Anesthesiology Flashcards
What’s the pediatric dose of intranasal midazolam?
0.2 - 0.3 mg/kg to a max dose of 7 mg
Intranasal Versed peaks in _______ minutes.
Be careful giving fentanyl to those with ___________ disease.
How do you reverse the chest wall rigidity that can happen with fentanyl?
Neuromuscular blockade
What is the pediatric dose of intranasal fentanyl for sedation?
2 mcg/kg to a max of 50 mcg
True or false: Precedex causes respiratory depression.
What is the weight-based dosing of morphine for acute pain?
0.1 mg/kg
Don’t give an adult patient 2 mg as an initial dose.
The longest-acting paralytic is ____________. The fasting acting is _____________.
pancuronium; succinylcholine
What are the side effects of ketamine?
Apnea (rare)
Reemergence delirium
Review the dosing of ketamine for pain, agitation, and sedation.
Pain: 0.1 - 0.3 mg/kg IV
Agitation 1.0 - 2.0 mg/kg IV or 5 mg/kg IM
Sedation: 1.0 - 2.0 mg/kg IV or 4-10 mg/kg IM
How long does succinylcholine last?
5 minutes
What are pancuronium and vecuronium not used in the ED?
Onset time is ~3 min
What dose data show about ketofol?
It is safe, has no increased rate of respiratory suppression, and has shorter sedation time than either agent alone.