Protista Flashcards
What is Protista?
Are eukaryotic but may have plant, animal or fungus-like features. A protist is usually unicellular and tiny.
List 5 structural characteristics of Protista.
- Are eukaryotes with membrane-bound organelles.
- Mostly unicellular.
- Can reproduce sexually or asexually.
- Usually small.
- May have multiple loci.
What are the 4 causes of plasmodium?
- P falciparum.
- P vivax.
- P ovale.
- P malaride.
List 2 examples of a Protista.
- Malaria.
- Jarrah dieback.
What is the invasion method of malaria?
Enters the bloodstream.
What is the transmission method of malaria?
Indirect - Injected into blood with saliva from female Anopheles.
List 4 symptoms of malaria.
- Headache.
- Fever.
- Shaking.
- Chills.
Outline the 7 steps of the life cycle of malaria.
- Sporozoite is injected into the bloodstream during a mosquito bite.
- Sporozoites asexually reproduce in the liver to form merozoites.
- Merozoites enter red blood cells asexually reproducing to form gametocytes.
- Gametocytes transferred to female mosquitoes during the bite.
- Gametocytes fuse to form zygotes.
- Zygotes burrow through the mosquito gut wall to form a cyst which produces sporozoites.
- Sporozoites move to salivary glands.
Outline the 3 steps of the life cycle of a plasmodium.
- Gametocyte.
(sexual reproduction) - Sporozoite.
(Asexual reproduction) - Merozoite.
What is the invasion method of Jarrah Dieback?
Indirect - Via spores that enter the roots.
What is the transmission method of Jarrach Dieback?
Indirect -
1. Pathogen is carried to new areas and hosts.
2. Waterbourne.
3. Movement of infected soils by animals.
4. Movement of soil by humans.
5. Between plants via root to root.
List the 3 symptoms of Jarrach Dieback.
- Root rot.
- Hyphae grow through roots absorbing nutrients and destroying tissue.
- Wiltering and drying leaves.
What are the 5 effects of Jarrah Dieback on the ecosystem?
- Kills trees therefore reducing biodiversity.
- Destroys nesting sites for birds.
- Succession to resistant grasses.
- Soil erosions.
- Changes the micro-climate.
Outline the 4 steps of the life cycle of Jarrah Diebaclk.
- P Cinnamomi penetrates the roots.
- Sporongia and chlamydospores form.
- Sporonga release zoospores into the soil where they swim to new hosts.
- If conditions are adverse chlamydospores lay dormant in soil until conditions are favourable.