PHT 16 Flashcards
Account passes but may alert tech to issues
Pass with Warnings
Account passes due to NWT event on account
Pass with Overides
What 4 graphs on on PHT
PHT has a pass/fail based on the
premise devices
Upstream TX upper fail
> 54dBmV
Upstream TX lower fail
Downstream RX upper fail
> 12dBmV
Downstream SNR single threshold fail
MoCA PHY Rate single threshold fail
< 200 Mbps (XG to XI, XB to Xi, XG to XB devices only; Xi to Xi or RNG150 to RNG150 not in scope)
FLUX ICFR single threshold fail
> = 3 dB ICFR
Upstream Extended Transmit
A growing number of devices in our network have Upstream Extended Transmit (UET) capabilities and can transmit___higher than the initial DOCSIS 3.0 specification allowed
3 dBmV
the level a device is transmitting at, or would need to transmit at in order to reach the CMTS at the proper input level
Actual US Tx
A registration state of 1,2,3 or 5 on any channel indicates that a device is not utilizing those channels and is in
partial bonding mode
If a Device is transmitting at maximum power and still cannot reach the CMTS at the requested input level, generally 0 dBmV, it is in a state called
DOCSIS 3.0 devices have the ability to send and receive data transmissions across multiple US and DS channels, this is called
Full Band Capture
Downstream RX lower fail
less than -10dBmV
4 ways to access customer in PHT
MAC Address, Home Address, Account #, Phone #
PHT results fall into 4 possible results:
Pass• Pass W/ Warnings • Pass W/Overrides • FAIL
What’s an Unrecognizable device (PHT)
PHT pass with warning examples
active device on an account (account at least 3 days old) that has been unresponsive for longer than 24 hours
what is incomplete DP3 Data – (PHT)
PHT pass with warning examples
One or more devices on the account did not return all requested data needed for PHT
poll for data is missing data (could result from poor cell connectivity or disruption during test)
What is Service Call Failure (PHT)
PHT pass with warning examples
A call to any service used to gather PHT data failed for the account tested
failure to call data sources (cell connectivity, VPN drop, tools outage)
What is PHT Pass with override
The account tested must fail and it must be listed as an affected account for an ongoing NWT event that matches the exact failure reason
(US TX, DS SNR, Ds Rx, spectra suckout, spectra wave)
USSNR does not trigger a Pass w/Override condition
maximum US TX level for a DOCSIS device without UET using 1 channel
maximum US TX level for a DOCSIS device without UET using 2 channels
maximum US TX level for a DOCSIS device without UET using 3-4 channels
maximum US TX level for a DOCSIS device with UET using 1 channel
maximum US TX level for a DOCSIS device with UET using 2 channels
57 dBmV
maximum US TX level for a DOCSIS device with UET using 3-4 channels
What does PHT stand for
Premise Health Test
PHT Metrics and Thresholds Partial bonding
Registration state less than or greater than 4
Downstream state less than or greater than1
PHT Metrics and Thresholds
Any impairment, other than (ACP)
What is a Missing PHY rate (pht)
PHT pass with warning examples
call from X-Ray failed to return PHY rates for all devices