GME - Residency

This class was created by Brainscape user Walter The-Cat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (113)

What is the dose of adenosine tha...,
What dose of epinephrine drip sho...,
In a vf vt cardiac arrest what is...
76  cards
What s the pediatric dose of intr...,
Intranasal versed peaks in ______...,
Be careful giving fentanyl to tho...
13  cards
There are more than ___________ m...,
Describe the trimodal distributio...,
Atls is supervised by ____________ 3
123  cards
What parameter helps you interpre...,
Describe verification bias 2,
What is a standardized incidence ...
23  cards
Why do you need to reassess wound...,
Why should you exercise care when...,
Explain the burns are clean mantra 3
25  cards
Sinus arrhythmia normal sinus pat...,
Sinus arrhythmia is normal in ___...,
Pr interval is the distance from ...
218  cards
Critical Care
Review the mnemonic for rsi 1,
What abg findings are suggestive ...,
What are the three reasons intuba...
130  cards
Review the layers of a tooth 1,
What is the ellis classification ...,
Why is an ellis iii tooth injury ...
14  cards
Review sunscreen guidelines 1,
True or false fluocinonide 005 is...,
Compared to seborrheic keratosis ...
80  cards
ED Financial Structure and Business
In 2018 what percent of ed visits...,
Roughly how many ed visits are th...,
Roughly how many em physicians ar...
37  cards
Review the differences in scope o...,
North carolina ems is organized a...,
What do ems medical directors do 3
14  cards
What is a significant difference ...,
The initial step in evaluating hy...,
The fasting glucose level that de...
72  cards
What is the watershed area of the...,
How often are tracheostomies chan...,
Dysphonia hoarseness and palpable...
56  cards
You must assess for _____________...,
A 2008 law prohibited employers f...,
According to the usmle under what...
8  cards
Short gut syndrome refers to ____...,
Patients with short gut syndrome ...,
Common causes of short gut syndro...
106  cards
General Tips
What should you be thinking of on...,
What do you need to assess in an ...,
The times you are most wrong are ...
6  cards
______________ is a less severe m...,
What neonatal workup is involved ...,
____________ presents with conjug...
8  cards
Global Health
When working abroad always work _...,
When evaluating an international ...,
______________ is an operation ru...
7  cards
Hematology / Oncology
True or false you should order an...,
If a patient has a thrombocytopen...,
What is paraprotein 3
174  cards
What agents are typically used fo...,
What agents are typically used fo...,
List the types of prophylaxis tha...
24  cards
Infectious Disease
A 2011 trial showed that ________...,
Studies have shown that treating ...,
Even complicated utis can be trea...
218  cards
Job Market
0  cards
What warmer steps do you need to ...,
What equipment other than the war...,
When a baby is first delivered yo...
87  cards
What are some triggers of hyperte...,
When someone presents with acute ...,
__________ can cause supine hyper...
21  cards
What is the van score 1,
What is the bp threshold for post...,
What patients get dapt after cva 3
155  cards
Review the initial management of ...,
Why does spinal cord injury cause...,
An elderly person falls and strik...
84  cards
0  cards
What common medication has been s...,
Which electrolyte is likely dange...,
Which b vitamin is not in meat an...
3  cards
What labs studies should you get ...,
Other than the obvious complaints...,
A 1st trimester pregnant woman pr...
206  cards
What are things you need to ask a...,
What are some complications of co...,
Review the components of the eye ...
49  cards
Why do humeral fractures usually ...,
In children ______________ humera...,
What is neuropraxia 3
316  cards
In cpr during which you have an a...,
In ventricular fibrillation what ...,
What are code doses of epinephrine 3
50  cards
Provide a ddx for acute testicula...,
In a boy with acute testicular pa...,
In evaluating a boy for testicula...
56  cards
What is one potential cross react...,
Side effects of isoniazid include...,
What is the mechanism of txa 3
50  cards
What scoring ranges does the pedi...,
What are the components of the pa...,
Review the stages of coughing and...
87  cards
People with hepatic encephalopath...,
In patients who are partial respo...,
What is the timeline for postpart...
21  cards
What is the mnemonic for reading ...,
Where is the quadrigeminal cistern 2,
On a ct if material is the same s...
16  cards
Respiratory Therapy
Why do you always need to be bagg...,
True or false if you see that you...,
True or false ambubags need to be...
36  cards
What constellation of symptoms is...,
A normal ___________ serum test d...,
True or false temporal biopsy has...
22  cards
Social Work
In a person who is the victim of ...,
What is the mnemonic for adls def...
2  cards
The proppr trial showed that ____...,
Describe the idea of permissive h...,
True or false txa has been shown ...
45  cards
What are antidotes to beta blocke...,
What is the typical illness scrip...,
When should you treat a copperhea...
156  cards
A pvr greater than __________ is ...,
What five drugs are first line fo...,
What four drugs treat complicated...
53  cards
Vascular Surgery
Why does ruptured aaa cause leg n...,
Why do you need to control the hr...,
You need to contact vascular surg...
21  cards
Vent Management
Normal i e ratio in a healthy non...,
How do you change i e ratio 2,
Give sarah crager s breakdown of ...
19  cards
Wilderness Medicine
Air embolism typically happens wh...,
Air embolism typically starts hap...,
A diver starts experiencing confu...
79  cards
POCUS - Abdominal
According to a 2005 meta analysis...,
Why is efast not perfectly sensit...,
Fast will miss hemoperitoneum bel...
96  cards
POCUS - Aorta
Risk factors for aaa include ____...,
What views are needed for an aort...,
Most aaas develop in which part o...
24  cards
POCUS - Cardiac
What are the ranges for tapse 1,
Mcconnell s sign is what 2,
Normal ivc diameter is what 3
93  cards
POCUS - Doppler
What is the formula for doppler f...,
When obtaining doppler you will g...,
Review robert jones s strobe ligh...
13  cards
Review the scans needed for a le ...,
How many dvts occur per year in t...,
What percent of dvts will progres...
26  cards
POCUS - General
Increased gain deep to a hypoecho...,
How can you tell the difference b...,
How can you tell the difference b...
51  cards
POCUS - Lungs
True or false lung should not be ...,
B lines must be differentiated fr...,
What are the rule of fours for pu...
51  cards
Why should you ultrasound suspect...,
The ____________ tendon is the st...,
Achilles tendon tears usually occ...
28  cards
POCUS - Nerve Blocks
The fascia lata is ________ to th...,
The ficnb should be injected ____...,
The three nerves that need to be ...
48  cards
The anterior and posterior cul de...,
Most women have a _______ verted ...,
The non gravid uterus is usually ...
74  cards
POCUS - Ocular
What position should the patient ...,
The two views that you should sca...,
True or false the lens is in the ...
12  cards
POCUS - Renal
It s important to remember that h...,
The ____________ fascia surrounds...,
The __________ kidney is located ...
35  cards
POCUS - Soft Tissue
Abscess evaluations should be don...,
Why should you use plenty of gel ...,
Cover the transducer if _________...
23  cards
POCUS - Testicular
Review the positioning for scrota...,
Which transducer is used for test...,
An echogenic line down the testis...
10  cards
POCUS - Vascular Access
Always hold the transducer ______...,
Adjust your needle with _________...,
What is the hydrodissection techn...
17  cards
Procedure - Arterial Line
The guide wire leaves the tip of ...,
When doing an arterial line witho...,
If you see blood in the catheter ...
16  cards
Procedure - Arthrocentesis
What three elbow landmarks help l...
1  cards
Procedure - Bag-Mask Ventilation
What are the four grades of mask ...,
List four signs that you re baggi...,
What is the bones mnemonic for di...
5  cards
Procedure - Bandaging & Wound Dressing
0  cards
Procedure - Blakemore
A linton tube has three ports wha...,
How is a blakemore different than...,
The minnesota tube is the most co...
6  cards
Procedure - Cavernosal Aspiration/Irrigation/Injection
What is the proper location for a...
1  cards
Procedure - Central Lines (TLC, cordis, HD, Trialysis)
What do you need to make sure you...,
To limit vagal responses do what 2,
When you thread a triple lumen ca...
26  cards
Procedure - Chest Tube
What is the sizing system for fre...,
What spot do you insert chest tub...,
How wide of a transverse cut do y...
16  cards
Procedure - CPR
0  cards
Procedure - Cricothyrotomy
Surgical cricothyrotomy is contra...,
What is the basic process of cric...,
What is the needle method for cri...
9  cards
Procedure - Disimpaction
0  cards
Procedure - Erector Spinae Block
In erector spinae block inject in...,
What three layers of back muscle ...
2  cards
Procedure - Foley Catheter
Irrigation catheters are usually ...,
What foley size is used in men 2,
How do you insert a foley in men 3
6  cards
Procedure - Foreign Body Removal
What methods can you use to remov...
1  cards
Procedure - G-Tube Replacement
Before you insert the new g tube ...,
How do you know how much fluid to...,
How can you check if the g tube i...
14  cards
Procedure - Incision & Drainage
When performing a drainage of a p...,
When draining a peritonsillar abs...,
Do not attempt ed drainage of ___...
4  cards
Procedure - Intubation
When you re assessing how difficu...,
Review the four grades of laryngo...,
Review predictors of difficult in...
62  cards
Procedure - IO
The best site to insert an io in ...,
_____________ is crucial to do be...,
How do you know you re in place 3
20  cards
Procedure - King Airway
What size kings are used for adul...,
How much air is placed in an adul...
2  cards
Procedure - Laceration Repair
What is the max dose of lidocaine 1,
What are the indications for repa...,
Review the basics of sutures mate...
36  cards
Procedure - Lateral Canthotomy
How should you inject lidocaine i...,
The iop at which you should perfo...,
Review the steps of the lateral c...
4  cards
Procedure - LP
What size needles are spinal need...,
Always hold the needle __________...,
If you don t want to use the drap...
13  cards
Procedure - Nasal Packing
What is posterior nasal packing 1
1  cards
Procedure - Naso-/Oropharyngeal Airway
0  cards
Procedure - Nasogastric Tube
Ng tubes are often thought to be ...,
Common problems of ng tubes _____...,
Review the steps of ng tube place...
4  cards
Procedure - Needle Decompression of Tension PTX
Where does the needle go in a dec...,
Use a needle that is ___ cm long 2,
When you re inserting the needle ...
11  cards
Procedure - Nerve Blocks
Describe the two approaches to di...,
Which nerve block can cause bell ...
2  cards
Procedure - Non-Invasive O2 (LFNC, HFNC, Non-Rebreather)
0  cards
Procedure - Paracentesis
What are the indications for para...,
What line are the superficial epi...,
What do you need for a paracentes...
5  cards
Procedure - Pelvic Exam
Review the techniques for visuali...,
If you are doing an exam in a wom...
2  cards
Procedure - Pericardiocentesis
What approach should you take 1
1  cards
Procedure - Perimortem C-Section
0  cards
Procedure - PIV
Review the gauges of iv by color 1,
Most iv tubings have what kind of...,
Why do most iv tubes have one way...
6  cards
Procedure - PTA I&D and Needle Aspiration
To perform a needle aspiration or...,
The carotid sheath lies ______ po...
2  cards
Procedure - Reductions
0  cards
Procedure - Sedation
When you get a patient who might ...,
What are unc s procedural sedatio...,
Review the asa american society o...
43  cards
Procedure - Slings
0  cards
Procedure - Slit Lamp Exam
0  cards
Procedure - Splinting & Casting
Where do you place a pelvic binde...,
Review the placement of hare trac...,
Why should you not use hot water ...
4  cards
Procedure - Stapling
0  cards
Procedure - Suctioning
0  cards
Procedure - Thoracentesis
Thoracentesis is contraindicated ...,
What criteria give you exudative ...,
What landmarks demarcate the axil...
7  cards
Procedure - Thoracotomy
Where should you cut in a thoraco...,
Cut on the _______ side of the rib 2,
Review the steps of a thoracotomy 3
5  cards
Procedure - Tono-Pen
0  cards
Procedure - Trach Change
0  cards
Procedure - Tourniquet
Always document ________________ ...,
Review the proper placement of a ...,
If you take off a tourniquet and ...
3  cards
Procedure - Traction
0  cards
Procedure - UAC/UVC
0  cards
Procedure - Vaginal Delivery
0  cards
Procedure - Vitals
Whenever you see vital sign abnor...,
How much higher are rectal temps ...,
What is the formula for map 3
3  cards
Procedure - Wood's Lamp
0  cards
Procedure - Awake Intubation
Review the topical anesthestics f...,
Other than anesthesia what two me...,
Review the order of operations fo...
3  cards

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GME - Residency

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