Pic 18 - Ag Toghadh Scoláire Na Bliana Flashcards
Scholar of the year
Scoláire Na bliana
There was an election happening in class for scholar of the year
Bhí Toghchán ar siúl sa rang do scoláire Na bliana
The teacher spoke to the students in the class
Labhair an múinteoir leis Na daltaí sa rang
They listened to the teacher
D’éist Na daltaí leis an múinteoir
He explained
Mhínigh sé
Should have
Ba chóir a bheith
The teacher explained the traits the scholar of the year should have
Mhínigh an múinteoir Na tréithe ba chóir a bheith ag scoláire Na bliana
She asked the students to think before they cast their votes
D’iarr an múinteoir ar Na daltaí smaoineamh Sular Chaith siad a gcuid votaí
Before they cast their votes
Sukar Chaith siad a gcuid votaí
Father that, the students cast their votes
Ina dhiadh sin, Chaith Na daltaí a gcuid vótaí
They put their votes in the box
Chuir siad Na vótaí isteach sa bhosca
There was a box with “votes here” in the class
Bhí bosca le “votaí anseo” sa rang
After that, the teacher took the box
Thóg an múinteoir an bosca
She went to the general office
Chuaigh sí chuig an Oifig ghinerálta