Biochemistry - Genetics Flashcards
- Definition
- Example
- Both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the heterozygote.
- Blood groups A, B, AB; a1-antitrypsin deficiency.
Variable expressivity
- Definition
- Example
- Phenotype varies among individuals with same genotype.
- 2 patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) may have varying disease severity.
Incomplete penetrance
- Definition
- Example
- Not all individuals with a mutant genotype show the mutant phenotype.
- BRCA1 gene mutations do not always result in breast or ovarian cancer.
- Definition
- Example
- One gene contributes to multiple phenotypic effects.
- Untreated phenylketonuria (PKU) manifests with light skin, intellectual disability, and musty body odor.
- Definition
- Example
- Increased severity or earlier onset of disease in succeeding generations.
- Trinucleotide repeat diseases (e.g., Huntington disease).
Loss of heterozygosity
- Definition
- Example
- If a patient inherits or develops a mutation in a tumor suppressor gene, the complementary allele must be deleted/mutated before cancer develops.
- This is not true of oncogenes.
- Retinoblastoma and the “two-hit hypothesis.”
Dominant negative mutation
- Definition
- Example
- Exerts a dominant effect.
- A heterozygote produces a nonfunctional altered protein that also prevents the normal gene product from functioning.
- Mutation of a transcription factor in its allosteric site.
- Nonfunctioning mutant can still bind DNA, preventing wild-type transcription factor from binding.
Linkage disequilibrium
- Definition
- Tendency for certain alleles at 2 linked loci to occur together more often than expected by chance.
- Measured in a population, not in a family, and often varies in different populations.
- Definition
- Example
- Presence of genetically distinct cell lines in the same individual.
- Arises from mitotic errors after fertilization.
- Somatic mosaicism—mutation propagates through multiple tissues or organs.
- Gonadal mosaicism—mutation only in egg or sperm cells.
- McCune-Albright syndrome is lethal if the mutation is somatic, but survivable if mosaic.
Locus heterogeneity
- Definition
- Example
- Mutations at different loci can produce a similar phenotype.
- Albinism.
Allelic heterogeneity
- Definition
- Example
- Different mutations in the same locus produce the same phenotype.
- β-thalassemia.
- Definition
- Presence of both normal and mutated mtDNA, resulting in variable expression in mitochondrial inherited disease.
Uniparental disomy
- Definition
- Heterodisomy
- Isodisomy
- Definition
- Offspring receives 2 copies of a chromosome from 1 parent and no copies from the other parent.
- Uniparental is eUploid (correct number of chromosomes), not aneuploid.
- Most occurrences of UPD –> normal phenotype.
- Consider UPD in an individual manifesting a recessive disorder when only one parent is a carrier.
- Heterodisomy (heterozygous)
- Indicates a meiosis I error.
- Isodisomy (homozygous)
- Indicates a meiosis II error or postzygotic chromosomal duplication of one of a pair of chromosomes, and loss of the other of the original pair.
Hardy-Weinberg population genetics
- Definition
- Hardy-Weinberg law assumptions
- If a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and if p and q are the frequencies of separate alleles, then:
- p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
- p + q = 1
- p2 = frequency of homozygosity for allele p
- q2 = frequency of homozygosity for allele q
- 2pq = frequency of heterozygosity (carrier frequency, if an autosomal recessive disease).
- The frequency of an X-linked recessive disease in males = q and in females = q2.
- Hardy-Weinberg law assumptions
- No mutation occurring at the locus
- Natural selection is not occurring
- Completely random mating
- No net migration

- Definition
- Examples
- Definition
- At some loci, only one allele is active
- The other is inactive (imprinted/inactivated by methylation).
- With one allele inactivated, deletion of the active allele –> disease.
- Examples
- Both Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes are due to mutation or deletion of genes on chromosome 15.
- Can also occur as a result of uniparental disomy.
Prader-Willi syndrome
- Maternal imprinting: gene from mom is normally silent and paternal gene is deleted/mutated.
- Results in hyperphagia, obesity, intellectual disability, hypogonadism, and hypotonia.
- 25% of cases due to maternal uniparental disomy
- Two maternally imprinted genes are received
- No paternal gene received
- Prader-Willi syndrome –> Paternal gene
- AngelMan syndrome –> Maternal gene
Angelman syndrome
- Paternal imprinting: gene from dad is normally silent and maternal gene is deleted/mutated.
- Results in inappropriate laughter (“happy puppet”), seizures, ataxia, and severe intellectual disability.
- 5% of cases due to paternal uniparental disomy
- Two paternally imprinted genes are received
- No maternal gene received
- Prader-Willi syndrome –> Paternal gene
- AngelMan syndrome –> Maternal gene
Autosomal dominant mode of inheritance
- Often due to defects in structural genes.
- Many generations, both male and female, affected.
- Often pleiotropic.
- Family history crucial to diagnosis.

Autosomal recessive mode of inheritance
- 25% of offspring from 2 carrier parents are affected.
- Often due to enzyme deficiencies.
- Usually seen in only 1 generation.
- Commonly more severe than dominant disorders
- Patients often present in childhood.
- Increased risk in consanguineous families.

X-linked recessive mode of inheritance
- Sons of heterozygous mothers have a 50% chance of being affected.
- No male-to-male transmission.
- Commonly more severe in males.
- Females usually must be homozygous to be affected.

X-linked dominant mode of inheritance
- Transmitted through both parents.
- Mothers transmit to 50% of daughters and sons.
- Fathers transmit to all daughters but no sons.

Hypophosphatemic rickets
- X-linked dominant
- Formerly known as vitamin D–resistant rickets.
- Inherited disorder resulting in increased phosphate wasting at proximal tubule.
- Results in rickets-like presentation.
Mitochondrial inheritance
- Transmitted only through the mother.
- All offspring of affected females may show signs of disease.
- Variable expression in a population or even within a family due to heteroplasmy.

Mitochondrial myopathies
- Rare disorders of mitochondrial inheritance
- Often present with myopathy, lactic acidosis and CNS disease.
- 2° to failure in oxidative phosphorylation.
- Muscle biopsy often shows “ragged red fibers.”

- Autosomal dominant

- Autosomal recessive

- X-linked recessive

- X-linked dominant

- Mitochondrial inheritance
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
- Autosomal dominant.
- Formerly known as adult polycystic kidney disease.
- Always bilateral, massive enlargement of kidneys due to multiple large cysts.
- 85% of cases are due to mutation in PKD1.
- Chromosome 16.
- 16 letters in “polycystic kidney.”
- Remainder due to mutation in PKD2 (chromosome 4).
Familial adenomatous polyposis
- Autosomal dominant.
- Colon becomes covered with adenomatous polyps after puberty.
- Progresses to colon cancer unless colon is resected.
- Mutations on chromosome 5 (APC gene).
- 5 letters in “polyp.”
Familial hypercholesterolemia
- Autosomal dominant.
- Elevated LDL due to defective or absent LDL receptor.
- Leads to severe atherosclerotic disease early in life, and tendon xanthomas (classically in the Achilles tendon).
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
- Autosomal dominant.
- Inherited disorder of blood vessels.
- Findings: telangiectasia, recurrent epistaxis, skin discolorations, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), GI bleeding, hematuria.
- Also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome.
Hereditary spherocytosis
- Autosomal dominant.
- Spheroid erythrocytes due to spectrin or ankyrin defect.
- Hemolytic anemia.
- Increased MCHC.
- Treatment: splenectomy.
Huntington disease
- Autosomal dominant.
- Findings: depression, progressive dementia, choreiform movements, caudate atrophy, and decreased levels of GABA and ACh in the brain.
- Gene on chromosome 4.
- “Hunting 4 food.”
- Trinucleotide repeat disorder: (CAG)n.
- Increased repeats –> decreased age of onset.
Marfan syndrome
- Autosomal dominant.
- Fibrillin-1 gene mutation –> connective tissue disorder affecting skeleton, heart, and eyes.
- Findings
- Tall with long extremities, pectus excavatum, hypermobile joints, and long, tapering fingers and toes (arachnodactyly).
- Cystic medial necrosis of aorta –> aortic incompetence and dissecting aortic aneurysms.
- Floppy mitral valve.
- Subluxation of lenses, typically upward and temporally.
Multiple endocrine neoplasias (MEN)
- Autosomal dominant.
- Several distinct syndromes (1, 2A, 2B) characterized by familial tumors of endocrine glands, including those of the pancreas, parathyroid, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal medulla.
- MEN 2A and 2B are associated with ret gene.
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (von Recklinghausen disease)
- Autosomal dominant.
- Neurocutaneous disorder characterized by café-au-lait spots and cutaneous neurofibromas.
- Autosomal dominant, 100% penetrance, variable expression.
- Caused by mutations in the NF1 gene on chromosome 17.
- 17 letters in “von Recklinghausen.”
Neurofibromatosis type 2
- Autosomal dominant.
- Findings: bilateral acoustic schwannomas, juvenile cataracts, meningiomas, and ependymomas.
- NF2 gene on chromosome 22.
- Type 2 = 22.
Tuberous sclerosis
- Autosomal dominant.
- Neurocutaneous disorder with multi-organ system involvement, characterized by numerous benign hamartomas.
- Incomplete penetrance, variable expression.
von Hippel-Lindau disease
- Autosomal dominant.
- Disorder characterized by development of numerous tumors, both benign and malignant.
- Associated with deletion of VHL gene (tumor suppressor) on chromosome 3 (3p).
- Von Hippel-Lindau = 3 words for chromosome 3.
Autosomal recessive diseases
- Kartagener syndrome
- Glycogen storage diseases
- Thalassemias
- Wilson disease
- ARPKD (formerly known as infantile polycystic kidney disease)
- Sickle cell anemia
- Hemochromatosis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Albinism
- Mucopolysaccharidoses (except Hunter syndrome)
- Phenylketonuria
- Sphingolipidoses (except Fabry disease)
Cystic fibrosis
- Genetics
- Pathophysiology
- Genetics
- Autosomal recessive
- Defect in CFTR gene on chromosome 7
- Commonly a deletion of Phe508.
- Most common lethal genetic disease in Caucasian population.
- Pathophysiology
- CFTR encodes an ATP-gated Cl- channel that secretes Cl- in lungs and GI tract, and reabsorbs Cl- in sweat glands.
- Mutations –> misfolded protein –> protein retained in RER and not transported to cell membrane, causing decreased Cl- (and H2O) secretion.
- Increased intracellular Cl- results in compensatory increased Na+ reabsorption via epithelial Na+ channels –> increased H2O reabsorption –> abnormally thick mucus secreted into lungs and GI tract.
- Increased Na+ reabsorption also causes more negative transepithelial potential difference.
Cystic fibrosis
- Diagnosis
- Complications
- Treatment
- Diagnosis
- Increased Cl- concentration (>60 mEq/L) in sweat is diagnostic.
- Can present with contraction alkalosis and hypokalemia (ECF effects analogous to a patient taking a loop diuretic) because of ECF H2O/Na+ losses and concomitant renal K+/H+ wasting.
- Complications
- Recurrent pulmonary infections (e.g., Pseudomonas), chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis –> reticulonodular pattern on CXR, pancreatic insufficiency, malabsorption and steatorrhea, nasal polyps, and meconium ileus in newborns.
- Infertility in males (absence of vas deferens, absent sperm).
- Fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies (A, D, E, K).
- Treatment
- N-acetylcysteine to loosen mucus plugs (cleaves disulfide bonds within mucus glycoproteins)
- Dornase alfa (DNAse) to clear leukocytic debris.
X-linked recessive disorders
- Disorders
- Female carriers
Oblivious Female Will Obviously Give Her Boys Her x-Linked Disorders
- Ocular albinism
- Fabry disease
- Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
- Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
- G6PD deficiency
- Hunter syndrome
- Bruton agammaglobulinemia
- Hemophilia A & B
- Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
- Duchenne (and Becker) muscular dystrophy
- Female carriers can be variably affected depending on the percentage inactivation of the X chromosome carrying the mutant vs. normal gene.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Mutation
- Symptoms
- Dystrophin
- Diagnosis
- Mutation
- X-linked frameshift mutation –> truncated dystrophin protein –> accelerated muscle breakdown.
- Duchenne = deleted dystrophin.
- Symptoms
- Weakness begins in pelvic girdle muscles and progresses superiorly.
- Pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles due to fibrofatty replacement of muscle [A].
- Gower maneuver—patients use upper extremity to help them stand up.
- Onset before 5 years of age.
- Dilated cardiomyopathy is common cause of death.
- Dystrophin
- Dystrophin gene (DMD) has the longest coding region of any human gene –> increased chance of spontaneous mutation.
- Dystrophin helps anchor muscle fibers, primarily in skeletal and cardiac muscle.
- It connects the intracellular cytoskeleton (actin) to the transmembrane proteins α- and β-dystroglycan, which are connected to the extracellular matrix (ECM).
- Loss of dystrophin results in myonecrosis.
- Diagnosis
- Increased CPK and aldolase are seen
- Western blot and muscle biopsy confirm diagnosis.

Muscular dystrophies
- Becker
- Myotonic type 1
- Becker
- Usually, X-linked point mutation in dystrophin gene (no frameshift).
- Less severe than Duchenne.
- Onset in adolescence or early adulthood.
- Deletions can cause both Duchenne and Becker.
- Myotonic type 1
- CTG trinucleotide repeat expansion in the DMPK gene
- –> abnormal expression of myotonin protein kinase
- –> myotonia, muscle wasting, frontal balding, cataracts, testicular atrophy, and arrhythmia.
Fragile X syndrome
- Definition
- Findings
- Definition
- X-linked defect affecting the methylation and expression of the FMR1 gene.
- The 2nd most common cause of genetic intellectual disability (after Down syndrome).
- Trinucleotide repeat disorder (CGG)n.
- Findings
- Postpubertal macroorchidism (enlarged testes), long face with a large jaw, large everted ears, autism, mitral valve prolapse.
- Fragile X = eXtra large testes, jaw, ears.
Trinucleotide repeat expansion diseases
Try (trinucleotide) hunting for my fried eggs (X).
- Huntington disease, myotonic dystrophy, Friedreich ataxia, fragile X syndrome.
_X-G_irlfriend’s First Aid Helped Ace My Test.
- Fragile X syndrome = (CGG)n.
- Friedreich ataxia = (GAA)n.
- Huntington disease = (CAG)n.
- Myotonic dystrophy = (CTG)n.
- May show genetic anticipation (disease severity increases and age of onset decreases in successive generations).
Down syndrome
- Definition
- Findings
- Due to…
- First-trimester ultrasound commonly shows…
- Second-trimester quad screen shows…
- Definition
- Autosomal trisomy: trisomy 21, 1:700
- Drinking age (21).
- Most common viable chromosomal disorder and most common cause of genetic intellectual disability
- Autosomal trisomy: trisomy 21, 1:700
- Findings
- Intellectual disability, flat facies, prominent epicanthal folds, single palmar crease, gap between 1st 2 toes, duodenal atresia, Hirschsprung disease, congenital heart disease (most commonly ostium primum-type atrial septal defect [ASD]), Brushfield spots.
- Associated with increased risk of ALL, AML, and Alzheimer disease (> 35 years old).
- Due to…
- 95% of cases due to meiotic nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes
- Associated with advanced maternal age; from 1:1500 in women < 20 to 1:25 in women > 45 years old.
- 4% of cases due to Robertsonian translocation.
- 1% of cases due to mosaicism
- No maternal association
- Post-fertilization mitotic error).
- 95% of cases due to meiotic nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes
- First-trimester ultrasound commonly shows…
- Increased nuchal translucency and hypoplastic nasal bone
- Serum PAPP-A is decreased, free β-hCG is increased.
- Second-trimester quad screen shows…
- Decreased α-fetoprotein, increased β-hCG, decreased estriol, increased inhibin A.
Edwards syndrome
- Definition
- Findings
- First-trimester ultrasound shows…
- Quad screen shows…
- Definition
- Autosomal trisomy: trisomy 18, 1:8000
- Election age (18).
- Most common trisomy resulting in live birth after Down syndrome.
- Death usually occurs within 1 year of birth.
- Autosomal trisomy: trisomy 18, 1:8000
- Findings
- Severe intellectual disability, rockerbottom feet, micrognathia (small jaw), low-set Ears, clenched hands, prominent occiput, congenital heart disease.
- First-trimester ultrasound shows…
- PAPP-A and free β-hCG are decreased.
- Quad screen shows…
- Ddecreased α-fetoprotein, decreased β-hCG, decreased estriol, decreased or normal inhibin A.
Patau syndrome
- Definition
- Findings
- First-trimester pregnancy screen shows…
- Definition
- Autosomal trisomy: trisomy 13, 1:15,000
- Puberty (13).
- Death usually occurs within 1 year of birth.
- Autosomal trisomy: trisomy 13, 1:15,000
- Findings
- Severe intellectual disability, rockerbottom feet, microphthalmia, microcephaly, cleft liP/Palate, holoProsencephaly, Polydactyly, congenital heart disease.
- First-trimester pregnancy screen shows…
- Decreased free b-hCG, decreased PAPP-A, and increased nuchal translucency.
Meiotic nondisjunction

Robertsonian translocation
- Definition
- Balanced vs. unbalanced
- Definition
- Nonreciprocal chromosomal translocation that commonly involves chromosome pairs 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22.
- One of the most common types of translocation.
- Occurs when the long arms of 2 acrocentric chromosomes (chromosomes with centromeres near their ends) fuse at the centromere and the 2 short arms are lost.
- Balanced vs. unbalanced
- Balanced translocations normally do not cause any abnormal phenotype.
- Unbalanced translocations can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, and chromosomal imbalance (e.g., Down syndrome, Patau syndrome).
Cri-du-chat syndrome
- Definition
- Findings
- Definition
- Congenital microdeletion of short arm of chromosome 5 (46,XX or XY, 5p-).
- Findings
- Microcephaly, moderate to severe intellectual disability, high-pitched crying/mewing, epicanthal folds, cardiac abnormalities (VSD).
- Cri du chat = cry of the cat.
Williams syndrome
- Definition
- Findings
- Definition
- Congenital microdeletion of long arm of chromosome 7 (deleted region includes elastin gene).
- Findings
- Distinctive “elfin” facies, intellectual disability, hypercalcemia (increased sensitivity to vitamin D), well-developed verbal skills, extreme friendliness with strangers, cardiovascular problems.
22q11 deletion syndromes
- Due to…
- Findings
- DiGeorge syndrome
- Velocardiofacial syndrome
- Due to…
- Aberrant development of 3rd and 4th branchial pouches.
- Findings (CATCH-22)
- Variable presentation, including Cleft palate, Abnormal facies, Thymic aplasia –> T-cell deficiency, Cardiac defects, Hypocalcemia 2° to parathyroid aplasia, due to microdeletion at chromosome 22q11.
DiGeorge syndrome
- Thymic, parathyroid, and cardiac defects.
Velocardiofacial syndrome
- Palate, facial, and cardiac defects.