put+ Flashcards
قرار دادن
1-move to or place in a particular position:
“I put my hand out towards her watch where you’re putting your feet!.”
cause (someone or something) to go to a particular place and remain there for a time: India has put three experimental satellites into space.
منصوب کردن
bring into a particular state or condition:
«he was put in charge of civil defence .«
write or print (something) in a particular place: they put my name on the cover page.
express (a thought or comment) in a particular way: to put it bluntly, he was not really divorced.
براورد کردن
(put something at) estimate something to be (a particular amount): estimates put the war’s cost at £1 million a day.
put the clock back
put the clock forward
adjust clocks or watches backwards to take account of official changes in time: “don’t forget to put your clocks back tomorrow night”
. put the clocks forward :
adjust clocks or watches forwards to take account of official changes in time: “the person recording said the timestamp may be out by an hour as they hadn’t put the clocks forward. “
put one’s hands up
raise one’s hands in surrender.
put it there
put it to
put it there [in imperative] :
used to indicate that the speaker wishes to shake hands with someone in agreement or congratulation:
“put it there Steven, we beat them. “
put it to [with clause] :
make a statement or allegation to (someone) and challenge them to deny it: I put it to him that he was just a political groupie.
put oneself out there
actively expose oneself to public attention or scrutiny, even at the risk of rejection, criticism, or failure: put yourself out there and open yourself up to making mistakes and growing from them getting jobs is all about putting yourself out there.
put across
منظور خود را فهماندن
put across (put something across, put across something) :
communicate something effectively: our group must put across its views and gain popular support.
put aside
put something aside, put aside something) save money for future use: “we have a little bit put aside in the bank. “
2 (put something aside, put aside something) forget or disregard something, typically a feeling or a past difference of opinion: the rival firms put aside their differences.
put away
کنار گذاشتن
put something away, put away something) store something in an appropriate or usual place:
“the decorations were boxed up and put away for next year.”
put beside:
save money for future use: I put away some money every week.
(put something away, put away something) informal :
consume food or drink in large quantities: did you see how much food he put away?.
به بیمارستان روانی یا زندان فرستادن
(put someone away, put away someone) informal :
confine someone in a prison or psychiatric hospital: he deserves to be put away forever.
put back (put something back, put back something)
عقب انداختن
reschedule a planned event to a later time or date: they have put back the film’s release date to September.
delay something: greater public control may put back the modernization of the industry.
put down
زمین گذاشتن
put something down, put down something) :
stop holding something and place it on a surface or the ground:
“Harry put down his cup.
نوشتن، یادداشت کردن
(put something down, put down something) :
record something in writing:
»he’s putting a few thoughts down on paper.«
سرکوب کردن مخالفان
(put something down, put down something) :
suppress a rebellion, coup, or riot by force:
the security forces put down a coup attempt in the capital.
put something down, put down something) :enter someone’s name on a list as wishing to do, join, or subscribe to something:
»he put his name down to stand for the Green party.«
» he put his son down for Eton«
نسبت دادن، ناشی (از چیزی) دانستن
. 5 (put someone or something down, put down someone or something) consider someone or something to be of a particular type or to have a particular cause:
«his achievement was put down to luck.«
» if I forget anything, put it down to old age .«
بیعانه گذاشتن
pay a specified sum as a deposit:
»he put a thousand down and paid the rest over six months. «
خلاص کردن حیوان
(put something down, put down something) :kill an animal because it is sick, injured, or old: the horse’s condition deteriorated and he was put down.
کوچک کردن، تحقیر کردن
(put someone down, put down someone) informal:
criticize someone: he put me down in front of my own employees.
stop putting yourself down.
کنار گذاشتن، ذخیره کردن، اندوختن
(put something down, put down something) preserve or store food or wine for future use:
I put down twelve quarts of pickles.
فرود امدن/اوردن
(put down, put something down, put down something) :
land an aircraft: the pilot had to put down in a field Shelton.
lay a baby down to sleep:
she went off very quickly when I put her down.
put forward
(put someone forward, put forward someone) :
recommend someone as a suitable candidate for a job or position:
“he put me forward as head of publicity .”
“he put himself forward for the post”
(put something forward, put forward something) :submit a plan, proposal, or theory for consideration:
“the authority put forward positive proposals.”
put in
توی حرف کسی پریدن
interrupt in a conversation or discussion: ‘I was actually wondering the same thing’, he put in sincerely.
(of a ship) enter a port: they put in at Cuba to refit.
(put someone in, put in someone) appoint someone to fulfil a particular role or job:
“he was put in to rescue the company by the stockbrokers.”
درخواست را تسلیم کردن
(put something in, put in something) present or submit something formally: the airport had put in a claim for damages.
اختصاص دادن :
devote time or effort to something: employed mothers put in the longest hours of all women he’d put much time and energy into running the business.
(put something in, put in something) invest money or resources in:
»the government are unwilling to put more money into training. «
(put oneself in something) imagine oneself in a particular situation: it was no use trying to put herself in his place.
put into
put something into something) devote time or effort to something:
“he’d put much time and energy into running the business. “
(put something into something) invest money or resources in.
put off
عقب انداختن
postpone something: they can’t put off a decision much longer.
(put someone off, put off someone) cancel or postpone an appointment with someone: he’d put off Martin until nine o’clock.
(put someone off, put off someone) cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasm: she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of night shifts put her off.
cause someone to feel dislike or distrust: she had a coldness that just put me off.
(put someone off, put off someone) distract someone: don’t put me off—I’m trying to concentrate.
put on
place a garment, piece of jewellery, etc. on part of one’s body:
“Julie had put on a cotton dress.”
“ she put on fresh make-up. “
روشن کردن چراغ
(put something on, put on something) cause a device to operate: shall I put the light on?.
غذا پختن
start cooking something: he hadn’t put the dinner on.
start to play recorded music or video: she put on some music while they ate.
اجرا کردن
(put something on, put on something) organize or present a play, exhibition, or event:
«the museum is putting on an exhibition of Monet’s paintings.«
اضافه کردن وزن بدن
increase in body weight by a specified amount:
“she’s given up her diet and put on 20 lb.”
add a specified amount to the cost of something: the news put 12 pence on the share price.
(put something on, put on something) assume a particular expression, accent, etc.: he put on a lugubrious look.
behave deceptively: she doesn’t feel she has to put on an act.
شرط بندی کردن
bet a specified amount of money on the outcome of a future event, such as a race or game: he put £1,000 on the horse to win.
(put something on something) assign a particular value, figure, or limit to something: it is very difficult to put a figure on the size of the budget.
(put someone on, put on someone) informal :
tease or playfully deceive someone: I was only putting you on.
give someone a phone so that they can talk to the person on the line: put dad on, I want to talk to him.
put on to (put someone on to something) :draw someone’s attention to someone or something useful, notable, or interesting:
Pike put me on to the Department’s Legal Section.