POCUS - Nerve Blocks Flashcards
The fascia lata is ________ to the fascia iliaca.
The FICNB should be injected ______ the fascia iliaca.
below/deep to
The three nerves that need to be blocked in the FICNB are what?
Lateral femoral cutaneous neve
Obturator nerve
Femoral nerve
What side effect do you need to keep in mind with FICNBs?
LAST (local anesthetic, systemic toxicity)
The antidote for LAST is ___________.
Before you do an extremity nerve block, always check ________________ beforehand.
neuro vascular exam
What dose of buivacaine do you use for FICNB?
20-30 mL of 0.25% bupivicaine
2 mg/kg max
What are contraindications for femoral nerve block?
Coagulopathy, overlying cellulitis, and multisystem trauma
The multisystem trauma is because people may develop compartment syndrome and if they are numb they cannot report symptom change.
The FICNB is injected _________ to the femoral nerve block.
about two inches lateral
The landmark is 1/3 of the way from the ASIS to the pubic symphysis.
What does the superficial cervical plexus block?
Th anterolateral neck, submandibular area, earlobe/posterior pinna, and supraclavicular area. It can provide anesthesia for IJ CVCs and clavicle fractures.
The superficial cervical block hits nerves that are between which two muscles?
SCM and LSM (levator scapulae muscle)
Linear probe goes transverse at the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage with the dot pointed anterior/medial. Slide posterior until you see the LSM and hit the nerves between there.
True or false: the interscalene block numbs the whole arm.
It numbs shoulder to elbow. The supraclavicular brachial plexus blocks the forearm.
Where do you find the interscalene block?
Have the patient look contralateral. With the probe transverse at the level of the cricoid cartilage (so inferior to the superficial cervical block) look for the SCM. The AS is deep to the SCM and posterior to the IJ. The brachial blexus is between the AS and the MS.
Alternatively, you can also start at the clavicle and fan up. First find the supraclavicular brachial plexus (next to the subclavian) and fan back.
The interscalene block needs to be deep to the ______________ fascia.
True or false: the SCM is deep to the prevertebral fascia.
In a view of the interscalene block, how are the nerve roots organized?
Top = C5
Bottom = C8
For subclavian brachial plexus blocks, the subclavian artery passes through which of the two scalene muscles?
Anterior and middle
In doing a subclavian brachial plexus block, the brachial plexus is ____________ to the subclavian artery. The subclavian artery is ___________ to the first rib.
lateral; superficial
The supraclavicular nerve block anesthetizes what?
The whole arm – shoulder to hand