digestive system Flashcards
digestive system
the system concerned with getting food and nutrients into the body and waste out of the body
-involved in processing food and nutrients to keep the body healthy
gastrointestinal tract (GI) tract
provides a direct link between all of the digestive system organs
structures of digestive system
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines and rectum
teeth mechanically breaks the food down into smaller pieces
passageway for food and air
-begins the swallowing process
-forms food bolus
transports food from the throat to the stomach using muscle movement (called peristalsis)
-secretes mucus
-causes heartburn if acid gets here
stores food we eat and breaks it down into tiny pieces
-mixes food with digestive juices that contain enzymes
-acid within stomach kills bacteria
small intestines
where the absorption of digested food occurs
-lot’s of surface area
-begins with the duodenum followed by the jejunum lastly by the ileum
large intestines
reabsorption of water and absorption of vitamins ; feces
-cecum, colon, rectum, anus
propusion and storage of unabsorbed material
-contains flora
-absorption of small amounts of water and electrolytes
terminates at the anus, comes off of the colon
what is the function of the epiglottis
this is a “flap” at the back of the throat that comes over the trachea preventing food from entering it
accessory organs of the digestive system
tongue, teeth, salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder
what do accessory glands do
secretes enzymes, ions, water and other substances
tongue mixes food with saliva
-contains amylase (breaks down starch’s)
what breaks down food
salivary glands
secretes enzymes, ions, water and other substances
-helps with the beginning process of swallowing
production of insulin and glucagon
-source of pancreatic fluid
-below the stomach, has a head, tail, and body
metabolism (biotransformation), synthesis and storage
-major site for metabolism for medication
located in depression on surface of the liver
-stores and concentrates bile until needed
what is bile
fluid that is made and released by the liver
-helps with digestion
phases of digestion
ingestion, propulsion (movement), mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption and defection
muscle movement that the esophagus conducts to move food downward
4 regions and 2 sphincters of the stomach
regions : cardia, fundus, body, pyloris
sphincters : lower esophageal and pyloric
why does the most absorption occur within the small intestines
villi are found on the small intestine which are all covered by microvilli which increases the absorption surface area
-the small intestine has lot’s of surface area and these villi’s are the site of nutrient absorption so with more villi and more microvilli, there is more surface area for absorption
elimination of solid waste through feces
travels through the large intestine and out through the rectum and anus
crohn disease
inflammatory bowl disease
-inflammation within digestive tract
celiac disease
autoimmune disorder that affects the small intestine
-GI problems
bacterial disease that is spread through contaminated water
yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes and the whites of the eye by increased amounts of billrubin in the blood
type of gastroenteritis
-caused by shigella bacteria
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
chronic, more severe form of acid reflux
inflammation of the appendix
-rupture can spread throughout the abdomen (peritonitis)
applications to audiology
-hyperbilirubinemia if severe enought to require a blood transfusion can result in HL (can cause nerve damage)
-SNHL is common with those that have IBD