PNS Flashcards
What are the 2 types of neuron?
multipolar and unipolar
What type of neuron is found in the PNS?
What are multipolar neurons involved in?
skeletal muscle and ANS
What are unipolar neurons invovled in?
sensory information
Where are spinal nerves found?
intervertebral foramina
What does the posterior rami supply?
posterior body wall
What doe sthe anterior rami supply?
anterolateral body wall
Where do sensory axons travel from the spinal nerve?
posterior roots–posterior rootlets–posterior horn
What is found within the dorsal root ganglion?
cell bodies of primary afferent neurones
How do the motor axons pass into the spinal nerves?
anterior horn–anterior rootlets–anterior root
What is found within each spinal nerve?
general sensory; somatic motor; sympathetics
What is a dermatome?
area of skin supplied with sensory innervation from a single spinal nerve
What is a myotome?
skeletal muscles supplied from a single spinal nerve
What dermatomes make up the upper limb?
What dermatomes make up the lower limb, gluteal region and perineum?
What are nerve plexuses made up of?
mixed anterior rami from spinal nerves
What makes up the cervical plexus?
What makes up the brachial plexus?
What makes up the lumbar plexus?
What makes up the sacral plexus?
How do sympathetics reach the spinal nerves?
anterior roots and rootlets
How do sympathetics reach the head and neck?
hitch a rid on the ICA and ECA
How do parasympathetics reach the paravertebral ganglia?
via rami communicans
What is the difference between white and grey rami communicans?
white- to go to ganglia, grey- from ganglia back to rami
Where do sympathetics to the heart synapse?
T1/cervical paravertebral ganglia
After synapsing at the cervical/T1 ganglia, how do sympathetics get to the heart and lungs?
in cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves
Where do sympathetics to the lungs first synapse?
upper thoracic paravertebral ganglia
Where do sympathetics to the abdominopelvic organs synapse?
prevertebral ganglia
Where do sympathetics to the foregut synapse?
celiac ganglion of the celiac plexus
Where do sympathetics to the kidney synapse?
aorticorenal ganglion
Where do sympathetics to the midgut synapse?
superior mesenteric ganglion of SM plexus
Where do sympathetics to the hindgut and pelvic/perineum synapse?
inferior mesenteric ganglion of IF plexus
What cranial nerves do parasympathetics travel via?
III; VII; IX and X