Get+… Flashcards
Get on with
get along
Get on (well )with
کنار اومدن
تا کردن
Get on
پیشرفت کردن
سوار شدن به اتوبوس و ….
Get through with
Get together with
جمع شدن با هم
Get to know
get divorced
get a divorce
get out of
پیاده شدن از ماشین
get over
بهبود یافتن از بیماری
get up
wake up
بیدار شدن از خواب
1- دریافت کردن
come to have (something); receive:
I got a letter from him the other day what kind of reception did you get?.
2-دچار شدن
experience, suffer, or be afflicted with (something bad): I got a sudden pain in my left eye.
receive as a punishment or penalty: -3
I’ll get the sack if things go wrong.
4- مبتلا شدن به …
contract (a disease or ailment): I might be getting the flu.
5- بدست اوردن
[with object] succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain:
I need all the sleep I can get.
He got a teaching job in California.
6-move in order to pick up or bring (something); fetch:
get another chair.صندلی دیگه ای رو بردار
I’ll get you a drink. من تو رو به صرف نوشیدنی میبرم.
7-prepare (a meal):
Celia went to the kitchen to start getting their dinner.
8-tend to meet with or find in a specified place or situation: for someone used to the tiny creatures we get in England it was something of a shock.
9-travel by or catch (a bus, train, or other form of transport):
I got a taxi across to Baker Street.
10-result of calculation:
➢make contact with, especially by phone: you can get me at home if you need me.
➢respond to a ring of (a telephone or doorbell): I’ll get the door!
11- informal used to draw attention to someone whom one regards as pretentious or vain: get her!
12-reach or cause to reach a specified state or condition:
he’d got thinner.داره لاغرتر میشه
it’s getting late.داره دیر میشه
I need to get my hair cut.
13-used with past participle to form the passive mood:
the cat got drowned.
14- [with object and past participle] cause to be treated in a specified way: get the form signed by a doctor.
15- [with object and infinitive] induce or prevail upon (someone) to do something: they got her to sign the consent form.
16-[no object, with infinitive] have the opportunity to do: he got to try out a few of these nice new cars.
17- succeed in making (someone or something) come, go, or move somewhere:
she had to get them away from the rocks.
let’s get you home.
18- informal mainly North American English reach a specified point or stage: it’s getting so I can’t even think.
19-have got:
catch or apprehend (someone):
the police have got him.
20-strike or wound (someone) with a blow or missile: you got me in the eye!.
21-informal punish, injure, or kill (someone), especially as retribution: I’ll get you for this!.
22-(get it) :
be punished, injured, or killed:
wait until dad comes home, then you’ll get it!تنبیه میشی
23-(get mine, his, etc.) :
informal /
be appropriately punished or rewarded: I’ll get mine, you’ll get yours, we’ll all get wealthy.
24-informal annoy (someone) greatly: cleaning the same things all the time, that’s what gets me.
25-متوجه شدن
informal /
understand (an argument or the person making it):
What do you mean? I don’t get it.
get in there
informal :
take positive action to achieve one’s aim (often said as an exhortation):
you get in there son, and you work.
get it on
informal :
have sex:
we were getting it on when someone knocked at the door.
get over oneself
دست از تظاهر برداشتن
خود بودن
stop being conceited or pretentious:
if you’re taking it so seriously that you need to threaten and intimidate staff then you need to get over yourself!.
getting on for
approaching (a specified time, age, or amount); almost:
there are getting on for 700 staff.
get across
شفاف و تفهیمی بودن
(of an idea)
be communicated clearly:
your meaning didn’t really get across
get ahead
موفق شدن
become successful in one’s life or career:
I want to get ahead in my career. get
Get along
جور بودن
=get on:
have a harmonious or friendly relationship:
they seem to get along pretty well.he does not get along with his son.
ساختن، کنار امدن
manage to live or survive:
don’t worry, we’ll get along without you.
ترک کردن، دور شدن
go away; leave:
it’s time we were getting along.
get at sb
get at sth
رسیدن به، دست یافتن به
(get at something) :
reach or gain access to something:
it’s difficult to get at the screws.
The truth is sometimes difficult to get at.
اشاره کردن
(informal):imply something:
I can see what you’re getting at.
what are you getting at?منظورت چیه
انتقاد کردن از کسی
(get at someone)
informal :criticize someone subtly and repeatedly:
I hope you didn’t think I was getting at you.
get away
escape: فرار کردن، گریختن
Stevie was caught, but the rest of us got away.
رفتن به تعطیلات
▪ leave one’s home or work for a time of rest or recreation; go on a holiday: it will be nice to get away.
get away with: (get away with something) ➢
escape blame, punishment, or undesirable consequences for an act that is wrong: if he thinks he can get away with cheating me, he’s very much mistaken
Get back at sb= revenge
Get back to sb
get back at (get back at someone) :
take revenge on someone:
➢I wanted to get back at them for what they did.
get back to (get back to someone) :
contact someone later to give a reply or return a message:
I’ll find out and get back to you.
Get by
گذران زندگی کردن
سر کردن
manage with difficulty to live or accomplish something:
he had just enough money to get by.
get down
افسرده کردن
(get someone down) :
depress or demoralize someone:
rainy days always get me down.
ثبت کردن، نوشتن
2 (get something down, get down something) :write something down:
it’s so obvious, but I wanted to get it down on paper.
قورت دادن به سختی
3 (get something down, get down something) :swallow food or drink, especially with difficulty:
I began to regain my appetite and managed to get some food down.
North American English (informal ):dance energetically:
her boyfriend appears out of nowhere and starts to get down on the dance floor.
get down to (get down to something) :
begin to do or give serious attention to something:
let’s get down to business.
get in
arrive at a destination:
the train got in late .
what time did you get in?.
get in on
(get in on something) :
become involved in a profitable or exciting activity:
it’s not too late to get in on the action.
get in with
(get in with someone) :
become friendly with someone, especially in order to gain an advantage: ●I hope he doesn’t get in with the wrong crowd.
she’s always trying to get in with Margot.
Get into
(get into someone) (of a feeling) :
affect, influence, or take control of someone:
●I don’t know what’s got into him.
2 (get into something) :
start discussing a subject extensively:
●I don’t want to get into it until we have more concrete information.
3 (get into something),informal:
become interested in something: I’m really getting into jazz these days.
Get off
1 informal:تبرئه شدن
escape a punishment; be acquitted:
●she got off lightly.
2 (get something off, get off something) :send something by post:
●I must get these letters off first thing tomorrow.
3 informal, be excited or aroused by something: نشئه شدن
●he was obviously getting off on the adrenaline of performing before the crowd.
▪ North American English :
have an orgasm.
Get out
افشا شدن، برملا شدن، درز پیدا کردن (خبر و اطلاعات و غیره)
(of something previously secret) :
become known:
●news got out that we were coming.
گریختن: get away
leave a place of confinement; escape:
●it is still unclear how the dogs got out.
خارج شدن، بیرون رفتن
▪ [usually in imperative] informal go away; leave: Why don’t you just get out!.
برو بابا
▪ (get out, get out of here) [in imperative] informal :mainly North American English، used to express disbelief:
●get out, you’re a liar.
●Get out! You expect me to believe that story?
- برو گم شو! توقع داری اون داستان رو باور کنم؟
منتشر کردن
(get something out, get out something) succeed in uttering, publishing, or releasing something:
●we’re keen to get a record out.
get out of :
1 (get out of something) ،contrive to avoid or escape duty or responsibility: ●they wanted to get out of paying.
2 (get something out of something) achieve benefit from an undertaking or exercise:
everyone who took part in the course got a lot out of it.
Get over
بهبود یافتن، فراموش کردن
(get over something) recover from an ailment or an upsetting or startling experience:
●the trip will help him get over Sal’s death.
غلبه کردن
▪ (get over something) overcome a difficulty:
●she is currently seeing a psychiatrist to get over her fear of answering the door.
کنار گذاشتن کسی از رابطه عاشقانه
▪ (get over someone) ,stop having romantic feelings about someone:
●he struggles to get over her.
(get something over, get over something) ،manage to communicate an idea or theory:
the company is keen to get the idea over.
get over with:بی درنگ کاری انجامدادن
(get something over with) ،complete an unpleasant or tedious but necessary task promptly:
●come on, let’s get it over with.
Get round
(get round someone) coax or persuade someone to do or allow something that they initially do not want to:
●you’re not getting round me that easily.
2 (get round something) :deal successfully with a problem.
مانعی را دور زدن
▪ evade a regulation or restriction without contravening it: the company changed its name to get round the law.
get through
pass a difficult or testing experience or period:
●he just did what was needed to get through.
▪ (get someone through) assist someone in passing a difficult or testing experience or period:
●I need these lessons to get me through my exam.
Get to sb
Get to sth
(get to something) :deal with a task in due course:
●I’ll get to the cleaning soon.
ناراحت کردن
2 (get to someone) informal, annoy or upset someone by persistent action:
●he started crying—we were getting to him.
get up
بیدار شدن
1 rise from bed after sleeping:
●I got up and took a shower.
بیدار کردن
▪ (get someone up, get up someone) cause someone to rise from bed after sleeping:
●I got the kids up early yesterday.
2 (of wind or the sea) become strong or agitated: it was getting dark, and the sea was getting up.
(get something up, get up something) :prepare or organize a project or piece of work:
●we used to get up little plays.
get up to (get up to something) informal be involved in something, especially something illicit or surprising:
●what did you get up to last weekend?.