reflexes and segmental reflexes Flashcards
involuntary stereotypes response to a sensory input
-involves receptor structure
stretch reflex
the contraction of a muscle in response to its passive stretching.
monosynaptic reflex, no interneurons
-known as deep tendon reflexes (DTR’s)
-stimulation occurs and sends information through 1a afferents which go to the dorsal root ganglia outside the spinal cord into the spinal cord through dorsal gray horn. then goes to the ventral gray horn to alpha motor neurons and sends out alpha motor neurons to command the reflex
stretch reflex (DTR) order of steps
stimulation, 1a afferent, dorsal root ganglia, dorsal gray horn to ventral gray horn, alpha motor neurons, outward to reflex
1a afferents are ……
fast afferent neurons
H-reflex (hoffman)
electrical stimulation of posterior tibial nerve
-response measured by surface EMG electrodes
-stimulation through electrodes to 1a afferent neurons into the spinal cord with a synapse on alpha motor neurons and sending out through peripheral nerves and measuring activity on the nerve
tonic vibratory reflex (TVR)
high frequency vibration is applied to the muscle belly or tendon casuing minute stretching of spindles
-stimulate muscle to contract
-can help contractions when trying to rehabilitate
with the reflex, what does the high frequency vibration correlate to
100-300 Hz
tendon organ reflex
activated by trying to stretch a muscle during an isometric contraction
-muscle tensions increases quickly
-from golgi tendon organ through 1b afferent carrying to dorsal root ganglia into the dorsal rote, synapsing on interneurons, through alpha motor neuron onto the muscle
flexor reflex
what we do when we interact with a painful stimulus
-causing withdrawl of a limb away from a painful stimulus
flexor reflex order of steps
pain sensation into spinal cord (using dermatome pathway), comes in on dorsal side through the spinothalamic pathway up a couple segments to find the muscle to get the limb away from stimulus and synapses on interneurons through the alpha motor neuron to remove from pain
-will continue up to the synergist muscles if needed
two additional reflexes that occur with the flexor reflex
reciprocal inhibition and crossed extension reflex
reciprocal inhibition
activated the move and reflex the antagonist so it does not slow you down
-spinal cord mediates it all
-occurs at the same time as the flexor reflex
-allows for smooth movements
crossed extension reflex
when activating one and inhibiting the other, it is activating the other leg to take the weight so you do not fall
-preparing the opposite limb of side of the body to stabilize yourself
babinski sign
testing on the foot
-using the edge of something, stroke the foot up the lateral side and across the toes from small to big toe
-mediated by the flexor reflex afferents
normal response of the babinski sign
extension of the ankle and pointing of the foot and small toe
abnormal response of the babinski sign
flaring of toes
-normal for 6 months and younger
sign of bing
sticking the top of the foot with a pin, normal reaction is to extend the ankle to move away from the painful stimulus
-abnormal is due to UMN lesions is to flex the toe and foot upward