when STJ is pronated, compression across the STJ is diminished
STJ pronation also decreases piling up of talus on the calcaneus in the frontal plane-decreases stability
-increases angulation between talus and calcaneus in the transverse plane-decreases stability
STJ pronators instability
if the STJ is abnormally pronated during propulsive period, MTJ will also be pronated at the OMTJ and LMTJ during the propulsive period when it should be supinated for stability
MTJ pronatory instability
motion outside the normal direction/plane of motion
STJ unstable to MTJ unstable to lesser tarsus unstable to entire foot unstable
forefoot hyper mobile during the latter part of midstance period and during propulsive period
forefoot hypermobility
deviation of the STJ axis so that it is more parallel to the transverse plane and more perpendicular to the frontal plane; more frontal plane motion and less transverse plane motion
planal dominance
what are the variables considered in pathomechanics?
STJ pronators instability
MTJ pronatory instability
forefoot hypermobility
planal dominance