Poetry - (10% of Exam) Flashcards
Key Figure
Time Period: Ancient Greek Epic Poetry
Contribution: Author of The Iliad and The Odyssey, foundational works of Western literature.
Time Period: Ancient Greek Lyric Poetry
Contribution: A Greek poet known for her passionate and personal poetry, often about love and women.
Time Period: Ancient Roman Epic Poetry
Contribution: Author of The Aeneid, Rome’s national epic, modeled after Homer’s works.
Time Period: Ancient Roman Poetry
Contribution: Known for Metamorphoses, a mythological epic with stories of transformation.
Dante Alighieri
Time Period: Medieval Italian Poetry
Contribution: Wrote The Divine Comedy, depicting a journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Time Period: Medieval English Poetry
Contribution: Author of The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories told by pilgrims.
Time Period: Renaissance Italian Poetry
Contribution: A key figure in the development of the sonnet, influencing later poets like Shakespeare.
Edmund Spenser
Time Period: Elizabethan Poetry
Contribution: Known for The Faerie Queene, an allegorical epic celebrating Queen Elizabeth I.
William Shakespeare
Time Period: Elizabethan Poetry
Contribution: Wrote 154 sonnets exploring themes of love, time, and beauty.
John Donne
Time Period: Metaphysical Poetry
Contribution: Known for his complex metaphysical conceits in poems like Death Be Not Proud.
Andrew Marvell
Time Period: Metaphysical Poetry
Contribution: Wrote To His Coy Mistress, a carpe diem poem urging love before time runs out.
John Milton
Time Period: 17th Century Epic Poetry
Contribution: Author of Paradise Lost, an epic on the fall of man and Satan’s rebellion.
Alexander Pope
Time Period: 18th Century Satirical Poetry
Contribution: Famous for The Rape of the Lock, a mock-epic satirizing aristocratic vanity.
William Blake
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Contribution: Known for Songs of Innocence and Experience, exploring innocence and corruption.
William Wordsworth
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Contribution: Co-author of Lyrical Ballads and known for Tintern Abbey, celebrating nature.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Contribution: Author of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, a supernatural sea voyage.
Lord Byron
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Contribution: Wrote Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage and developed the Byronic hero archetype.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Contribution: Author of Ozymandias, a poem about the impermanence of power.
John Keats
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Contribution: Famous for odes like Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn.
Walt Whitman
Time Period: American Transcendentalist Poetry
Contribution: Wrote Leaves of Grass, celebrating democracy and the human spirit.
Emily Dickinson
Time Period: 19th Century American Poetry
Contribution: Known for short, enigmatic poems exploring death and nature.
Edgar Allan Poe
Time Period: Gothic Poetry
Contribution: Wrote The Raven, a haunting narrative poem about loss and madness.
Robert Browning
Time Period: Victorian Poetry
Contribution: Master of the dramatic monologue, author of My Last Duchess.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Time Period: Victorian Poetry
Contribution: Known for Sonnets from the Portuguese, including How Do I Love Thee?.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Time Period: Victorian Poetry
Contribution: Author of The Charge of the Light Brigade and Ulysses.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Time Period: Victorian Poetry
Contribution: Innovated with ‘sprung rhythm’ in poems like Pied Beauty.
Thomas Hardy
Time Period: Late Victorian Poetry
Contribution: Wrote pessimistic poetry like The Darkling Thrush.
W.B. Yeats
Time Period: Modernist Poetry
Contribution: Known for The Second Coming and Sailing to Byzantium.
T.S. Eliot
Time Period: Modernist Poetry
Contribution: Wrote The Waste Land, a fragmented reflection on post-war disillusionment.
Ezra Pound
Time Period: Modernist Poetry
Contribution: Promoted Imagism and wrote The Cantos.
Robert Frost
Time Period: 20th Century American Poetry
Contribution: Known for The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.
Langston Hughes
Time Period: Harlem Renaissance Poetry
Contribution: Wrote The Negro Speaks of Rivers, celebrating Black heritage.
Claude McKay
Time Period: Harlem Renaissance Poetry
Contribution: Author of If We Must Die, an anthem of Black resistance.
Dylan Thomas
Time Period: 20th Century Welsh Poetry
Contribution: Wrote Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, a villanelle about death.
Pablo Neruda
Time Period: 20th Century Chilean Poetry
Contribution: Known for Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.
Sylvia Plath
Time Period: Confessional Poetry
Contribution: Author of Ariel and Daddy, exploring personal trauma.
Anne Sexton
Time Period: Confessional Poetry
Contribution: Wrote Live or Die, addressing mental illness and womanhood.
Allen Ginsberg
Time Period: Beat Poetry
Contribution: Wrote Howl, an anti-establishment manifesto of the 1950s.
Maya Angelou
Time Period: Contemporary American Poetry
Contribution: Known for And Still I Rise, celebrating Black resilience.
Seamus Heaney
Time Period: 20th Century Irish Poetry
Contribution: Wrote Digging, exploring identity and Irish heritage.
Derek Walcott
Time Period: Caribbean Poetry
Contribution: Author of Omeros, a modern epic inspired by Homer.
Rita Dove
Time Period: Contemporary American Poetry
Contribution: Pulitzer Prize winner known for Thomas and Beulah.
Margaret Atwood
Time Period: Contemporary Canadian Poetry
Contribution: Wrote Morning in the Burned House, exploring feminist themes.
Louise Glück
Time Period: Contemporary American Poetry
Contribution: Winner of the Nobel Prize, known for The Wild Iris.
Tracy K. Smith
Time Period: Contemporary American Poetry
Contribution: Former U.S. Poet Laureate, author of Life on Mars.
Joy Harjo
Time Period: Contemporary Native American Poetry
Contribution: The first Native American U.S. Poet Laureate, known for An American Sunrise.
Ocean Vuong
Time Period: Contemporary Vietnamese-American Poetry
Contribution: Author of Night Sky with Exit Wounds, exploring war, love, and identity.
The Iliad
Author: Homer
Title: The Iliad
Time Period: Ancient Greek Epic Poetry
Synopsis: An epic poem about the Trojan War, focusing on the wrath of Achilles and the consequences of pride and heroism.
The Odyssey
Author: Homer
Title: The Odyssey
Time Period: Ancient Greek Epic Poetry
Synopsis: A journey of the hero Odysseus as he attempts to return home after the Trojan War, encountering mythical creatures and divine obstacles.
Ode to Aphrodite
Author: Sappho
Title: Ode to Aphrodite
Time Period: Ancient Greek Lyric Poetry
Synopsis: A personal invocation to the goddess of love, seeking help in matters of romance.
The Aeneid
Author: Virgil
Title: The Aeneid
Time Period: Ancient Roman Epic Poetry
Synopsis: A national epic telling the story of Aeneas, a Trojan who journeys to found Rome, embodying Roman virtues.
Author: Ovid
Title: Metamorphoses
Time Period: Ancient Roman Poetry
Synopsis: A collection of mythological tales centered on themes of transformation and change.
The Divine Comedy
Author: Dante Alighieri
Title: The Divine Comedy
Time Period: Medieval Italian Poetry
Synopsis: A vision of the afterlife, following the poet’s journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise.
The Canterbury Tales
Author: Geoffrey Chaucer
Title: The Canterbury Tales
Time Period: Medieval English Poetry
Synopsis: A collection of stories told by pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, reflecting medieval society.
Author: Petrarch
Title: Canzoniere
Time Period: Renaissance Italian Poetry
Synopsis: A collection of sonnets exploring themes of love and devotion, often dedicated to Laura.
The Faerie Queene
Author: Edmund Spenser
Title: The Faerie Queene
Time Period: Elizabethan Poetry
Synopsis: An allegorical epic celebrating Queen Elizabeth I, filled with chivalric adventures and moral lessons.
Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Sonnets
Time Period: Elizabethan Poetry
Synopsis: 154 sonnets exploring love, time, mortality, and beauty.
Holy Sonnets
Author: John Donne
Title: Holy Sonnets
Time Period: Metaphysical Poetry
Synopsis: A series of religious poems exploring sin, salvation, and divine love.
To His Coy Mistress
Author: Andrew Marvell
Title: To His Coy Mistress
Time Period: Metaphysical Poetry
Synopsis: A carpe diem poem urging a lover to seize the moment before time runs out.
Paradise Lost
Author: John Milton
Title: Paradise Lost
Time Period: 17th Century Epic Poetry
Synopsis: An epic retelling of the fall of man, focusing on Satan’s rebellion and humanity’s expulsion from Eden.
The Rape of the Lock
Author: Alexander Pope
Title: The Rape of the Lock
Time Period: 18th Century Satirical Poetry
Synopsis: A mock-epic satirizing the vanity of aristocratic society through the theft of a lock of hair.
Songs of Innocence and Experience
Author: William Blake
Title: Songs of Innocence and Experience
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Synopsis: A collection of poems exploring the contrast between childlike innocence and the harsh realities of experience.
Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
Author: William Wordsworth
Title: Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Synopsis: A reflective poem celebrating nature’s influence on the human spirit.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Author: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Title: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Time Period: Romantic Poetry
Synopsis: A supernatural ballad about a cursed sailor who kills an albatross and faces divine punishment.