Pharmacology - Topicals, Ophthalmics, and Otics Flashcards
The skin is the major organ and accounts for _____ of body weight
There are two types of glands in the skin:
Sebaceous glands
Sweat glands
What gland secrete sebum?
sebaceous gland
What glands can either be eccrine or apocrine?
Sweat glands
__________is a simple tube-shaped sweat glands, numerous in the palms of the hands and feet, and secrete fluids rich in glycogen and urea. Their function is to regulate body temperature.
eccrine gland
________are found primarily in the axillary, perineal and genital regions. Their secretions contain protein, carbohydrates and lipids. Body odor arises from bacterial decomposition of constituents of apocrine glands.
apocrine gland
_______is an excessive response to solar radiation in the presence of a sensitizing agent.
________is an abnormal sensitivity to light, especially sensitivity of the eyes, but it also includes the skin.
There are several categories of skin cancer:
Basal cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma
__________is slow growing, usually forms polyps and rarely metastasizes.
Basal cell carcinoma
_________grows more rapidly, cells tend to keratinize and metastasis is uncommon.
Squamous cell carcinoma
________is a precancerous condition resulting from over exposure to sunlight.
Actinic keratosis
The sebaceous glands may give rise to two common skin disorders:
Acne vulgaris
_________is a skin condition caused by excessive secretions, which gives the skin an oily appearance.
__________results from increased glandular activity at puberty, when the sebaceous glands enlarge and become more productive. Lesions are most common on the head and neck
Acne vulgaris
__________have been approved to treat wrinkles. Its causes a sloughing of the skin allowing new skin to form that is not wrinkled.
Retin A
What is pruritus?
______, also referred to as dermatitis, is a hot, itchy, red oozing skin condition.
_________produces patches of red, scaly skin that are slightly raised with defined margins.
_________is a chronic noncontagious condition that has no cure.
_________are virally caused epidermal tumors.
__________causes cold sores.
herpes simplex 1
___________is shedding of scales from the scalp that is more rapid than in other parts of the body
What is used for the management of Actinic keratosis ?
The skin and nails are susceptible to various fungal infections including:
Athlete’s foot
____________is a superficial but highly contagious, skin infection that is common in early childhood, particularly in warm humid climates where hygiene is poor. It is characterized by blisters and encrustations.
A __________is a boil usually from a staph infection of a sebaceous gland and associated hair follicle.
_________are masses of infected follicles with deeper penetration than furuncles
________is a chronic dermatologic disorder with an inflammatory vascular component.
Redness, small raised areas on skin, skin is sometimes broken.
How should topical steroids be applied?
in a thin layer
Two types of external parasites may use the human body as a host:
An infestation of lice is called _______
dilation of the eye
What is Conjunctivitis?
Pink eye
_________is the most commonly occurring eye disease. It is not curable. It is a chronic disorder characterized by abnormally high internal eye pressure that destroys the optic nerve and causes partial to complete loss of vision.
____________is earache, usually treated with prescription drugs.