Nonfiction Literature - (15% of Exam) Flashcards
Key Figure
Time Period: Ancient Greek Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote The Republic, exploring justice, the ideal state, and philosophy.
Time Period: Ancient Greek Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Nicomachean Ethics, laying the foundation for Western ethics and logic.
Marcus Aurelius
Time Period: Ancient Roman Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Meditations, a Stoic guide to self-discipline and virtue.
Saint Augustine
Time Period: Late Antiquity
Contribution: Wrote Confessions, an autobiographical work blending theology and philosophy.
Niccolò Machiavelli
Time Period: Renaissance Political Thought
Contribution: Wrote The Prince, a pragmatic guide to power and statecraft.
Michel de Montaigne
Time Period: Renaissance Essayist
Contribution: Wrote Essays, pioneering the modern personal essay form.
Francis Bacon
Time Period: 17th Century Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Novum Organum, advocating for the scientific method.
René Descartes
Time Period: 17th Century Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Discourse on Method, introducing Cartesian skepticism and rationalism.
John Locke
Time Period: Enlightenment Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Two Treatises of Government, foundational to modern democracy and liberalism.
Time Period: Enlightenment Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Candide, satirizing optimism and advocating for reason and tolerance.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Time Period: Enlightenment Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote The Social Contract, theorizing the origins of political legitimacy.
Adam Smith
Time Period: Enlightenment Economics
Contribution: Wrote The Wealth of Nations, pioneering modern economic thought.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Time Period: 18th Century Feminism
Contribution: Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, advocating for women’s education and equality.
Immanuel Kant
Time Period: 18th Century Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Critique of Pure Reason, shaping modern epistemology and ethics.
G.W.F. Hegel
Time Period: 19th Century Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Phenomenology of Spirit, developing dialectical idealism.
Karl Marx
Time Period: 19th Century Political Thought
Contribution: Wrote The Communist Manifesto, critiquing capitalism and advocating for socialism.
Henry David Thoreau
Time Period: 19th Century American Thought
Contribution: Wrote Walden, reflecting on simplicity and self-reliance.
Frederick Douglass
Time Period: 19th Century Abolitionism
Contribution: Wrote Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, exposing the horrors of slavery.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Time Period: 19th Century Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra, developing existential and nihilistic ideas.
Sigmund Freud
Time Period: 20th Century Psychology
Contribution: Wrote The Interpretation of Dreams, pioneering psychoanalysis.
Virginia Woolf
Time Period: 20th Century Feminism
Contribution: Wrote A Room of One’s Own, exploring gender and creative independence.
Mahatma Gandhi
Time Period: 20th Century Political Thought
Contribution: Wrote The Story of My Experiments with Truth, advocating for nonviolent resistance.
W.E.B. Du Bois
Time Period: 20th Century Civil Rights
Contribution: Wrote The Souls of Black Folk, discussing race and identity in America.
Albert Einstein
Time Period: 20th Century Science
Contribution: Wrote Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, explaining physics for a broad audience.
George Orwell
Time Period: 20th Century Political Thought
Contribution: Wrote Homage to Catalonia, detailing his experiences in the Spanish Civil War.
Hannah Arendt
Time Period: 20th Century Political Thought
Contribution: Wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism, analyzing the rise of authoritarianism.
James Baldwin
Time Period: 20th Century Civil Rights
Contribution: Wrote The Fire Next Time, addressing race relations in America.
Rachel Carson
Time Period: 20th Century Environmentalism
Contribution: Wrote Silent Spring, exposing the dangers of pesticides and launching the modern environmental movement.
Marshall McLuhan
Time Period: 20th Century Media Theory
Contribution: Wrote Understanding Media, coining ‘the medium is the message’.
Michel Foucault
Time Period: 20th Century Philosophy
Contribution: Wrote Discipline and Punish, exploring power structures in society.
Carl Sagan
Time Period: 20th Century Science
Contribution: Wrote Cosmos, popularizing astronomy and scientific wonder.
Noam Chomsky
Time Period: 20th Century Linguistics & Politics
Contribution: Wrote Manufacturing Consent, critiquing mass media and propaganda.
Edward Said
Time Period: 20th Century Postcolonialism
Contribution: Wrote Orientalism, critiquing Western perceptions of the East.
Stephen Hawking
Time Period: 21st Century Science
Contribution: Wrote A Brief History of Time, explaining the universe in layman’s terms.
Malcolm X
Time Period: 20th Century Civil Rights
Contribution: Wrote The Autobiography of Malcolm X, detailing his transformation and activism.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Time Period: 21st Century Civil Rights
Contribution: Wrote Between the World and Me, reflecting on race and identity in America.
Yuval Noah Harari
Time Period: 21st Century History
Contribution: Wrote Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, analyzing human civilization.
Angela Davis
Time Period: 21st Century Feminism & Race
Contribution: Wrote Women, Race & Class, examining the intersections of race and gender.
Jared Diamond
Time Period: 21st Century History
Contribution: Wrote Guns, Germs, and Steel, exploring factors shaping civilizations.
Rebecca Solnit
Time Period: 21st Century Feminism
Contribution: Wrote Men Explain Things to Me, addressing gender dynamics and social issues.
Brené Brown
Time Period: 21st Century Psychology
Contribution: Wrote Daring Greatly, exploring vulnerability and personal growth.
Michelle Obama
Time Period: 21st Century Memoir
Contribution: Wrote Becoming, reflecting on her life and role as First Lady.
The Republic
Author: Plato
Title: The Republic
Time Period: Ancient Greek Philosophy
Synopsis: A philosophical dialogue exploring justice, the ideal state, and the theory of forms.
Nicomachean Ethics
Author: Aristotle
Title: Nicomachean Ethics
Time Period: Ancient Greek Philosophy
Synopsis: A foundational work in ethics, discussing virtue, happiness, and the good life.
Author: Marcus Aurelius
Title: Meditations
Time Period: Ancient Roman Philosophy
Synopsis: A personal journal of Stoic reflections on self-discipline, virtue, and resilience.
Author: Saint Augustine
Title: Confessions
Time Period: Late Antiquity
Synopsis: An autobiographical work blending theology and philosophy, detailing Augustine’s conversion.
The Prince
Author: Niccolò Machiavelli
Title: The Prince
Time Period: Renaissance Political Thought
Synopsis: A pragmatic guide on power, governance, and statecraft.
Author: Michel de Montaigne
Title: Essays
Time Period: Renaissance Essayist
Synopsis: A collection of personal reflections, pioneering the modern essay form.
Novum Organum
Author: Francis Bacon
Title: Novum Organum
Time Period: 17th Century Philosophy
Synopsis: Advocates for the scientific method as the foundation of knowledge.
Discourse on Method
Author: René Descartes
Title: Discourse on Method
Time Period: 17th Century Philosophy
Synopsis: Introduces Cartesian skepticism and the famous statement ‘I think, therefore I am’.
Two Treatises of Government
Author: John Locke
Title: Two Treatises of Government
Time Period: Enlightenment Philosophy
Synopsis: A foundational text of liberal democracy, arguing for natural rights and social contract theory.
Author: Voltaire
Title: Candide
Time Period: Enlightenment Philosophy
Synopsis: A satirical novel critiquing optimism and religious hypocrisy.
The Social Contract
Author: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Title: The Social Contract
Time Period: Enlightenment Philosophy
Synopsis: Explores the origins of political legitimacy and the idea of the ‘general will’.
The Wealth of Nations
Author: Adam Smith
Title: The Wealth of Nations
Time Period: Enlightenment Economics
Synopsis: A foundational work in economic theory, advocating for free markets.
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Author: Mary Wollstonecraft
Title: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Time Period: 18th Century Feminism
Synopsis: One of the first major works advocating for women’s education and equality.
Critique of Pure Reason
Author: Immanuel Kant
Title: Critique of Pure Reason
Time Period: 18th Century Philosophy
Synopsis: Examines human perception, knowledge, and the limits of reason.