Pedia: Growth and Development Flashcards
Average birth length
50 cm
Average birthweight
3kg or 6lbs
Average head circumference at birth
33 - 35 cm
Average length at 1 yr
75 cm
Formula for number of teeth
Age in months - 6
Formula for weight, 1-6 yr old
(Age in yrs x 2) + 8
Formula for weight, <6 mos
(Age x 600) + BW
Formula for weight, 6 - 12 mos
(Age x 500) + BW
Increase in length for the 1st year
0 - 3: 9
4 - 6: 8
7 - 9: 5
10 - 12: 3
Formula for length
(Age in years x 5) + 80
Visual motor: Fixates and follows past midline Gross: head lag when pulled to sit but head hold while sitting Language: coos Social: social smile
2 mos.
Head control when prone
Fine motor: reaches for objects and MISSES
3 mos
Motor: Rolls over from supine; Reaches for objects and puts it in mouth
Language: orients to voice and laughs outloud
Disappearance of BOTH asymmetric tonic neck reflex and palmar grasp reflex
4 mos
Gross motor: Sits with support
Language inhibits to “no”; FOLLOWS one step command WITH gesture
Fine motor: transfers objects hand to hand
Social: enjoys mirror
7 mos
Fine: pincer grasp
Language: object permanence
Social: stranger anxiety
9 months