Bowman space
- πBS normally equals zero.
- Normal vs. reduced GFR
- Normal GFR ≈ 100 mL/min.
- Incremental reductions in GFR define the stages of chronic kidney disease
- Creatinine clearance
- An approximate measure of GFR.
- Slightly overestimates GFR because creatinine is moderately secreted by the renal tubules.
Effective renal plasma flow
- Effective renal plasma flow (ERPF)
- ERPF equation
- RBF equation
- Effective renal plasma flow (ERPF)
- Can be estimated using para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) clearance because it is both filtered and actively secreted in the proximal tubule.
- Nearly all PAH entering the kidney is excreted.
- Underestimates true renal plasma flow (RPF) by ~10%.
- Can be estimated using para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) clearance because it is both filtered and actively secreted in the proximal tubule.
- ERPF = (UPAH × V) / PPAH = CPAH.
- RBF = RPF / (1 - Hct).
- Equations
- Filtration fraction (FF)
- Normal FF
- Filtered load (mg/min)
- Filtration fraction (FF)
- Estimations
- Equations
- Filtration fraction (FF) = GFR / RPF.
- Normal FF = 20%.
- Filtered load (mg/min) = GFR (mL/min) × plasma concentration (mg/mL)
- Filtration fraction (FF) = GFR / RPF.
- Estimations
- GFR can be estimated with creatinine clearance.
- RPF is best estimated with PAH clearance.

Changes in glomerular dynamics
- For each effect (increased/decreased)
- FF (GFR / RPF)
- Afferent arteriole constriction
- Efferent arteriole constriction
- Increased plasma protein concentration
- Decreased plasma protein concentration
- Constriction of ureter
- Afferent arteriole constriction
- RPF: Decreased
- GFR: Decreased
- FF (GFR / RPF): No effect
- Efferent arteriole constriction
- RPF: Decreased
- GFR: Increased
- FF (GFR / RPF): Increased
- Increased plasma protein concentration
- RPF: No effect
- GFR: Decreased
- FF (GFR / RPF): Decreased
- Decreased plasma protein concentration
- RPF: No effect
- GFR: Increased
- FF (GFR / RPF): Increased
- Constriction of ureter
- RPF: No effect
- GFR: Decreased
- FF (GFR / RPF): Decreased
Calculation of reabsorption and secretion rate (equations)
- Filtered load
- Excretion rate
- Reabsorption
- Secretion
- Filtered load = GFR × Px.
- Excretion rate = V × Ux.
- Reabsorption = filtered – excreted.
- Secretion = excreted – filtered.
Glucose clearance
- Glucose at a normal plasma level
- At plasma glucose of ~200 mg/dL
- At plasma glucose of ~375 mg/dL
- Glucosuria
- Normal pregnancy
- Glucose at a normal plasma level
- Completely reabsorbed in proximal tubule by Na+/glucose cotransport.
- At plasma glucose of ~200 mg/dL
- Glucosuria begins (threshold).
- At plasma glucose of ~375 mg/dL
- All transporters are fully saturated (Tm).
- Glucosuria
- An important clinical clue to diabetes mellitus.
- Normal pregnancy
- Decreases reabsorption of glucose and amino acids in the proximal tubule –> glucosuria and aminoaciduria.
Amino acid clearance
- Reabsorption
- Hartnup disease
- Definition
- Findings
- Treatment
- Reabsorption
- Sodium-dependent transporters in proximal tubule reabsorb amino acids.
Hartnup disease
- Definition
- Autosomal recessive disorder.
- Deficiency of neutral amino acid (e.g., tryptophan) transporters in proximal renal tubular cells and on enterocytes.
- Findings
- Leads to neutral aminoaciduria and decreased absorption from the gut
- Results in pellagra-like symptoms
- Treatment
- Treat with high-protein diet and nicotinic acid.
- Definition
Nephron physiology:
Early proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
- Functions
- Important hormones
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- Functions
- Contains brush border.
- Reabsorbs all of the glucose and amino acids and most of the HCO3–, Na+, Cl–, PO43–, K+, and H2O.
- Isotonic absorption.
- Generates and secretes NH3, which acts as a buffer for secreted H+.
- Important hormones
- Inhibits Na+/PO43– cotransport → PO43– excretion.
- Stimulates Na+/H+ exchange → ↑ Na+, H2O, and HCO3- reabsorption (permitting contraction alkalosis).
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- 65–80%

Nephron physiology:
Thin descending loop of Henle
- Functions
- Functions
- Passively reabsorbs H2O via medullary hypertonicity (impermeable to Na+).
- Concentrating segment.
- Makes urine hypertonic.

Nephron physiology:
Thick ascending loop of Henle
- Functions
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- Functions
- Actively reabsorbs Na+, K+, and Cl-.
- Indirectly induces the paracellular reabsorption of Mg2+ and Ca2+ through (+) lumen potential generated by K+ backleak.
- Impermeable to H2O.
- Makes urine less concentrated as it ascends.
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- 10–20%

Nephron physiology:
Early distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
- Functions
- Important hormones
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- Functions
- Actively reabsorbs Na+, Cl-.
- Makes urine hypotonic.
- Important hormones
- ↑ Ca2+/Na+ exchange → Ca2+ reabsorption.
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- 5–10%

Nephron physiology:
Collecting tubule
- Functions
- Important hormones
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- Functions
- Reabsorbs Na+ in exchange for secreting K+ and H+ (regulated by aldosterone).
- Important hormones
- Aldosterone
- Acts on mineralocorticoid receptor → insertion of Na+ channel on luminal side.
- Acts at V2 receptor → insertion of aquaporin H2O channels on luminal side.
- Aldosterone
- % Na+ reabsorbed
- 3–5%

Renal tubular defects
- The kidneys put out FABulous Glittering Liquid:
- FAnconi syndrome is the 1st defect (PCT)
- Bartter syndrome is next (thick ascending loop of Henle)
- Gitelman syndrome is after Bartter (DCT)
- Liddle syndrome is last (collecting tubule)
Fanconi syndrome
- Type of condition
- Definition
- Findings
- Due to…
- Type of condition
- Renal tubular defect
- Definition
- Reabsorptive defect in PCT.
- Associated with increased excretion of nearly all amino acids, glucose, HCO3–, and PO43–.
- Findings
- May result in metabolic acidosis (proximal renal tubular acidosis).
- Due to…
- Hereditary defects (e.g., Wilson disease)
- Ischemia
- Nephrotoxins/drugs.
Bartter syndrome
- Type of condition
- Definition
- Findings
- Type of condition
- Renal tubular defect
- Definition
- Reabsorptive defect in thick ascending loop of Henle.
- Autosomal recessive
- Affects Na+/K+/2Cl– cotransporter.
- Findings
- Results in hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis with hypercalciuria.
Gitelman syndrome
- Type of condition
- Definition
- Findings
- Type of condition
- Renal tubular defect
- Definition
- Reabsorptive defect of NaCl in DCT.
- Autosomal recessive.
- Less severe than Bartter syndrome.
- Findings
- Leads to hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis, but without hypercalciuria.
Liddle syndrome
- Type of condition
- Definition
- Findings
- Treatment
- Type of condition
- Renal tubular defect
- Definition
- Increased Na+ reabsorption in distal and collecting tubules (increased activity of epithelial Na+ channel).
- Autosomal dominant.
- Findings
- Results in hypertension, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, decreased aldosterone.
- Treatment
- Amiloride.
Relative concentrations along proximal tubules (529)
- Tubular inulin
- Cl- reabsorption
- Tubular inulin
- Increased in concentration (but not amount) along the proximal tubule as a result of water reabsorption.
- Cl- reabsorption
- Occurs at a slower rate than Na+ in early proximal tubule and then matches the rate of Na+ reabsorption more distally.
- Thus, its relative concentration increases before it plateaus.

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (530)
- Aldosterone
- Affects baroreceptor function
- Limits reflex bradycardia, which would normally accompany its pressor effects.
- Helps maintain blood volume and blood pressure.
- Released from atria in response to increased volume
- May act as a “check” on renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- Relaxes vascular smooth muscle via cGMP, causing increased GFR, decreased renin.
- Primarily regulates osmolarity
- Also responds to low blood volume states.
- Aldosterone
- Primarily regulates ECF Na+ content and volume
- Responds to low blood volume states.

Juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Consists of…
- β-blockers
- Consists of…
- JG cells (modified smooth muscle of afferent arteriole) and the macula densa (NaCl sensor, part of the distal convoluted tubule).
- JG cells secrete renin in response to decreased renal blood pressure, decreased NaCl delivery to distal tubule, and increased sympathetic tone (β1).
- Juxta = close by
- Defends GFR via renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
- β-blockers
- Can decrease BP by inhibiting β1‑receptors of the JGA, causing decreased renin release.
Kidney endocrine functions
- Erythropoietin
- 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D
- Renin
- Prostaglandins
- Erythropoietin
- Released by interstitial cells in the peritubular capillary bed in response to hypoxia.
- 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D [image]
- Proximal tubule cells convert 25-OH vitamin D to 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D (active form).
- Renin
- Secreted by JG cells in response to decreased renal arterial pressure and increased renal sympathetic discharge (β1 effect).
- Prostaglandins
- Paracrine secretion vasodilates the afferent arterioles to increase RBF.
- NSAIDs block renal-protective prostaglandin synthesis –> constriction of the afferent arteriole and decreased GFR
- This may result in acute renal failure.

Hormones acting on kidney: Angiotensin II (AT II)
- Synthesized in response to…
- Causes…
- Net effect
- Synthesized in response to…
- Decreased BP.
- Causes…
- Efferent arteriole constriction –> increased GFR and increased FF but with compensatory Na+ reabsorption in proximal and distal nephron.
- Net effect
- Preservation of renal function in low-volume state (increased FF) with simultaneous Na+ reabsorption (both proximal and distal) to maintain circulating volume.

Hormones acting on kidney: Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- Secreted in response to…
- Causes…
- Secreted in response to…
- Decreased plasma [Ca2+]
- Increased plasma [PO43–]
- Decreased plasma 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D.
- Causes…
- Increased [Ca2+] reabsorption (DCT)
- Decreased [PO43–] reabsorption (PCT)
- Increased 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D production (increased Ca2+ and PO43– absorption from gut via vitamin D).

Hormones acting on kidney:
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
- Secreted in response to…
- Causes…
- Net effect
- Secreted in response to…
- Increased atrial pressure
- Causes…
- Increased GFR and increased Na+ filtration with no compensatory Na+ reabsorption in distal nephron.
- Net effect
- Na+ loss and volume loss.

Hormones acting on kidney:
- Secreted in response to…
- Causes…
- Secreted in response to…
- Decreased blood volume (via AT II)
- Increased plasma [K+]
- Causes…
- Increased Na+ reabsorption
- Increased K+ secretion
- Increased H+ secretion

Hormones acting on kidney:
ADH (vasopressin)
- Secreted in response to…
- Causes…
- Secreted in response to…
- Increased plasma osmolarity
- Decreased blood volume
- Causes…
- Binds to receptors on principal cells, causing increased number of water channels and increased H2O reabsorption.

Potassium shifts
- What shift K+ out of the cell
- What shifting K+ out of the cell causes
- What shift K+ into the cell
- What shifting K+ into the cell causes
- What shift K+ out of the cell
- Patient with hyperkalemia? DO Insulin LAβ work.
- Digitalis
- HyperOsmolarity
- Insulin deficiency
- Lysis of cells
- Acidosis
- β-adrenergic antagonist
- What shifting K+ out of the cell causes
- Hyperkalemia
- What shift K+ into the cell
- Hypo-osmolarity
- Insulin (increased Na+/K+ ATPase)
- Insulin shifts K+ into cells
- Alkalosis
- β-adrenergic agonist (increased Na+/K+ ATPase)
- What shifting K+ into the cell causes
- Hypokalemia
Electrolyte disturbances
- For each
- Low serum concentration
- High serum concentration
- Na+
- K+
- Ca2+
- Mg2+
- PO43−
- Na+
- Low: Nausea and malaise, stupor, coma
- High: Irritability, stupor, coma
- K+
- Low: U waves on ECG, flattened T waves, arrhythmias, muscle weakness
- High: Wide QRS and peaked T waves on ECG, arrhythmias, muscle weakness
- Ca2+
- Low: Tetany, seizures, QT prolongation
- High: Stones (renal), bones (pain), groans (abdominal pain), psychiatric overtones (anxiety, altered mental status), but not necessarily calciuria
- Mg2+
- Low: Tetany, torsades de pointes
- High: Decreased DTRs, lethargy, bradycardia, hypotension, cardiac arrest, hypocalcemia
- PO43−
- Low: Bone loss, osteomalacia
- High: Renal stones, metastatic calcifications, hypocalcemia
Acid-base physiology
- For each
- pH
- PCO2
- [HCO3–]
- Compensatory response
- Metabolic acidosis
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Respiratory acidosis
- Respiratory alkalosis
- Metabolic acidosis
- pH: Decreased (compensatory response)
- PCO2: Decreased (compensatory response)
- [HCO3–]: Decreased (1º disturbance)
- Compensatory response: Hyperventilation (immediate)
- Metabolic alkalosis
- pH: Increased (compensatory response)
- PCO2: Increased (compensatory response)
- [HCO3–]: Increased (1º disturbance)
- Compensatory response: Hypoventilation (immediate)
- Respiratory acidosis
- pH: Decreased (compensatory response)
- PCO2: Increased (1º disturbance)
- [HCO3–]: Increased (compensatory response)
- Compensatory response: Increased renal [HCO3–] reabsorption (delayed)
- Respiratory alkalosis
- pH: Increased (compensatory response)
- PCO2: Decreased (1º disturbance)
- [HCO3–]: Decreased (compensatory response)
- Compensatory response: Decreased renal [HCO3–] reabsorption (delayed)
Acid-base physiology
- Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
- Winters formula
- Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
- pH = 6.1 + log { [HCO3−] / (0.03 PCO2) }
- Winters formula
- The predicted respiratory compensation for a simple metabolic acidosis can be calculated using the Winters formula.
- If the measured PCO2 differs significantly from the predicted PCO2, then a mixed acid-base disorder is likely present
- PCO2 = 1.5 [HCO3–] + 8 +/- 2
Metabolic/respiratory acidosis/alkalosis & hyperventilation/hypoventilation
- pH < 7.4
- PCO2 > 40 mmHg
- PCO2 < 40 mmHg
- pH > 7.4
- PCO2 < 40 mmHg
- PCO2 > 40 mmHg
- pH < 7.4 = Acidemia
- PCO2 > 40 mmHg
- Respiratory acidosis
- Hypoventilation
- PCO2 < 40 mmHg
- Metabolic acidosis with compensation
- Hyperventilation
- Check anion gap
- PCO2 > 40 mmHg
- pH > 7.4 = Alkalemia
- PCO2 < 40 mmHg
- Respiratory alkalosis
- Hyperventilation
- PCO2 > 40 mmHg
- Metabolic alkalosis with compensation
- Hypoventilation
- PCO2 < 40 mmHg

Causes of metabolic/respiratory acidosis/alkalosis
- Respiratory acidosis: Hypoventilation
- Metabolic acidosis: Check anion gap
- Respiratory alkalosis: Hyperventilation
- Metabolic alkalosis with compensation: Hypoventilation
- Respiratory acidosis: Hypoventilation
- Airway obstruction
- Acute lung disease
- Chronic lung disease
- Opioids, sedatives
- Weakening of respiratory muscles
- Metabolic acidosis: Check anion gap
- Anion gap = Na+ – (Cl- + HCO3-)
- Increased anion gap
- Methanol (formic acid)
- Uremia
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Propylene glycol
- Iron tablets or INH
- Lactic acidosis
- Ethylene glycol (oxalic acid)
- Salicylates (late)
- Normal anion gap (8-12 mEq/L)
- Hyperalimentation
- Addison disease
- Renal tubular acidosis
- Diarrhea
- Acetazolamide
- Spironolactone
- Saline infusion
- Respiratory alkalosis: Hyperventilation
- Pulmonary embolism
- Tumor
- Salicylates (early)
- Hypoxemia (e.g., high altitude)
- Hysteria
- Metabolic alkalosis with compensation: Hypoventilation
- Hyperaldosteronism
- Antacid use
- Loop diuretics
- Vomiting

Renal tubular acidosis
- Definition
- Type 4
- Defining feature
- pH
- Defect
- Definition
- A disorder of the renal tubules which leads to non-anion gap hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.
- Type 4
- Defining feature
- Hyperkalemic
- pH
- < 5.5
- Defect
- Hypoaldosteronism, aldosterone resistance, or K+-sparing diuretics.
- The resulting hyperkalemia impairs ammoniagenesis in the proximal tubule –> decreased buffering capacity and decreased H+ excretion into urine.
- Defining feature
Renal tubular acidosis:
Type 1
- Location
- pH
- Defect
- Assocaited with…
- Due to…
- Location
- Distal
- pH
- > 5.5
- Defect
- Defect in ability of α intercalated cells to secrete H+.
- Thus, new HCO3- is not generated –> metabolic acidosis.
- Associated with…
- Hypokalemia, increased risk for calcium phosphate kidney stones (due to increased urine pH and increased bone turnover).
- Due to…
- Amphotericin B toxicity, analgesic nephropathy, multiple myeloma (light chains), and congenital anomalies (obstruction) of the urinary tract.
Renal tubular acidosis:
Type 2
- Location
- pH
- Defect
- Associated with…
- Due to…
- Location
- Proximal
- pH
- < 5.5
- Defect
- Defect in proximal tubule HCO3- reabsorption results in increased excretion of HCO3- in urine and subsequent metabolic acidosis.
- Urine is acidified by α intercalated cells in collecting tubule.
- Associated with…
- Hypokalemia, increased risk for hypophosphatemic rickets.
- Due to…
- Fanconi syndrome (e.g., Wilson disease), chemicals toxic to proximal tubule (e.g., lead, aminoglycosides), and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.