Definition of preterm labour
Labour after 28 weeks but before 37 completed weeks of gestation
Risk factors of preterm labour
Low socioeconomic status
Young age
Causes of preterm labour
Maternal infections
Premature rupture of membranes
Incompetent cervix
Multiple pregnancies
Placenta abruption
Diabetes mellitus
Preeclampsia/ eclampsia
Maternal infections associated with preterm labour
UTIs: pyelonephritis
Intrauterine infections
Symptoms of preterm labour
There may be show
Regular and painful uterine contractions or abdominal pains
Signs of preterm labour
Effacement and dilatation of the cervix
Rapture of membranes
Palpable repetitive uterine contractions
Small maturity
Investigations in preterm labour
Ultrasound scan
Purpose of ultrasound scan in preterm labour
Gestational age
Placental site
Amniotic fluid volume
Foetal weight
Treatment objectives in preterm labour
Stop uterine contractions if labour is not fully established
Allow foetal growth and maturity if possible
Allow foetal lung maturation (28-34 weeks)
Allow labour to progress if already established
Treat any underlying causes
Non-pharmacological management
Avoid sex
Avoid strenuous exercise
Bed rest
Cervical cerclage for cases due to cervical incompetence
Drugs for tocolysis
Magnesium sulphate
Dosing for salbutamol in tocolysis
Dissolve 2.5mg salbutamol in 500ml of D5W to get 0.5%w/v.
Initial infusion at 10mcg/min, Increase gradually every 10 mins till contractions diminish
Then increase slowly to till contractions cease, maximum of 45mcg/minutes
maintain rate after contractions cease for an hour and reduce by rate by 50% every 6 hours, maximum duration of 48 hours
Dosing for nifedipine in tocolysis
Nifedipine oral 20mg initially
Repeat dose after 90mins
If contractions persit, give 20mg every 3-4 hours to a max of 160mg/day for a maximum of 48-72 hours
Dosing for magnesium sulphate in tocolysis
6g of IV Magnesium sulphate given over 20mins
Then 2g infusion per hour based on response
Dose foe betamethasone in foetal lung maturation
0.6-7mg every 24 hours (2 doses)
Now 12mg bd for 24 hours`
Drugs for foeatal lung maturation
Dose for dexamethasone in foetal lung maturation
6mg bd for 48 hours
When is antenatal corticosteroids most effective
if delivery occurs at least 24 hours after the first dose of the medicine has been given and less than 7 days after the last dose of the medicine.
When do we acoid antenatal corticosteroids
When infection is present
Dangers of steroid use in preterm labour
Susceptibility to infection
Fluid retention
Pulmonary edema
Maternal postpartum collapse