Define Gross Performance
The average performance that a fleet of aircrafts should be able to achieve if satisfactorily maintained and flown with techniques described in the manuals
Define Net Performance
Gross Performance diminished to allow allow for various contingencies that cannot be accounted for operationally, such as variations in pilot techniques etc
Define the 4 Take-off Climb Performance
- 1st, from lift-off until landing gear is retracted
- 2nd, from gear up until acceleration starts at the
Flap Retraction Altitude - 3rd, acceleration phase until flaps are retracted
- 4rd, Clean climb at MCT until 1500 ft
What are the percentage gross climb gradients in the 4 Take-off Climb Performance Segments?
1st, more than 0,0%
2nd, 2,4%
3rd, 1,2% but normally flown level
4rd, 1,2%
What is the obstacle clearance requirements in the 4 Take-off Climb Performance Segments?
Clear obstacles by 35 ft
What is the net gradient in the 4 Take-off Climb Performance Segments?
Gross Gradient reduced by 0,8%
Up to what speed and weight is are Engine Inoperative Procedures assessed?
Green Dot Speed and MTOW
If MAX ACC ALT is calculated with a FLEX take-off, what happens to it if TOGA is used instead?
The MAX ACC ALT will increase due to higher level of thrust available and the increased climb potential in the 10 min time limit period
How is the required landing distance calculated on a dry runway?
ALD x 1,67
How is the required landing distance calculated on a wet runway?
ALD x 1,92
What is the benefit of using FLEX thrust on take off?
Reduces engine wear and reduces general costs
If crew needs to reduce the landing distance, in which order or priority should deceleration options be used?
- Auto BRK MED
What is the benefit of using a FLAP 3 configuration on approach?
It reduces both approach time and fuel consumption
When do we set the PACK FLOW selector to LO on a A320 and a A321?
A320, below 141 pax
A321, below 168 pax
How much can QNH decrease?
1 hpa if using FLEX
No buffer for TOGA