A-CDM Flashcards
What does A-CDM stand for?
Airport Collaborative Decision-Making
What does CTOT stand for?
Calculated Take-off Time
Time that a flight is expected to become airborne
What does EOBT stand for?
Estimated Off-Block Time
The estimated time at which the aircraft will start movement associated with departure
Is the time filed on the ATS flightplan
What does TOBT stand for?
Target Off-Block Time
The time that an Operator or Ground Handler estimates that an aircraft will be ready, all doors closed, pushback vehicle available and ready to start up/pushback immediately upon reception of clearance from the TWR
What does TSAT stand for?
Target Start-Up Approval Time
The time, from ATC, that an aircraft can expect start-up/pushback approval
Within what time frame around TSAT does an aircraft have to call for Pushback?
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