cct4 Flashcards
What are benefits of a Key System (PBX)?
1.Allows a group of phone stations to access a common set of phone lines2.Fewer business lines can be purchased3.Additional built in features such as music on hold and call transfer
This device enables operators to deliver * lines of telephony, tiered data and other advanced Internet Protocol services
What is the wiring pattern for a 66 Block- Telco standard connecting block?
a.Lines in from the left and out to the rightb.lead with “Tip” at the topc.Alternate “Tip” and “Ring”d. Leave 1-3 feet of excess wire around block
In BCDV, it’s the interface between the eMTA and the 66/110 block demarc point
It’s used to avoid kinks and sharp bends on telecom equipment boards
Mushroom Spool
It uses internal modem to transmit sales transaction data using telephone lines.
P.o.S. (Point of Sale System)
It’s Output is 48 VDC,50 Watts,It has 18 Hour Backup with TM508 Idle,and 8 Hour Backup with all 8 lines in use.
Local Power Supply Unit
The Large Plug on an 8 line eMTA that connects to the power supply.
What is the color sequence for the Telemetry Plug on an 8 line eMTA?
It deletes unused channel and inserts local feed for subscription channel or other video feed such as cameras or promotional video loop/
Channel Deletion Filter and Combiner
Loads baseband signal onto standard video channel carrier. Can eliminate the need for multiple DCT’s.
Video Modulator
Connects to the combiner in the filter for local insertion of subscription channel
What is the demarcation point for Commercial Video?
Tap (if there is a tap in a communications room)Groundblock (if there’s only a ground block at the site.)
Equipment from a Telephone Company, providing internet access to the customer
DSL Modem
Device that connects the customer’sinternal network to the Internet. Wirelesscapability may be denoted by antennae on the device
Device that acts as a focal point inconnecting multiple computers within oneLocal Area Network (LAN).
“A managed hard drive connected toa LAN that can be accessible by anyoneon the Internet as defined by a company’sNetwork Administrator.
Network Attached Storage (NAS)
Similar to a 66 block, but provides less interference and is also certified fordata networks
110 Punch Down Connecting Block
This is the LEC network interfacethat supplies 1.54Mb/Sec symmetricaldata throughput.
In its simplest form, it is an electronic message sent from one device to another.
A protocol used on the Internet for exchanging files
The customer must have a Comcast issued IP Gateway to receive this type of IP address
This type of IP address is visible to the public
A descriptive name for an address or group of addresses on the internet
Domain Name
Internet service that locates and translates domain names into IP addresses
A location for passing data in and out of your computer
port is an example of a _______ address.
Private IP
A unique number for each computer on a given network
IP Address
A temporary IP address is also called a(n) _________ IP address.
An IP address that does not change.
static IP address
a system of computers,peripherals, terminals, and databases connected by communications lines
A geographically close set of computers connected on a single network and using the same communication device
A group of computersgeographically far apart, but areconnected.
Uses a public network, such as the internet, to establish a secure connection to an organization’s private network
A technique by which several hosts or computers share a single IP address for access to the Internet.
(NAT) Network Address Translation
This enables a LAN to use one set of IP addresses for internal traffic and a second set of addresses for external traffic, and provides a type of firewall by hiding internal IP addresses.
(NAT) Network Address Translation
Similar to NAT, but a more specific tool. It forwards requests for a particular IP port pair to another IP port pair
(PAT) Port Address Translation
This feature is commonly used on publicly connected hosts to make an internal service available to a larger network.
(PAT) Port Address Translation
It is the concept of partitioning large networks into smaller segments.
Subnetworking, or subnetting
A portion of a network that shares a common address component..
On TCP/IP networks, they are defined as all devices whose IP addresses have the same prefix
Look at this IP address. do the first two numbers (150.215) represent?
They define the network
Look at this IP address. do the last two numbers (017.009) represent?
They define a device or a particular host on the network
(the lowest in value) this IP address encompasses the entire subnetwork.
Network IP
This IP address is used on customer’s equipment.
Routable IP
This address (the highest in value)- identifies all hosts/devices on the LAN.
Broadcast IP
This subnet is for customers with 1 Static IP (one static, publicly routable IP address)
/30 subnet
The /30 subnet mask is
How many IP addresses are in a /30 subnet mask?
This Subnet is for customers with five Static IPs (five static, publicly routable IP address)
/29 subnet
The /29 Subnet uses how many IP addresses?
The /29 subnet mask is
This Subnet is for customers with 13 Static IPs (13 static, publicly routable IP addresses)
How many IP Addresses does a /28 Subnet use?
The /28 subnet mask is
This allows users to privately share information over public communication
VPN / Virtual Private Network
What are the two gateway configuration options for a customer with a VPN endpoint?
- Assign a Static IP to the customer’s device2. Configure Port Forwarding on the IP Gateway
software/hardware used to preventunauthorized access from a computer system or network ofcomputer systems
This allows a selected computer tobypass the firewall features of thegateway and permits unrestrictedaccess from the Internet to thatcomputer
DMZ (demilitarized zone)
This feature is commonly used forgaming and videoconferencing –applications that will not functionthrough NAT.
DMZ (demilitarized zone)
A utility to determine whether aspecific IP address is accessible. Itsends a packet to the specifiedaddress and waits for a reply.
A utility that traces a packet fromyour computer to an Internet host,showing how many hops the packetrequires to reach the host and howlong each hop takes
What is the customer default username for on the Comcast Business Gateway?
What is the technician default username on the Comcast Business Gateway?
Multi system Operator
allows you to direct inbound Internet traffic to connect to a specific application or computer within a private LAN via a predefined port
Port Forwarding
Provides the ability to dynamically open a specific inboundport based on a request from a local computer or user.
Port Triggering
Enables you to restrict specific local hosts fromaccessing particular Internet applications
Port Blocking
the IP address that the gateway uses toforward all traffic that is not addressed to a client within Comcast’s network.
Default Gateway
what is the address for the Comcast Business Gateway Login?
In regard to Comcast Business Voice, a serviceability check will consist of what two components?
- Serviceability of the location2. E911 serviceability
What is the Demarcation point for Business Class Voice?
the 66 Block and/or the telephone jack on the eMTA to which the Customer’s telephone network is connected
What is occurring when all theFront Panel LEDs are flashing?
Foreign voltage present on oneor more lines (or self-testwhen starting up)
How do you know if one of thetelephone lines if off the hook?
The LED of the telephone line isflashing
If Tel 7 is flashing slowly on an 8 line eMTA, about 1 flash per second, what does that indicate?
Line card Error
Advanced Technical Services
Trouble Ticketing System
What is the MTTR for Business Class Voice customers?
4 hours
Customers can automatically distribute incoming calls to two or more extensions using which call feature?
Hunt Groups
Internet Phone services transmit phone calls over a
public network
Name 3 of the 5 traits of Visual Learners
- Learn through seeing2. Prefer to see the person speaking to them3. Think in pictures4. Like demonstrations and examples5. Take detailed notes
Name 3 of the 5 traits of Auditory Learners
- Learn by listening2. Prefer discussion groups3. Pay close attention to voice4. Like information to be read aloud5. Like to ask questions and paraphrase
Name 3 of the 5 Traits of Tactile Learners
- Learn by moving, doing and touching2. Prefer a hands-on approach3. Like to experiment4. Can become easily distracted5. Like to experience new things for themselves
5 steps to minimize anxiety
- Remember that the audience is your friend2. Memorize the most important parts of what you’ll say3. Practice positive self-talk4. Breath5.Check Your appearance
What are the four components of the human voice?
- Rate2. Volume3. Force4. Pitch
Good eye control serves what 2 purposes?
- It tells the listener something about you2. It allows you to learn something about the listener
The Six Key Techniques to Selling
- Build rapport2. Ask questions3. Listen4. Position the product5. Communicate the benefits6. Ask for the sale
It works by separating successive pictures into two types of video information- that which stays the same from picture to picture, and that which changes from picture to picture
Digital compression
A device or software that enables compression and or decompression for digital video
video codec
What is the major advantage of MPEG compared to other codecs?
The MPEG files are much smaller for the same quality
Video CDs are an example of what type of MPEG application?
DVD, CATV, and HDTV are examples of what type of MPEG application?
Internet streaming, video on cell phones and interactive tv are examples of what MPEG application?
A MPEG video is a sequence of what three kinds of encoded pictures?
I pictures, P pictures, and B pictures
Digital Transmission Content Protection
It defines a cryptographic protocol for protecting audio/video entertainment content from illegal copying, intercepting and tampering.
Analog Copying and Piracy
This prevents or distorts copies made over an analog connection between a source player and a DVD recorder, DVR, PC or VCR
ACP (Analog Copying and Piracy)
This is the protection of content by requiring certain criteria to be met before granting access to this content.
CA or Conditional Access
What is the speed, radius, and frequency of 802.11b ?
11Mbps, 2.4Ghz, 300ft
What is the speed, radius, and frequency of 802.11a?
54Mbps, 5Ghz, 150ft
What is the speed, radius, and frequency of 802.11g?
54Mbps, 2.4Ghz, 300ft
What is the speed, radius, and frequency of 802.11n?
600Mbps, 2.4&5Ghz, 300ft
This inspects the master boot record, program files, and macro code for the presence of viruses.
Antivirus software
This is a variant of spyware that displays advertising for products it thinks might interest you, based on the website you are browsing.
It can be defined as sending unsolicited bulk email.
What is the best way to prevent a hacker from accessing a customer’s system?
A hardware firewall
A term used to describe a range of malicious software example is external code that changes your browser’s settings.
This type of firewall rule compares key parts of each packet to a database of known safe data.
Stateful packet Inspection
This type of firewall rule examines each packet and if the origination address of the data is on a list of banned Internet locations, the firewall blocks it.
Packet Filtering
This type of firewall rule uses a server that examines all data based on the filtering rules and only forwards packets that obey the rules
Before manually troubleshooting any IP problems, what should be done?
Run a network diagnostic check.
What type of port restricts connections speeds to about 6 Mbps?
What operating system does not have a registry and does not require a backup?
What wireless adapter is credit-card sized wireless adapter that slides into the side of a laptop or desktop?
What troubleshooting utility can you use in order to determine the computer’s IP address, and to reset the address if the computer cannot connect to the Internet?
Which Business Class Internet optional feature allows customers to operate VPN or Web and E-Mail servers without the fear of interruption?
Static IP Addresses
What calling feature allows different phone numbers to reach the same phone line with different ring patterns?
Distinctive Ring
A process that diverts a portion of the multiplexed aggregate signal at an intermediate point, and introduces a different signal for subsequent transmission in the same position.
Drop and Insert
A mathematical value derived from the number and severity of leaks in the cable system.
Cumulative Leakage Index (CLI)
How often is a CLI test performed?
What 2 ways can a CLI test be performed?
ground based or an aerial “flyover”
How long must leakage logs be kept on file?
2 years Per FCC, Comcast keeps 5 years
At what interval is CLI monitored?
FCC regulations requires a CLI figure of merit of what number?
64 or less
What is the most common cause of signal leakage?
poorly installed F-connectors in the drop
This appears when ingress allows a locally broadcast TV channel’s signal to enter the TV along with the channel’s signal supplied by the network.
leading ghost
This is usually caused by a reflection on the cable system caused by poor directivity at the tap or device feeding the set.
following ghost
In cable systems it us usually caused when the same channel from two (or more) different TV stations is received by the same antenna.
Co-Channel Interference
These are an undesired change in the waveform of a signal.
This is literally the “crossing” of modulation from one channel to another
Cross Modulation (XMOD)
For systems carrying forty or more channels, what distortion becomes visible before XMOD?
composite triple beats (CTB)
This appears as a horizontal bar moving from the bottom to the top of the picture
Hum Modulation
A phase modulation algorithm that is a digital modulation scheme wherein the carrier is shifted in 90-degree steps
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)
The four phases in which a carries is sent in QPSK are at what degrees?
45, 135, 225, 315
This is a digital modulation scheme that allows 2 channels of information to be transmitted at the same time on a particular frequency by changing the phase and amplitude.`
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
Digital QAM signals carry 2 signals that are referred to as what?
I and Q components
This is a measure of signal strength relative to background noise in analog and digital communications.q
Signal-to-noise ratio
Noise Power Ratio
What test uses a white noise generator to simulate the data filled spectrum and a band-pass filter to limit the spectrum?
Noise power ratio test
the ratio of the error power to the average power in an ideal QAM signal
Modulation Error Ratio (MER)
A method where additional data bits are added to the digital video bit stream to help identify and correct any errors that may be caused by the transmission system
Forward Error Correction (FEC)
This is displayed as a ratio of the number of errors to correct data bits and is given in scientific notation
Bit Error Rate (BER)
Defined as a condition where interfering signals leak into a cable network.
What is the limit for ingress between 5 and 42 MHz?
-30 dBmV
This device passes high frequencies well, but attenuates (or reduces) frequencies lower than the cut-off frequency..
High Pass Filter
Proof of Performance
These tests help to ensure that cable systems’ forward signals meet FCC standards as outlined in CFR 47, Part 76.605(a)(1-12) of the FCC regulations.
The Proof-of-Performance tests
Being able to carry and individually select different channels on a single cable by their unique frequency is called….
frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
Usually made of Aluminum, this device prevents ingress/egress and protects the electronics from the weather
Separates or combines the AC current’s two parts: the AC power and the RF broadband signals
Power Diplex
Compensates for the unequal attenuation properties of coaxial cable at different frequencies
Sometimes called a Mop-Up, this device is used to try and correct for any undesired peaks or valleys within the passband of the amplifier
Response Equalizer
Used to boost the return signals, its bandwidth ranges from 5 to 42 MHz.
Return Amplifier
This is used to divert a specific amount of signal from the feeder system and distribute it to 2, 4, or 8 output ports for connection of customer drops.
How many ports are represented on a circular tap symbol?
How many ports are represented on a square tap symbol?
How many ports are represented on a hexagonal tap symbol.
What is the lowest tap value?
These are low value taps that feed the internal splitter(s) directly without the use of a directional coupler
Terminating tap
When low frequency signals are not attenuated as much as high frequency signals in coax cable, it can result in the level of lower frequency signals exceeding the level of the higher frequency signals. What is this called?
reverse tilt
This is the medium that is used to transmit our signals from the headend to the customer.
coaxial cable
Four components of coaxial cable
Jacket, Outer Conductor (Sheath), Dielectric, and Center Conductor
What are the three basic parts of a fiber link?
the fiber cable, the transmitter, and the receiver
Private Branch Exchange
What is the money back guarantee for Business VoiceEdge or Business Trunks?
60-day money back guarantee
Where can customers go to learn about the Comcast Business Promise?
At what point in the installation process can a customer register an account online?
As soon as installation is scheduled.
What are the benefits of a customer registering their account online before the installation is completed?
- set up billing preferences2. get installation text reminders3.access to the Upware marketplace
Why would a non-customer activate an account with Comcast Business Internet?
to access the Upware marketplace
What Business Internet services do not include wifi?
Internet-only Starter, Hospitality Internet or Ethernet services
DPC3939B or DPC3941B
Model Number for the Business Wireless Gateway
Where can a customer go for more information on the Business Wireless Gateway? and download the manufacturer’s User Guide
How does a customer reset the Business Wireless Gateway?
Use a thin object to press the Reset Button on the back panel. Hold for 2-5 seconds, and then release
This is an online marketplace of cloud-based small business applications that are specifically built for business
Upware Market
A curated collections of business grade cloud solutions with simple access and account managment
Where would a customer go to download Norton Internet Security?
Upware Market
With this you have an on-the-go communications platform including:Microsoft Outlook, Windows Sharepoint, and Mobile Access
Hosted Microsoft Exchange
What is in a Web Hosting Starter Package?
the ability to build a 3-page website at your own domain, and 10 MB of storage space and 100 MB of data transfer
What is the cost of the Web Hosting Starter Package?
Included at no extra charge
How much storage space comes with the Web Hosting Business Package?
300 GB of storage space
How much storage space comes the Web Hosting Commerce Package?
400 GB of storage space
How does the Professional Web Hosting Package compare to the Commerce Package?
Professional has all of the functionality included in the Commerce Package with even more storage space.
In the Upware Market, where can a customer click to learn more about it?
Under getting started, click on Upware 101
What is EXCLUDED in the 30 day money back guarantee for Business Class Voice, Internet or TV?
Installation charges, fees, taxes or per-call charges
What website would a business class customer go to, to Manage their business WiFi hotspot directory information?
What is the model number of the Business Wireless Gateway?
DPC3939B or DPC3941B
Rings each user in the order they appear on the User List
Hunt Group
For assistance with non-emergency concerns or questions, Comcast Business Voice provides what service? (where available)
311 service
Comcast Business Voice provided this for users of the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) center for the hearing impaired.
711 abbreviated dialing
Telecommunications Relay Service
What information does Enhanced 911 provide?
The telephone number and location
What phone number can customers call with 911 related questions?
What number should a customer dial to get the latest traffic information?
An easy-to-remember number that connects you to community services like after-school programs, health services, food banks and other essential human services.
Planning Assistance “call before you dig” number
Directory Assistance number
What is the name of Comcast’s Paperless Billing?
What four social networks can a customer use to find information about Comcast Business class?
Linked-in, google plus, twitter, and facebook
What are the four types of Waves?
Sine, Square, Quasi-Square, and Sawtooth
What tool can locate impedance mismatches or microreflections on the network by using adaptive equalization and complex math?
Scout Flux
What is the measurement of how consistent the signal response is from the beginning to the end of the channel space?
What are the two types of distortion?
Linear and Non-Linear
How often does a cable modem communicate system information to the CMTS?
Every 20 seconds
What is the speed, radius, and frequency of 802.11ac?
1.3Gbps, 5Ghz, 300ft