Persian-01 Flashcards
چشم انداز عالی بود
The view was _sublime_.:
something that is sublime is so good or beautiful that it affects you deeply
این کتاب دنیای لوله کشی و نجاری آقایون رو ساده میکنه
This book _demystifies_ the male worlds of plumbing and carpentry.
to make a subject that seems difficult or complicated easier to understand, especially by explaining it in simpler language:
قلبش با عطش به سینتیا پر شده بود
- His heart was filled with longing for Cynthia.*
- longing for/*to
صورتش پر درد بود
لیزا پر از احساس گناه بود
Her face was racked with pain
Liza was racked by guilt.
to make someone suffer great mental or physical pain:
عرق خوری کرد
دوره زمان خرید
زمانی که برای کاری میگذاریم مخصوصاً با صرف هزینه یا عرق خوری
- They went on** a drinking **spree.;*
- a shopping spree*
on a spree;
a short period of time when you do a lot of one activity, especially spending money or drinking alcohol
چندین بیمارستان مهم در این زمان کارمنداشون رو کم میکنند
Several major hospitals are _cutting back on_ staff at the moment.
به مغزم فشار آوردم، سعی میکردم که اسمش رو به یاد بیارم
I racked my brains, trying to remember his name.
to try very hard to remember or think of something:
در سن 50 سالگی، هیچکدام از جذابیتهای جنسیش رو از دست نداده بود
جذابیت سفرهای خارحی
- At 50, she had lost none of her sexual allure.*
- the allure of foreign travel*
- *allure of**
شرایط توافق هنوز علنی نشده است
علنی شدن
The terms of the agreement have not yet been disclosed.
to publicly reveal something such as a fact or a name that has been kept secret
متاسفمم که نمی تونم چیزایی که بهم گفته شده رو بگم
I’m afraid I cannot _divulge_ what was said to me.
divulge to reveal important or personal information which was previously secret or unknown
قول داد که موضوع رو با نخست وزیر مطرح کند
- He promised to raise the issue with the Prime Minister*
- *raise** to mention a subject that people should start to discuss or think about. Raise is more formal than bring something up
تمایلی نداشت که موضوع پرداخت پول رو مطرح کنه
I was reluctant to _broach_ the subject of payment
broach to mention a subject that may be embarrassing or upsetting, or that may cause an argument
هنگ کنگ مطرح میشه به عنوان نمونه این نوع سیستم اقتصادی
- Hong Kong is often cited as an example of this kind of economic system.*
- *cite** to mention something as an example or proof of something else, or as a reason for something
بسیاری از شاعران غیرمستقیم این افسانه را مطرح کردند
- Many of the poets allude to this myth*
- *allude to something** to mention something in a way that is deliberately not direct
یک راه حل عملی
دیگه از لحاظ مالی مقدور نبود که کتابخونه باز بمونه
- a feasible solution*
- It was no longer financially feasible to keep the library open*
شاهکار برجسته/قابل توجه/بی نظیر
remarkable/considerable/incredible etc feat
یه روز داغ بود و استخر به نظر خیلی جذاب می اومد
It was a hot day and the water looked _enticing_.
something that is enticing attracts or interests you a lot
مارک دو سال سربازی رفت
دوره اون به عنوان رئیس
Mark _did_ a two-year stint in the army
a period of time spent doing a particular job or activity
stint in/at
stint as; his stint as chairman
سیتیزن شیپیش رو پس زد، نگرفت
She _renounced_ her citizenship
if you renounce an official position, title, right etc., you publicly say that you will not keep it any more SYN give up
اونها کم غذا و نوشیدنی تو عروسیشون نذاشتند
They didn’t _stint on_ food and drink at their wedding.
to provide or use too little of something
stint on
برای اینکه کم خودت نزاری، مطمین شو که پول کافی برای تمام خرجات داری
- In order to avoid stinting yourself, make sure you have enough money to cover all your expenses.*
- *stint yourself**
کارولین واقعاً تو مشکل بود
- Caroline was really in a bind*
- *in a bind**
an annoying or difficult situation
ما امسال 50 کارمند جدید استخدام میکنیم
We’re _taking on_ 50 new staff this year.
to start to employ someone → hire:
اینهمه کارزیاد نکنه، به پولش نمی ارزه
کار کردن
Don’t _take on_ too much work – the extra cash isn’t worth it.
to agree to do some work or be responsible for something
یک ساختمان جدید بدون دکوراسیون غیرلازم
a modern building with no _superfluous_ decoration
more than is needed or wanted SYN unnecessary
آلمان در هفتم می 1945 تسلیم شد
به تروریستها ده دقیقه وقت داده شد که تسلیم بشوند
Germany _surrendered_ on May 7th, 1945.
The terrorists were given ten minutes to surrender
to say officially that you want to stop fighting, because you realize that you cannot win
دیوارهای کلیسا که با نقاشیهای مذهبی تزیین شده بود
church walls _adorned_ with religious paintings
to decorate something
adorn something with something
شلغش بخاطر آسیب به تاخیر افتاده
سیاستهایی که بجای کمک به خانواده ها به عقب میندازند
prevent فرقش با
این یکی کلا مانع میشه و به تاخیر نمی ندازه
His career has been _hindered_ by injury.;
policies that will _hinder_ rather than help families
to make it difficult for something to develop or succeed SYN hamper
آموزش و پرورش یک امتیاز ویژه برای نخبگان بود
دیرآمدن یک امتیاز خاص برای خانمها هستش
امتیاز ویژه خاندان سلطنتی
Education was once the prerogative of the elite.
Arriving late is a woman’s prerogative
the royal prerogative
a right that someone has, especially because of their importance or social position
اون با سرعت زیادی از این شغل به اون شغل میپره
She rushes from job to job at a frenetic pace
frenetic activity is fast and not very organized SYN frantic
اون جعبه رو پرت کرد تو رودخونه
مردم شادی کردند و کلاهاشون رو تو هوا پرت کردند
- He flung the box into the river.*
- People cheered and flung their hats into the air.*
to throw something somewhere using a lot of force
یه نفری یه آجر رو پرت کرد تو پنجره
Someone _hurled_ a brick through his window.
to throw something with a lot of force
hurdle معنی مانع میده
قتل با قصد/نیت قبلی
_premeditated_ murder
a premeditated crime or attack is planned in advance and done deliberately
نمایش نامه خیلی احساسی و پر از چیزای پیش پا افتاده بود
The play is too sentimental and full of _bathos_.
a sudden change from a subject that is beautiful, moral, or serious to something that is ordinary, silly, or not important
در سخنرانیش، از مبالغه های زیادی استفاده کرد
مبالغه های روزنامه نگاری
In his speeches, he used a lot of _hyperbole_.
journalistic hyperbole
a way of describing something by saying that it is much bigger, smaller, worse etc than it actually is – used especially to excite people’s feelings
آدمای زیادی شام بدون گوشت یا ماهی رو به حساب نمی ارند
به حساب آوردن- در نظر گرفتن
Many people can’t _conceive_ of a dinner without meat or fish.
to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way
دانشمندان برای اولین بار به ایده ساخت بمب اتم در دهه 1930 فکر کردند
Scientists first _conceived_ the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.
to think of a new idea, plan etc and develop it in your mind
نبود دموکراسی و برابری مجبور کرد مظلومین رو که برای استقلال بجنگند
The lack of democracy and equality _impelled_ the oppressed to fight for independence.
if something impels you to do something, it makes you feel very strongly that you must do it
بخاطر رسوایی اون حس کرد بهتره استعفا بده
احساس درونی کردن
She _felt compelled_ to resign because of the scandal.
مجبور شدن
اگر اینجوری نشه، راه دیگه ای رو امتحان میکنیم
رودی روشش رو عوض کرد، صداش یه دفعه دوستانه شد
- If that doesn’t work, we’ll try a different tack.*
- Rudy changed tack , his tone suddenly becoming friendly*
tack = the way you deal with a particular situation or a method that you use to achieve something
یک روستای کوچک جالب و بامزه به نام ابیانه
a _quaint_ little village named Abyaneh
unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way
منزوی شدش بعد ازاینکه دود پسرش به قتل رسیدند
She became a recluse after her two sons were murdered.
someone who chooses to live alone, and does not like seeing or talking to other people
فرد خجالتی و درون گرا
a shy and _introspective/bashful_ person
tending to think deeply about your own thoughts, feelings, or behaviour
کسی که ظاهرش خیلی براش مهمه و همش فکر میکنه مردم چی راجع به ظاهرش میگند
آدمی که ساکته و میلی به صحبت نداره مخصوصاً بخاطر اینکه ناراح هستش
روزا بی فکر بود و یه موقع هایی از کارهایی که کرده بود پشیمون میشد
Rosa was _impulsive_ and sometimes regretted things she’d done.
someone who is impulsive does things without considering the possible dangers or problems first
repulsive معنی خیلی زشت میده مثل grotesque
شرکتی که به نحوی مدیریت شد که در زمان رکود موفق بود
a business which managed to _thrive__/do well_ during a recession
to become very successful or very strong and healthy
thrive / θraɪv / verb ( past tense thrived or throve / θrəʊv $ θroʊv / , past participle thrived ) [intransitive] formal
کل خونواده به نظر موفق بودند
The whole family seems to be _doing well_.
آقای ساکز بدون تردید/بدون شک خیلی جذابه
Mr Sachs is _indubitably_ charming.
اونها در حومه پاریس زندگی میکنند
They live on the _outskirts_ of Paris.
مربوط به اروپا میشه که مسولیت رهبری مسایل زیست محیطی رو بپذیره
It is up to Europe to _take on the_ _mantle_ of leadership _in_ environmental issues.
take on/assume/wear the mantle of something formal
to accept or have an important duty or job
پوششی از برف روی درختان خوابید
A _mantle_ of snow lay on the trees.
something such as snow or darkness that covers a surface or area
بعضی از کهکشانها به نظر میاد که مقادیر بسیار زیادی از انرژی رو آزاد میکنند
Some galaxies seem to release _prodigious amounts of_ energy.
prodigious amounts/quantities of something
very large or great in a surprising or impressive way
جک پیرنش رو تو شلوارش کرد
Jack _tucked_ his shirt _in_.
tuck something into/under/behind etc. something
to push something, especially the edge of a piece of cloth or paper, into or behind something so that it looks tidier or stays in place
دخترکی با موهای تیره و نیش خند موذیانه
a little girl with dark hair and an _impish_ grin
showing a lack of respect or seriousness in a way that is amusing rather than bad
مسایل سیاسی روابط بین انگلیس و روسیه را خراب کرده است
The affair has _soured_ relations between the UK and Russia.
sour to spoil a friendly relationship between people or countries:
روابط زناشویی شون بخاطر یک راز بدجوری کلاً خراب شده
Their marriage was _poisoned_ by a terrible dark secret.
poison to spoil a close relationship completely, so that people can no longer trust each other:
اگه هر تاخیری که باشه، باعث خراب شدن کل برنامه ریزی میشه
If there’s any delay, it will _mess up_ our whole schedule.
mess something up informal to spoil something important or something that has been carefully planned
شرکت متهم بود به فعالیتهای مشکوک حسابداری
فرض اینکه رشد یک کشور برای کل دنیا سودمند است خیلی غیرواقع بینانه هستش
- The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.*
- The assumption that growth in one country benefits the whole world is highly dubious.*
probably not honest, true, right etc
دوره گردی
hawk verb
سینه صاف کردن، خلط کردن
to cough up phlegm
hawk 2 verb
قدرتی که توسط مجلس بهش اعطا شده بود
بالاترین افتخاری که کشورش میتونست بهش اعطا کنه
the powers was _conferred on_ him by Parliament
- the highest honor that her country could confer on her*
- *confer** formal (اعطا کردن) to give someone an honour, a university degree, or the right or power to do something:
همچنین به اون عنوان “سفیر فرهنگی گرانادا” اعطا گردید
- He was also bestowed the title of ’Cultural Ambassador of Grenada’.*
- *bestow** formal (اعطا کردن) to give someone something to show how much they are respected, for example an honour, a title, or a gift – a very formal use:
معلم حضور و غیاب کرد
The teacher _called the roll_
(= read out the list of the names of the students, who then have to say if they are present).
منظر ایده آلیستیکی جامعه رو کاملا توضیح داد
- He set forth an idealistic view of society.*
- *set something** ↔ forth formal to explain ideas, facts, or opinions in a clearly organized way in writing or in a speech SYN set out
- *set** forth معنی عازم شدن هم میده
به نظر زمستون امسال زود داره میاد
رکود اقتصادی بیشتری در دهه 1930 رخ داد
اومدن، رخ دادن
Winter seems to be _setting in_ early this year.
Further economic decline set in during the 1930s.
if something sets in, especially something unpleasant, it begins and seems likely to continue for a long time
رفتنشون به خاطر زمستان سرد غیرطبیعی تسریع شد
Their departure was hastened by an abnormally cold winter.
to make something happen faster or sooner: تسریع کردن، شتاب دادن
یک کورس خسته کندده که، البته باید اضافه کنم، در عین حال خیلی هم باحال بود
an exhausting course, which, _I hasten to add_, was also great fun
used when you realize that what you have said may not have been understood correctly: البته اضافه کنم که
دویدند به سمت بیرون خونه
They _tore_ out of the building.
tear to run very quickly and without really looking where you are going, because you are in a hurry:
rush-hurry -race -tear -dash-hustle American English informal -hasten literary
سرشماری نفوس
de‧mog‧ra‧phy / dɪˈmɒɡrəfi $ -ˈmɑː- / noun [uncountable]
— demographer noun [countable]
the study of human populations and the ways in which they change, for example the study of how many births, marriages and deaths happen in a particular place at a particular time
کتاب سفرشو رو با جزییات خیلی دقیق شرح میده
در استفاده از کلمات خیلی دقیق بود
The book describes his journey in _meticulous_ detail.
He was meticulous in his use of words.
very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly: خیلی دقیق
کتاب نتیجه ده سال تحقیق طاقت فرسا هستش
The book is the result of ten years of _painstaking_ research.
painstaking using a lot of time and effort to do something in a very careful and thorough way:
مکانیکامون همه چیز رو چک میکنند. اونها خیلی دقیق هستند - از سیر تا پیاز
- Our mechanics will check everything – they’re very thorough.*
- *thorough** / ˈθʌrə $ ˈθʌroʊ, ˈθʌrə / (از اول تا آخر، تمام و کمال) careful to examine or deal with every part of something, so that you do not miss anything important:
این دفعه محققین از یک روش دقیقتر و مرتبتری استفاده کردند برای برخورد با مساله
This time the researchers used a more _methodical_ approach to the problem.
methodical (دقیق و مرتبتر) always doing things in a careful and well-organized way:
قانون جدید قدرت پلیس رو محدود میکنه
شدیداً محدود کردن
کاهش بودجه برنامه های آموزشی رو شدیداً محدود میکنه
The new law will _curtail_ police powers.
to reduce or limit something SYN cut: محدود کردن
severely/drastically curtail
Budget cuts have drastically curtailed training programs.
ساختمون رو خورد خورد درست شده
راه و روش قدم به قدم برای مساله
The buildings have been adapted _in a piecemeal fashion._
a _piecemeal approach_ to the problem
a process that is piecemeal happens slowly and in stages that are not regular or planned properly
هنوز نمی فهمم که منظورش چی بود
مارک نمی تونست بفهمه چرا اون اینقدر ازش عصبانی بود
I still can’t fathom out what she meant.
fathom how/why/where etc.
to understand what something means after thinking about it carefully SYN work out: درک کردن
Mark couldn’t _fathom_ why she resented him so much.
شرکت برای آدمهایی با خلق و خوی عصبانی مناسب نیست
خلق و خوی/طبیعت شاد داشتن
The film is not suitable for people of a nervous _disposition_.
have a cheerful/sunny etc. disposition (= have a happy character)
a particular type of character which makes someone likely to behave or react in a certain way SYN temperament خلق و خو، طبیعت
کفشهای مشکی براق
shiny black shoes
متن کلمه به کلمه مکالمات ما
قصه هاشون ضبط شد و به صورت کلمه به کلمه نوشته شد
- a verbatim account of our conversation*
- Their stories were taped and transcribed verbatim.*
repeating the actual words that were spoken or written SYN word-for-word verbatim account/quote/report etc
کلمه به کلمه
وقتی به در زدنش بی جواب موند، در رو باز کرد و نگاهی به تو انداخت
جواب گرفتن
When her knock _elicited_ no _response_, she opened the door and peeped in
to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult : جواب گرفتن
این تست از تصاویر استفاده میکنه تا بچه کلماتی رو در جواب بگویند
The test uses pictures to _elicit_ words from the child.
اون جوری که ما حیوانات رو میکشیم باعث وحشت آدمهای زیادی میشه
تصمیم اعدام اون دو نفر باعث وحشت سیاستمداران زیادی شد
The way we kill animals _appals_ a lot of people.
The decision to execute the two men has _appalled_ many politicians.
to make someone feel very shocked and upset SYN horrify: باعث وحشت شدن