descending pathways Flashcards
lower motor neurons (LMN)
alpha and gamma motor neurons that innervate the extrafusal and intrafusal muscle fibers
-final path outward
-from central out to the periphery
LMN lesions may result from damage to the …..
peripheral nerves, spinal roots, alpha motor neurons, and muscles
-show muscles involved in dermatome patterns
-usually ipsilateral symptoms
upper motor neurons (UMN)
descending motor pathways from the cortex and brainstem to the spinal cord
-pathway coming from the brain down before the final pathway
-neurons are completely in the CNS and do not exit to the periphery
UMN lesions may result from …
muscle being affected in groups, an entire extremity of even half of the body
-usually contralateral symptoms
corticospinal pathway (pyramidal tract)
begins in M1 and leaves through the spinal nerves (ventral roots) to innervate muscles
-function : control of voluntary, discrete, skilled movements, and fine motor skills
pathway description of the corticospinal pathway
-begins in the cortex and goes to corona radiate to internal capsule through cerebral peduncles of midbrain through basal pons and medulla
-crossed fibers descent to all levels of the spinal cord as the lateral corticospinal tract and to anterior gray horn with few synapses directly onto motor neurons cell bodies and to lamina 9 of the spinal cord
-the few uncrossed fibers descend as the anterior or ventral corticospinal tract, the spinal nerves leave as the ventral roots to innervate the muscles
contralateral (crossing over) is known as the
lateral corticospinal tract
ipsilateral (straight down) is known as the
ventral/anterior corticospinal tract
corticobulbar tract
fibers from the face region of the motor cortex
-descending through corona radiata and internal capsule
-projections to the bulb (within brainstem)
the corticobulbar tract goes to the motor nuclei’s of what cranial nerves
5, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12
rubrospinal tract
path from red nucleus in brainstem and going down to the spinal cord
-function : control of dexterous movement of the upper extremity (fine movement)
reticulospinal tract
coming from reticular formation down to the spinal cord
-medial and lateral tracts
-control of movement
medial/pontine reticulospinal tract
arises from pontine reticular formation, mostly uncrossed
-function : facilitates lower extremity extensors (increases lower extensor muscle tone)
lateral reticulospinal tract
arises from medullary reticular formation, crossed and uncrossed fibers
-function : inhibits lower extremity extensors (reduces extensor tone in lower extremities), facilitates lower extremity flexors
vestibulospinal tracts
vestibular nuclei in cortex to brainstem, running in the MLF
-medial and lateral
-axons will send out of spinal cord when ready
-controlling the vestibulo-ocular reflex
medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST)
cell bodies descend uncrossed to the cervical and high thoracic level of the spinal cord (runs in the descending portion of the medial longitudinal fasciculus to act via interneurons, to provide excitation and inhibition to alpha and gamma motor neurons of the flexors and extensors for upper extremities
-vestibulocolic reflex (VCR)
-head and neck
lateral vestibulospinal tract (LVST)
cell bodies in the lateral vestibular nucleus descend uncrossed to all levels of the spinal cord facilitating extensor alpha and gamma motor neurons of the lower extremities and flexors of the upper extremities
-muscle groups known as the antigravity muscles
tectospinal tract
tectum (quadrigeminal plate) down to spinal tract
-function : mediates reflex postural movement of the head and neck in response to novel visual stimuli
-travel with MVST and MLF