final practical Flashcards
superior to inferior muscle fibers from high forehead to eye
orbicularis oculi
muscle around the eye
cheek muscle with superior to inferior muscle fiber direction
on the side of the head
-diagonal muscle fiber direction
cheek muscle with lateral to medial muscle fiber direction
orbicularis oris
round muscle around mouth
base of the ear downward and medial to the clavicle area
-extends when you turn your head
rectus abdominis
up and down muscle fiber direction
-layer over the other abdominal muscles
transverse abdominis
side to side muscle fiber
-most deep layer of the “book portion”
external oblique
under the rectus abdominis
-superficial layer of the “book portion”
internal oblique
between the external oblique and the transverse abdominis
-middle of the book portion
what does the book portion mean in reference to the abdominal muscles?
the 3 layers of muscles below the rectus abdominis
-superficial back
-goes up to the lower level of the back of the skull
latissimus dorsi
-superficial back (middle/lower lateral back)
rhomboid major
located under the trap.
rhomboid minor
located under the trap. on the lifting portion
pectoralis major
muscle flap over the chest
anterior, middle and posterior
-shoulder cap
biceps brachii
medial side of upper arm
-contains a long and short head
across the elbow to the styloid process
wrist extensors
on top of forearm
-the string tendon
quadriceps tendon
directly above the kneecap
patella/patellar tendon
patella is the kneecap, patellar tendon is directly below the kneecap
gluteal muscles
gluteus maximus (outer), gluteus medius (blow maximus)
hamstring msucles
4 different muscle
-know 3 are on the back side
back side of lower leg, splits into 2 muscles
achilles tendon
-extends doenward in lower leg
superior vena cava
coming off the top of the heart
-valve for inward coming blood
-in image colored blue
inferior vena cava
coming off the bottom of the heart
-bringing inward
-in image colored blue
3 tube structure on the top of the heart
-taking blood outward
-in image colored red
right atrium
sac on the right side of the heart
right ventricle
medial and inferior to the right atrium
-bottom part of the heart under the right atrium
-appears striated
left atrium
sac on the left side of the heart
left ventricle
below the left atrium
-bottom portion of the heart on the left side
-appears striated
pulmonary artieres
right and left artery
-coming off either side
-taking outward
-in image colored blue
pulmonary veins
2 on both sides (right and left)
-bring inward
-in image colored red
common carotid
comes off the aorta into the other arteries that are a part of the circle of willis
tricuspid/bicuspid valve
valve between each atrium and ventricle
tube structure coming into the lungs
right superior lobe
top portion of the right lung
right middle lobe
right middle/bottom part of the right lobe
right inferior lobe
bottom corner edge of the right lobe
left superior lobe
top portion of the left lobe
left inferior lobe
bottom corner edge of the left lobe
main bronchi
branching off process of the trachea
-2 sides (left and right)
one on each side layered behind the small intestines
adrenal glands
small glands on the top of each kidney
vocal tract within the upper thoracic and mouth portion
-behind the oral cavity
tube structure connecting the pharynx to the chest cavity
big organ within the upper right quadrant
-surrounds the gallbladder
located behind the stomach
“bag” under the liver and above the small intestine
-layered in the middle of these two
small intestines
longer intestine, connects to the stomach
large intestines
smaller length intestine
-connected to the secum
-upside down U
CN 8, cochlear nucleus, superior olivary complex, lateral leminsucs, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate nucleus, A1
-5160 final practical for location info
undersurface of the cerebellum
-follow this inward to the nodulus
toward the midline
-followed here from the flocculus
cerebellopontine angle (CPA)
within posterior cranial fossa
-CN 7 and 8 come in here
CN 2
on optic foramen
-thalamus level
optic chiasm
tear drop shape section above the pituitary gland
-within the vision pathway
-around midway in the brain on a transverse slice
optic tract
coming out of the optic chiasm and downward in the visual pathway
lateral geniculate body
at the end of the optic tract
-above the hippocampus
optic radiations
white matter in the visual cortex
striate cortex
area surround the visual cortex area
-by the sulcus in the occipital lobe on a transverse slice
superior colliculis
the top 2 bumps on the posterior side of the midbrain
CN 3
superior orbital fissure
CN 4
lateral within the superior orbital fissure
-CN 3 more medial than this
CN 6
medial pons
review nerurovasculature
falx cerebri
dura mater that is between the two hemispheres
tentorium cerebelli
dura mater that separates the occipital and temporal lobe
superior sagittal sinus
runs through the two hemispheres
broca’s area
within the frontal lobe
-inferior in location
-near the lateral sulcus
wernicke’s area
posterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus
pituitary gland
the “ball” structure on the undersurface area of the brain
vermis of cerebellum
medial portion of the cerebellum
-what connects the two lobes
tonsil of cerebellum
rounded structure on the undersurface
arbor vitae of cerebellum
branching appearance on the cerebellum
peduncles of cerebellum
lateral on the pons
-between cerebellum and pons
-what connects the cerebellum to the brainstem
nasolacrimal canal (lacrimal sac)
lacrimal bone portion that goes into the nasal cavity
nasal bone
nose bone
-between the two sides of nose
zygomatic bone
check bone
superior orbital fissure
posterior side of the sphenoid bone
-base of the lateral rectus
clear membrane that coats the inner surface of eyelids
clear disc behind the iris
anterior chamber
space between the iris and cornea
posterior chamber
on the side/front side of the lens
aqueous humor
liquid within the anterior and posterior chamber
viterous body
large clear globe
-main eye
viterous humor
within the viterous body
outermost clear layer
iris with pupil
the color portion of the eye
-under the cornea
zonular fibers
on the side of the lens
ciliary body
contains the fibers
-side of the lens
ciliary muscle
more lateral on the side of the lens
ora serrata
ridged edge of the ciliary body
white of the eye
-outer layer around the eye
under the sclera
inner layer surrounding the eye
-around the viterous body
optic disk
located at the back of the eye where nerve is leaving
part of the retinal layer of the eye
-contains the fovea
blind spot in the center of the macula
subarachnoid space
space between fibers coming off the eye
-between retinal and sclera layer
retinal artery
center of the portion coming off the eye
retinal vein
near the retinal artery
-know that they both are in the center of fibers coming off the eye
optic nerve
between the retinal artery/vein and subarachnoid space coming off the eye
retinogeniculostriate pathway
ganlgion cell (getting information), CN 2, optic chiasm, optic tract, lateral geniculate nucleus, internal capsule, optic radiations into V1
olfactory test
instruct the patient that the test is going to involve smelling a few items and they are to respond with what it is
-have them plug on nostril and close their eyes
-place the item under the nostril for them to identify what it is
-if cannot smell correctly, could mean a potential tumor or other blockage on the nerve
-more testing and history to determine
-testing CN 1 function
consensual light reflex
instruct the patient to keep a steady gaze forward and there will be a light shined into each eye
-when conducting, look in the opposite eyes as well for pupil constriction
-pupil constriction in both eyes is what should be achieved
-testing pupil constriction through CN 2 and CN 3
RAM (hands on lap)
instruct the patient to alternate tapping their knee with the palm and the back of the hand repeating this at a gradual pace
-testing cerebellar function
-observe both hands for any lagging or inaccurate movement
finger to nose
instruct the patient to be seating down with their eyes open. the patient will alternate tapping their nose and your finger with their finger. place your finger in front of the patient and have them do this 2-3 times with each hand
-testing cerebellar function (coordination)
romberg test
instruct the patient to stand with eyes open and feet comfortably together with arms at the side. instruct them to then close their eyes for 20-30 seconds and they should stand still.
-be close enough to catch if they are beginning to sway
-normal results is minimal swaying and can maintain upright posture
-not able to stand still with eyes open or closed could be a sign for cerebellar ataxia
-testing proprioception and vestibular function
tandem walk
instruct patient to walk back and forth across the room heel-to-toe in a straight line. observe the ability to walk in a straight line and correctly with heels to toe
-be close enough to catch them of they begin to fall
-gait assessment to identify abnormalities within motor system, cerebellar system, vestibular system and sensory system
pouch area of the large intestines
-end near the appendix
within the large intestine
-ascending, transverse and descending
ascending colon
beginning part
-leads off of the cecum
transverse colon
middle portion
-side to side motion
descending colon
final end of the intestine
-before the rectum which goes to the anus