OB Proper (Fetus and Placenta) Flashcards
Risk factors for IUGR
Maternal weight <10th percentile
Previous IUGR
Mat. vascular/cardiac disease
Smoker, alcoholic, drug addict mother
Key differences of Symmetrical IUGR and Asymmetrical IUGR
BPD, AC, HC, FL decreased
Fetal etiology
only AC is decreased
Placental and maternal etiology
Clinical finding of IUGR
Poor maternal weight gain
Fundal height is >3cm less than expected
Diminished fetal movement
Reduced AFV
Normal AFI
24 poly
Key complications of Polyhydramnios
uterine dysfunction
Tx: Amniocentesis (1.5-2 L AF)
Indomethacin (impedes liquid production, beware premature PDA closure!)
Key complications of Oligohydramnios
Pulmonary hypoplasia Potter Sequence (Pulm. hypoplasia, oligohydramnios, twisted face, twisted skin
Tx: amnioinfusion
Gold standard diagnosis
UTZ: absence of fetal heart activity, scalp edema, fetal maceration
Radiographic signs
Robert sign: gas bubble in fetal heart, super sagittal sinus
Spalding sign: overlapping skull bones
Ball sign: exaggeration of fetal spinal curvature
When does DIC occur in IUFD?
Fetus > 14 weeks AOG
Death more than 4 weeks prior
Placental abnormalities
Multiple placenta with a single fetus
Placental abnormalities
One or more accessory lobes in the membranes at a distance from the periphery of the main placenta
Placental abnormalities
Placenta with a central depression surrounded by thickened grayish white membrane
Circummarginate has a thinner ring
UTZ finding in placenta accreta
lack of normal hypoechoic retroplacental zone
3 types of abnormal umbilical cord insertion
Marginal insertion (battledore placenta) Velamentous insertion (cord inserts at a distance from the placenta) Vasa previa (associated with velamentous insertion)
Cord abnormalities
True vs. false knot
True: from active fetal movements
False: kinking of vessels
Cord abnormalities
Cord becomes twisted
Cord abnormalities
extreme focal deficiency of Whartons jelly
Cord abnormalities
True vs. false cyst
True: remnant of umbilical vesicles
False: liquefaction of Wharton’s Jelly
Cord abnormalities
Associated with fetal edema and maceration
Most common form of twinning
Monochorionic, Diamniotic
twin-twin transfusion possible
Timeline of twinning
Day 0-3: Dichorionic diamniotic
Day 4-8: Monochorionic diamniotic
Day 9-12: Monochorionic monoamniotic
>Day 13-14: Conjoined twins
Twinning type with highest mortality
Associated with cord entanglement, twin-twin transfusion, fetal death, abnormal vascular connection
Fertility augmentation drugs
Clomiphene (8-13% rate)
HMG (42% rate)
Bromocriptine (1.2-1.8%)